Uniport Policy

Professor Ndowa E.S Lale


1984-1987                   University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Ph.D (Agricultural Entomology).

1978-1981                   University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria. B.Sc (Hons.) Agriculture (Crop Science), First Class.

1976-1978                   Federal Government College, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. West African Advanced Level G.C.E. (Biology, Chemistry & Geography).

1972-1976                   Ascension High School, Ogale Eleme, Rivers State, Nigeria. West African School Certificate (Division I)




2014-date                    Member, TETFUND Screening and Monitoring Committee under

the  National Research Fund Intervention (Science, Technology and Innovation Sub-Committee)

2013-date                    Chairman Departmental Graduate Studies Committee


2012                            Contested for the position of Vice-Chancellor, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu, Rivers State and came first. The then Governor of Rivers State for strange political reasons appointed the 5th candidate.

2012 - date                  President, African Sustainable Development Network.

2011-2012                   Editor-in-Chief, Nigerian Journal of Entomology.

2008-2012                   Member, Governing Council, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt.

2008-2012                   Chairman, Disciplinary Committee, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt.

2008-2012                   Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt.

2008-2011                   Consultant to Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency on Songhai Rivers Initiative.

2006-2011                   Chairman, Graduate Results Verification Committee, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.

2005-2011                   Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt, Port                                             Harcourt

2005-2009                   Chairman, Board of Governors, University Demonstration 

                                    Secondary School, University of Port Harcourt.

2005-2011                   Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.

2005-2011                   Member, Committee of Provost and Deans, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.

2005-2011                   Chairman, Faculty Board, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.

2012-date                    Chairman Governing Council, Eleme Development Authority

2005-date                    Professor of Entomology, Department of Crop and Soil Science,

                                    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt, Port                                                                                  Harcourt.

2003-2005                   Professor of Entomology, Department of Animal & Environmental                                       Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Port                                               Harcourt.

2000-2003                   Professor of Entomology, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri.

1997- 2000                  Associate Professor of Entomology, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri.

1992- 1997                  Senior Lecturer (Agricultural Entomology), Department of Crop Science, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri.

1982-1992                   Assistant Lecturer & Lecturer (Agricultural Entomology), Department of Zoology, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.


1981-1982                   Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Science, Advanced Teachers' College, Katsina-Ala, Benue State.



1996-date        Has supervised and graduated several MSc and PhD candidates



1994-date        External Examiner (Undergraduate)

  • Sir Kashim Ibrahim College of Education, Maiduguri.
  • Federal University of Technology, Akure
  • Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  • Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt
  • University of Uyo, Uyo
  • Niger Delta University, Amasoma


1997-date        External Examiner (Post-Graduate)

  1. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi
  2. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
  3. Federal University of Technology, Akure
  4. University of Agriculture, Makurdi   
  5. Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt
  6. University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  7. University of Ibadan, Ibadan
  8. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  9. University of Uyo, Uyo
  10. University of Calabar, Calabar
  11. Federal University of Technology, Owerri
  12. Usmanu Danfodio University, Sokoto



1994 - 1996     Millet/Cowpea Intercropping Systems (National Agricultural Research

                        Project under the coordination of Lake Chad Research Institute,

                        Maiduguri, Nigeria).

1995 - 1996     Integrated Striga Control in cereals (National Agricultural Research Project

                        under the coordination of Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri,


1996 - 2003     Joint Coordinator for Nationally Coordinated Cowpea Research (National

                        Agricultural Research Project).



1999-1999       Coordinator, Postgraduate Studies, Department of Crop Science,                                           Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri,                                                  Nigeria.

2000-2002  Coordinator, International IPM Project involving Cameroon, Chad,                                          Niger, and Nigeria under the supervision of Lake Chad Basin                                                Commission (N’Djamena, Chad)




1992-2003       Actively participated in the production of the course structure and content for the graduate programme (MSc and PhD) for Crop Protection in the Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maiduguri

2003-2004       Member of the team of three that designed and implemented the curriculum for the MSc programme in Entomology and Pest Management in the Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt.

