Faculty of Communication & Media Studies

History of the Faculty

The Faculty of Communication and Media Studies was carved out of the Faculty of Humanities. Forty years after her establishment, the Faculty of Humanities had grown to nine Departments: English Studies; Fine Arts and Design; Foreign Languages and Literatures; Linguistics and Communication Studies (formerly Linguistics and African Languages); History and Diplomatic Studies; Philosophy; Religious and Cultural Studies; Theatre and Film Studies (formerly Theatre Arts); and Music.

In 2017, a motion was moved in the Board Meeting of the Department of Linguistics and Communication Studies to revisit the programmes of the Department and possibly demerging the components into separate programmes or Departments. As the deliberations were ongoing, the National Universities Commission initiated the process of unbundling the Mass Communication Departments in Nigerian Universities to form the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies. At its 449th meeting held on the 29th of January, 2020, the Senate of the University of Port Harcourt, directed the Department of Linguistics and Communication Studies to work out modalities for the transition of the Communication component of the Department to a Faculty status in line with NUC proposal.

Following Senate directive, the Department of Linguistics and Communication Studies, recommended the establishment of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies with the following Departments: Broadcasting, Film and Multimedia Studies, Journalism and Media Studies, Public Relations and Advertising. The four Departments were carved out of the Departments of Linguistics and Communication Studies and Theatre and Film Studies, all in the Faculty of Humanities.

The proposal for the establishment of a new Faculty and four Departments was submitted to the Senate Committee on new Programmes and Policies (SCAPP). After due deliberation, the Committee recommended the Programmes to Senate. At its 458th Meeting held on Wednesday, 7th July, 2021, the Senate of the University of Port Harcourt unanimously approved the Establishment of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies. On the 18th of August 2021, the Governing Council of the University ratified the approval of the Senate for the establishment of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies and her four Departments.


In accordance with the vision of the University of Port Harcourt, the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies shall strive to make the University become a citadel of excellence among other Universities in Nigeria, committed to producing graduates who will be of service in any area of communication and media studies for national development and for service to humanity.


To achieve the above vision, the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies has the mission of pursuing academic excellence through quality teaching, academic research, training and promoting well-rounded communicators and media professionals who are equipped with the basic requirements to enable them cope with the challenges of a dynamic and ever changing world.


The Faculty of Communication and Media Studies is based on the philosophy that when qualified graduates are produced and empowered, they are equipped with skills and knowledge to function and assume their rightful place in a dynamic society and also based on the philosophy that graduates when empowered to assume their rightful place in society will avail both the industry and academia of the much needed manpower.

Aim and Objectives

The aim the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies is to avail future graduates the opportunities to develop a strong foundation in Communication and Media Studies that will enable them provide services in Media Outfits, Information Agencies, Film and Content Creation, and to meet the changing needs in the global labour market. Below are specific objectives of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies:

  1. To train students who would have, at the end of the Programme, been availed the opportunity to develop a strong foundation in both theoretical and practical dimensions of Communication and Media Studies;
  2. To produce graduates who will be equipped with knowledge and skills to render services to Media House (Print/Electronic), Information and Communication Outfit, Public Relations Unit of any recognized organization, Advertisement Agencies, Telecommunication Outfits, Publishing Houses, Printing Presses, Photography and Film Industry, or Marketing Department of a recognized establishment, etc.;
  3. To train communication and media  personnel  who will not only function as Professional Journalists, Public Relations Officers, Advertisers, Broadcasters, Marketers, Film producers, etc.,  in the industry, but also be self-reliant by establishing their own outfits;
  4. To provide students the opportunity for rigorous, objective and result-oriented scientific investigation into problems in Communication and Media Studies;
  5. To train students to contribute meaningfully to national development by equipping them with the basic skills and knowledge in news writing, editing, and filming for Television, newspaper and magazine production;
  6. To offer the graduates of Communication and Media Studies wider opportunity in the labour market, and
  7. To ensure that our students remain in the fore front of academic innovativeness that can make outstanding contributions towards national development, and
  8. To produce graduates of Film Production who would work in the industry as screenwriters, directors, cinematographers, editors, technical designers, costumiers, content creators, etc.
Prospects and Job Opportunities

The Faculty of Communication and Media Studies shall produce the following categories of graduates who would occupy varying positions in the society:

  1. Practicing Journalists who will work in wellestablished Newspaper or Magazine Outfits as Editors, Proofreaders, News Writers, Photojournalists, Columnists, etc.;
  2. Professional Communicators who will work as Reporters, Duty Continuity Announcers, News Casters, etc., in  Radio and Television stations;
  3. Public Relations Officers and Advertising Professionals and Consultants who will work in Public Relations Firms and Advertising Agencies as Copy Writers, Researchers, Clients Liaison Officers, Media Planners, Designers, etc.;
  4. Corporate Affairs  Professionals in charge of all organisational communication and promotion of corporations, their services or products;
  5. Media consultants or professional who will render services to their clients/employees on every segment of the integrated marketing communication, events management, corporate publications, stakeholder communications/relations;
  6. Information Officers who will work in Ministries of Information or Telecommunication Outfits;
  7. Consultants on Media Management or Crises Managers who will work in various Corporations and Agencies;
  8. Communication Educators who will teach in our higher Institutions of learning;
  9. Communication Professionals who may wish to establish their own Newspaper, Magazine, Radio or TV stations to be employers of labour rather than job seekers, and
  10. Film producers who would employ or engage artistes in Photography, Content Creation, and Film Industries to earn their living.