Academic Staff Directory

Prof. Michael Horsfall Jnr



Michael Horsfall Jnr is a Professor of Analytical Environmental Chemistry. He received his PhD (1992) from the University of Port Harcourt and had his post-doctoral training at the Loughborough University, UK. He was a UNESCO research fellow to National University of La Plata, Argentina as well as Royal Society of Chemistry research fellow at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He has received research grants from International Foundation for Science, Sweden and Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. He has published more than 70 papers in peer-reviewed indexed journals which receive currently more than 50 citations annually. Horsfall is the Executive Editor of the Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management. He has attended several international conferences and given plenary or invited lectures in USA, UK, Ethiopia, Scotland, Egypt, Kenya, and Benin Republic. He has research collaboration with groups in Argentina, Scotland and Ethiopia. His current research area is trace metals speciation; production and optimization of activated carbon from agro-wastes for remediation of industrial and domestic effluents. He is the current Director of the Central Instrument Laboratory (CIL).

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Our research group is called Research in Analytical Chemistry & Environmental Pollution Studies (RACEPS) which consists of four co-workers as well as 10 PhD and 4 MSc students. Our current and on-going investigations are focused on the quantification and speciation of heavy metals in Nigerian seafood found in the Niger Delta region as well as imported seafood; production and optimization of activated carbon from agro-wastes for remediation of industrial and domestic effluents.