2005-2010       Led the team that produced the undergraduate course structure and content for the Bachelor’s degrees in Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Forestry and Wildlife Management for Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt.

2013                Led the team that produced the graduate studies course structure and content for the MSc and PhD degrees in Crop and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt



1989-date        Resource Extensionist on Pest Control and Pesticide Education for

                        Agricultural Development Programmes in Adamawa, Borno, Rivers and

                        Taraba States, Nigeria.



1990-date        Member, Entomological Society of Nigeria.

2007                Fellow of Entomological Society of Nigeria.



1990-1992       Chairman, University of Maiduguri Alumni Association, Rivers State


1985-date        Member Federal Government College, Port Harcourt, Old students




1. Ecology, biology and control of stored-product Coleoptera

2. Development of natural pesticides for the management of insect pests

3. Integrated management of stored-product Coleoptera in tropical post-harvest systems


PUBLICATIONS Over hundred journal articles and chapters plus books cited by over 264,000 people across the globe on the net (www.google.com)



1999–2000 Georg Forster Research Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt                Foundation). Institute for Plant Pathology & Plant Protection,                     Entomological Section, Georg-August-University,  Grisebachstr. 6, D-  37077    Goettingen, Germany)



 The Integrated Pest Management Project, an international project sponsored  by the African Development Bank (1999-2002) for the countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission which I coordinated, and the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (1999-2000) which I won built great capacity for my home university through donation of equipment/facilities and/or staff training.


1984 date:        I have created both local and life-long international linkages in Nigeria, the United Kingdom and Germany for teaching, research collaboration and possible exchange programmes for both staff and students.


  1. An enduring nationalistic disposition that is evident in the recruitment and staff (academic and non-academic) structure during my tenure as pioneer Dean in which virtually every geo-political zone in Nigeria is represented in the Faculty of Agriculture of the University.
  2. High competence in the academia, technocracy and administration.
  3. Deep appreciation of Emotional Intelligence/Literacy and empathy, skills that enable one to excel in interpersonal interactions, leadership and administration.
  4. Possession of an enviable degree of integrity, virtue that forms the solid foundation for building trust accounts with people when occupying leadership positions.
  5. Expertise  in conflict resolution and management.


1.         Professor Oyewusi Ibidapo-Obe, FAS, FAEng, OFR

            (Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Lagos)

            Now Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Ndufu Alike, Ikwo,

            Ebonyi State, Nigeria.

            +234803 402 1712; +234 0704 3300003

            This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


2.         Professor Steven Odi-Owei, FNSE, FAE, FAAS, FIDiagE, FNIMechE

            (Former Vice-Chancellor, Rivers State University of Science and Technology)

            Department of Mechanical Engineering

            Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu

            Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

            +23480 3309 3834

            This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

3.         Professor S.N. Okiwelu (Emeritus), FESN

Department of Animal & Environmental Biology,

University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

            +23480 3338 2424; +23480 5095 1156

            This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



A.      BOOKS  



  1. Lale, N.E.S. 1996. Dictionary of Entomology. Mole Publications (Nigeria) Ltd.,      

                        Maiduguri, Nigeria, 133 pp.


  1. Lale, N.E.S., Molta, N. B., Donli, P. O., Dike, M. C. and Aminu Kano, M. (eds.),  

                        1998. Entomology in the Nigerian Economy: Research Focus in the 21st                Century.  Entomological Society of Nigeria, Maiduguri, Nigeria. ESN                         Occasional Publication 31, 271 pp.


  1. Ofuya, T.I. and Lale, N.E.S. (eds.), 2001. Pests of Stored Cereals and Pulses in                  Nigeria : Biology, Ecology and Control. Dave Collins Publications, Akure,             Nigeria, 174 pp.


  1. Lale, N.E.S., 2002. Stored-Product Entomology and Acarology in Tropical Africa.             Mole Publications (Nigeria) Ltd., Maiduguri, Nigeria, 204 pp.


  1. Lale, N.E.S. 2006. Dictionary of Entomology and Acarology (Revised Edition).

                        Mole Publications (Nigeria) Ltd., Maiduguri, Nigeria, 294 pp.


  1. Lale, N.E.S. 2010 Stealthy Thieves in Homes and Food stores. Inaugural Lecture

Series No. 68 University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 60pp


  1. Lale, N.E.S. 2012 Research and Development in Nigeria: Realities, challenges and

solutions. First Annual Lecture at The federal University of Technology, Akure. Centre for Research and Development. Akure. 38pp


                                    Impact Books


      1.               Lale, N.E.S. and E. Osarolube. 2006. Biblical Principles for Successful Marriage. Springfield Publishers Ltd. 84 pp.


  1. Lale, N.E.S., 2008. Wisdom for Everyday Living. Springfield Publishers Ltd.


  1. Lale N.E.S. and Udeorah, S.A. (2011) Mentoring Giants: Man, His Environment,

Footprint and Legacy. A Tribute in Honour of Professor S.N. Okiwelu. Panam Nigeria, Port Harcourt, 101pp







    1.     Lale, N.E.S. (1991) The Biological effects of three essential oils on Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) [Coleoptera: Bruchidae]. Journal of African Zoology (Louvain-la-Neuve) 105: 357-362.


    2.     Lale, N.E.S. & Efeovbokhan, S.O. (1991) Resistance status of new cowpea cultivars to a storage insect pest, Callosobruchus maculatus. Postharvest Biology & Technology (Amsterdam) 1: 181-186.


     3.    Lale, N.E.S. (1992) Oviposition-deterrent and repellent effects of products from dry chilli pepper fruits, Capsicum species on Callosobruchus maculatus. Postharvest Biology & Technology (Amsterdam) 1: 343-348.


     4.    Lale, N.E.S. (1992) A laboratory study of the comparative toxicity of products from three spices to the maize weevil. Postharvest Biology & Technology (Amsterdam) 2: 61-64.


     5.    Lale, N.E.S. (1992) Collection and preservation of animal specimens, In: Field, Herbarium and Laboratory Techniques, Okoli, B.E. (ed.). Mbeyi & Associates Ltd, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, pp. 9-22.


     6.    Lale, N.E.S. (1993) A laboratory assessment of the effectiveness of four storage devices and Capsicum frutescens in the abatement of infestation of stored cowpeas by Callosobruchus maculatus [Coleoptera: Bruchidae]. Journal of African Zoology (Louvain-la-Neuve) 107: 39-43.


     7.    Lale, N.E.S. (1994) Laboratory assessment of the effectiveness and persistence of powders of four spices on cowpea bruchid and maize weevil in air-tight storage facilities. Samaru Journal of Agricultural Research (Samaru, Nigeria) 11: 79-84.


     8.    Lale, N.E.S. (1995) An overview of the use of plant products in the management of stored product Coleoptera in the tropics. Postharvest News & Information [CABI, Wallingford] 6:69N-75N.


     9.    Dudu, P., Lale, N.E.S. and Okiwelu, S.N. (1996) Susceptibility of three physical forms of three oilseeds to Oryzaephilus mercator and the effects of infestation on seed quality. Postharvest Biology & Technology  (Amsterdam) 7: 277-283.



   10.    Lale, N.E.S., Dudu, P. & Okiwelu, S.N. (1996) The effects of temperature and  humidity on oviposition and developmental period of Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel). Postharvest Biology & Technology (Amsterdam) 8: 75-79.


11.       Lale, N.E.S. and Sastawa, B.M. (1996) The effect of sun-drying on the infestation of the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) by post-harvest insects in the Lake Chad district of Nigeria.  International Journal of Pest Management (London) 42: 281-283.


12.       Lale, N.E.S. and Okunade, S.O. (1996) A survey on some aspects of fish processing in the Lake Chad District of Nigeria.  Annals of Borno (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 13: 362 -368.


13.       Lale, N.E.S. and Ajayi, F.A. (1996) Comparative effects of extraction solvents on the persistence and acute toxicity of seed extracts against the cowpea bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.).  Samaru Journal of Agricultural Research (Samaru, Nigeria) 13: 49-57.


14.       Dudu, P.O., Okiwelu, S.N. and Lale, N.E.S. (1998) Oviposition of Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) on Arachis hypogaea (L.) (Papilionaceae), Citrullus lunatus (Thund) (Curcubitaceae) and Irvingia gabonensis var. excelsa (Baill) (Irvingiaceae). Journal of Stored Products Research (London) 34: 37-44.


15.       Okiwelu, S.N., Dudu, P.O. and Lale, N.E.S. (1998) The effects of photoperiod on some aspects of the biology of Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae). Journal of Stored Products Research (London) 34: 189-193.


16.   Dudu, P.O., Okiwelu, S.N. and Lale, N.E.S. (1998) Attractancy of diethyl ether           extracts of Arachis hypogaea (Linnaeus) (Papilionaceael), Citrullus lanatus (Thunberg) (Curcubitaceae) and Irvingia gabonensis var. excelsa (Baillon)  (Irvingiaceae) to Oryzaephilus mercator (Fauvel) (Coleoptera: Silvanidae).  Journal of Stored Products Research (Oxford) 34: 237-241.


17.       Lale, N.E.S. and Kolo, A.A. (1998) Susceptibility of eight genetically-improved local  cultivars of cowpea to Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) in Nigeria. International Journal of Pest Management (London) 44: 25-27.




18.       Lale, N.E.S. (1998) Preliminary studies on the effect of solar heat on oviposition,                         development and adult mortality of the cowpea bruchid, Callosobruchus                              maculatus (F.) in the Nigerian savanna. Journal of Arid Environments                                 (Cambridge) 40: 157-162.



19. Lale, N.E.S. (1998) Neem in the Conventional Lake Chad Basin area and the threat

                       of Oriental yellow scale insect (Aonidiella orientalis Newstead) (Homoptera: Diaspididae). Journal of Arid Environments (Cambridge) 40: 191-197.


20. Lale, N.E.S. and Abdulrahman, H. T. (1998) Status of varietal resistance in the                                       management of cowpea seed bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)                                  (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in the tropics. In: Lale, N.E.S., Molta, N.B., Donli,                         P. O., Dike, M.C. and Aminu Kano, M. (eds.), Entomology in the Nigerian                          Economy: Research Focus in the 21st Century. Entomological Society of                             Nigeria, Maiduguri, Nigeria. ESN Occasional Publication 31: 187 - 202.


21. Okunade, S. O. and Lale, N.E.S. (1998) Assessment of damage to and loss of kolanut                            (Cola nitida Schott & Endl.) caused by kola weevils (Balanogastris and                               Sophrorhinus spp.) in Maiduguri (Nigeria). In: Lale, N.E.S., Molta, N.B.,                             Donli, P. O., Dike, M.C. and Aminu Kano, M. (eds.), Entomology in the                               Nigerian Economy: Research Focus in the 21st Century. Entomological                               Society of Nigeria, Maiduguri, Nigeria. ESN Occasional Publication 31:                               215 - 219.


22. Sastawa, B.M. and Lale, N.E.S. (1998) Effects of spatial and temporal variation on                          the population of the skin beetle (Dermestes maculatus Degeer) infesting                       smoke-dried African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in a depot in Maiduguri                       (Nigeria) and implications for its management. In: Lale, N.E.S., Molta,                          N.B., Donli, P. O., Dike, M.C. and Aminu Kano, M. (eds.), Entomology                        in the Nigerian Economy: Research Focus in the 21st Century.                                       Entomological Society of Nigeria, Maiduguri, Nigeria. ESN Occasional                         Publication 31: 259-265.


23. Lale, N.E.S. and Mustapha, A. (1998) Evaluation of acetone as a spreader for neem                              (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil applied to control Callosobruchus                               maculatus (F.) in stored cowpea.  Bioscience Research Communications                              (Ilorin, Nigeria) 10: 297-302.


24.  Lale, N.E.S. and Okunade, S.O. (1998) Preliminary observations on the infestation of                        dried fish by insect pests in the Lake Chad District of Nigeria. Nigerian

                   Journal of Agricultural Extension (Samaru, Nigeria) 11: 12-19


25.  Lale, N.E.S. and Ajayi, F.A. (1999) Effect of extraction solvents on the efficacy of                             Azadirachta indica A. Juss, Cannabis sativa L. and Citrullus colocynthis                            Schrad seed extracts in reducing oviposition, egg-hatch and adult

                    emergence in Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). Bioscience Research

                    Communications (Ilorin, Nigeria) 11: 21-27.


26.   Ajayi, F.A. and Lale, N.E.S. (1999) Evaluation of aqueous neem (Azadirachta indica                        A. Juss) seed extract and pirimiphos-methyl for control of tomato fruitworm,                       Helicoverpa (Heliothis) armigera (Hubner) in Maiduguri, Nigeria.                                      Bioscience Research Communications (Ilorin, Nigeria) 11:165-172.


27.    Lale, N.E.S. and Abdulrahman, H.T. (1999) Evaluation of neem (Azadirachta indica                        A. Juss) seed oil obtained by different methods and neem powder for the                              management of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in                          stored cowpea. Journal of Stored Products Research (London) 35: 135-143.


28.    Ajayi, F. A., Lale N.E.S. and Buahin, G.K.A. (1999) Effects of time of day and seed                          weight on the foraging activity of the harvester ant (Messor galla Forel) and                        crop losses associated with its infestation in the Nigeria Sudan savanna.                               Bioscience Research Communications (Ilorin, Nigeria) 11: 251-256.


29.       Ajayi, F. A., Lale N.E.S. and Joshua, S.D. (1999) Evaluation of neem (Azadirachta                           indica A. Juss) seed oil for control of tomato fruitworm, Helicoverpa                                 (Heliothis) armigera (Hubner) in Maiduguri, Nigeria.  Applied Tropical                             Agriculture (Akure, Nigeria) 4: 93-99.


30.       Sastawa, M.B., Lale, N.E.S. and Ajayi, F.A. (1999) Efficacy of ginger oil as a                       phytochemical insecticide for the control of Callosobruchus maculatus  

               (F.) in stored cowpea. Journal of Applied Science and Management  (Yola,   Nigeria) 3: 58-60.


31.       Anaso, C.E. and Lale, N.E.S. (2000) Evaluation of neem seed extracts for control

                        of some insect pests of okra in Nigerian Sudan savanna. Annals of Borno       (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 17: 171-180.




32.  Lale, N.E.S. and Mustapha, A. (2000) Potential of combining neem (Azadirachta                                 indica A. Juss) seed oil with varietal resistance for the management of the                           cowpea bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). Journal of Stored

                     Products Research (Oxford) 36: 215-222.


33. Lale, N.E.S. and Makoshi, M.S. (2000) Role of chemical characteristics of  the seed                           coat in the resistance of selected cowpea varieties to Callosobruchus                                   maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in Nigeria. International Journal of                        Pest Management (London) 46: 97-102.


34. Lale, N.E.S. and Okunade, S.O. (2000) Effect of weevil infestation on the caffeine content of stored kolanuts (Cola nitida Schott Vent. et Endl.) in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (Stuttgart) 107: 88 - 92.


35. Lale, N.E.S. and Yusuf, B.A. (2000) Insect pests infesting stored pearl millet

                  Pennisetum  glaucum (L.) R. Br. in northeastern Nigeria and their damage

                  potential. Cereal Research Communications (Hungary)  28: 181-186.


36. Anaso, C.E. and Lale, N.E.S. (2000) Correlation between the severity of damage by                           major insect pests and fruit yield of rainfed okra protected with neem seed

extracts in Nigerian Sudan savanna. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 1: 13-17.


37. Lale, N.E.S. and Ajayi, F.A. (2000) Suppressing infestation of stored pearl millet                                Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. by Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) with                                insecticidal essential oils in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Journal of Plant Diseases

                  and Protection (Stuttgart) 107: 392-398.


38. Lale, N.E.S. and Mustapha, A. (2000) Efficacy and acceptability of neem (Azadirachta                     indica A. Juss) seed oil and pirimiphos-methyl applied in three storage

devices for the control of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera:   Bruchidae). Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (Stuttgart) 107: 399-405.


39. Lale, N.E.S. and Vidal, S. (2000) Mortality of different developmental stages of                                       Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Pic.)                               (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in bambara groundnut Vigna subterranea (L.)

Verdcourt seeds exposed to simulated solar heat. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (Stuttgart) 107: 553-559.


40. Lale, N.E.S., Lawan, M. and Ajayi, F.A. (2000) Effects of temperature and yeast                                       supplementation on the development of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) in                            wholemeal and polished flour derived from four cereals in Maiduguri,

                     Nigeria. Journal of Pest Science (Berlin) 73: 89-92.


41. Sastawa, B.M. and Lale, N.E.S. (2000) Efficacy of host resistance, sowing date                                                       modification and intercropping as methods for the control of Pachnoda                               interrupta (Olivier) in pearl millet in the Nigerian Sudan savanna. Journal of                        Arid Environments (London) 46: 249-262.


42. Lale, N.E.S. and Sastawa, B.M. (2000) Evaluation of host resistance,                                                                        sowing date modification and intercropping as methods for the                                              control of Mylabris and Coryna species (Coleoptera: Meloidae) infesting

pearl   millet in the Nigerian Sudan savanna.  Journal of Arid Environments (London) 46: 263-280.


43. Lale, N.E.S., Ajayi, F.A. and Sastawa, B.M. (2000) Evaluation of                                                                      processing methods and insecticidal essential oils for the control of                                       skin beetles (Dermestes maculatus Degeer) infesting dried fish in                                         the Lake Chad district of Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture                                          (Akure, Nigeria) 5: 135-143.


44.    Ajayi, F.A. and Lale, N.E.S. (2000) Toxic and repellent effects of three edible spice                           oils on Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) infesting                              stored bambara groundnut Vigna subterranea  (L.) Verdcourt. Annals of                               Borno (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 17: 238-245.


45. Anaso, C.E. and Lale, N.E.S. (2001) Efficacy of neem kernel oil on                                                     Podagrica  spp., Sylepta derogata (F.) and Helicoverpa armigera                                        (Hb.) on okra in Sudan savanna of Nigeria. Journal of Arid                                                   Agriculture (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 11: 55-63.


46.    Anaso, C.E. and Lale, N.E.S. (2001) Evaluation of aqueous neem kernel extract for                            the control of major insect pests of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.)                                Moench) in Nigeria Sudan savanna. Journal of Arid Agriculture (Maiduguri,                       Nigeria) 11: 63-72.


47.   Lale, N.E.S. and Ajayi, F.A. (2001) Suppression of development of  Callosobruchus                          maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in bambara groundnut seeds exposed                        to solar heat in the Nigerian savanna. Journal of Pest Science (Berlin) 74:                            133-137.


48.   Lale, N.E.S. and Alaga, K.A. (2001) Exploring the insecticidal, larvicidal and

repellent properties of Piper guineense Schum and Thonn seed oil for the control of rust-red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum  (Herbst) in stored pearl millet Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (Stuttgart) 108: 305-313.


49.  Ajayi, F.A. and Lale, N.E.S. (2001) Susceptibility of unprotected seeds and seeds of                           local bambara groundnut cultivars protected with  insecticidal essential oils

to infestation by Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)  in Nigeria. Journal of Stored Products Research (Oxford) 37: 47-62.


50.  Lale, N.E.S. and Yusuf, B.A. (2001) Potential of varietal and Piper guineense  Schum                      and Thonn seed oil to control infestation of millet seeds and processed                                 products by Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Journal of Stored Products                               Research (Oxford) 37: 63-75.


51. Lale, N.E.S. and Vidal, S. (2001) Intraspecific and interspecific competition                                        in Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and Callosobruchus subinnotatus                                   (Pic.) on bambara groundnut, Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt.                                           Journal of Stored Products Research (Oxford) 37: 329-338.


52.   Ajayi, F.A. and Lale, N.E.S. (2001) Seed coat texture, host species and time of                                  application affect the efficacy of essential oils applied for the control of                                Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in stored pulses.                              International Journal of Pest Management (London) 47: 161-166.


53.  Lale, N.E.S. (2001) The impact of storage insect pests on post-harvest losses and their                       management in the Nigerian agricultural system. Nigerian Journal of                                   Experimental and Applied Biology (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 2: 231-239.


54.  Lale, N.E.S. and Ofuya, T.I. (2001) Overview of pest problems and control in the                             tropical storage environment, pp. 1-23. In: Ofuya, T.I. and Lale, N.E.S.                               (eds.), Pests of Stored Cereals and Pulses in Nigeria: Biology, Ecology and                          Control. Dave Collins Publications, Akure, Nigeria, 174 pp.


55.   Lale, N.E.S. (2001) Integrated pest management in tropical storage environment, pp.                        148-163. In: Ofuya, T.I. and Lale, N.E.S. (eds.), Pests of Stored Cereals and                        Pulses in Nigeria: Biology, Ecology and Control. Dave Collins Publications,                       Akure, Nigeria, 174 pp.


56. Ajayi, F.A., Sastawa, B.M. and Lale, N.E.S. (2001) Evaluation of carbofuran for the                           control of harvester ant (Messor galla Forel) in the Nigerian Sudan savanna.                        Applied Tropical agriculture (Akure, Nigeria) 6: 1-5.


57. Lale, N.E.S. and Ehisianya, C.N. (2001) Effects of level of initial infestation, crop                               variety and storage duration on the population dynamics of Callosobruchus                         maculatus (F.) and damage to stored cowpea. Applied Tropical Agriculture                        (Akure, Nigeria) 6: 63-73.


58.  Lale, N.E.S. and Igwebuike, J.U. (2002) Field infestation of Faidherbia (Acacia)                               albida (Del.) A. Chew. pods by stored product Coleoptera in the Nigerian                            savanna and effect of infestation on nutrient quality. Journal of Arid                                    Environments (London) 51: 103-112.


59.  Lale, N.E.S. and Maina, Y.T. (2002) Evaluation of host resistance, solar heat and                              insecticidal essential oils for the management of Caryedon serratus (Olivier)                         (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) infesting groundnut seeds and tamarind pods in                              storage. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (Stuttgart) 109: 410-420.


60.  Anaso, C.E. and Lale, N.E.S. (2002) Spraying intervals and cost-benefit of using                                aqueous neem kernel extract and deltamethrin against some foliage and fruit                        pests of okra in Sudan savanna of Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable                                       Agriculture and Environment (Umudike, Nigeria) 4: 122-128.


61. Sastawa, B.M., Lale, N.E.S. and Ajayi, O. (2002) Evaluating host plant resistance and                       sowing date modification for the management of the stem borer, Coniesta                            ignefusalis Hampson and the head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella de                                Joannis infesting pearl millet in the Nigerian Sudan savanna. Journal of Plant                       Diseases and Protection (Stuttgart) 109: 530-542.


62. Lale, N.E.S., Ajayi, F.A., Sastawa, B.M. and Odo, P.E. (2002) Effects of grain                                  breakage and processing method on the development of Tribolium castaneum                     (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in grains and products obtained from                           cultivars of dry season (Masakwa) sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench) in                          Maiduguri, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology                         (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 3: 45-49.


63.  Lale, N.E.S. (2002) Bioactivity and limitations against widespread use of neem

products as alternatives to synthetic insecticides for the management of insect pests of  stored agricultural products in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 3: 115-124.


64. Lale, N.E.S. (2002) Toxicity of three insecticidal essential oils and their                                                        monoterpenoid constituents to two strains of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)                       in stored cowpea. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology                           (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 3: 281-287.


65. Lale, N.E.S. and Maina, Y.T. (2003) Influence of carrier solvent on the efficacy of

        neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil applied for the control of                        Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Journal of Plant                Diseases and Protection (Stuttgart) 110: 492-498.


66. Lale, N.E.S. and Modu, B. (2003) Susceptibility of seeds and flour from local wheat    

                   cultivars to Tribolium castaneum infestation in storage. Tropical Science    

                   (London) 43: 174-177.


67. Lale, N.E.S. and Vidal, S. (2003) Simulation studies on the effects of solar                                           heat on egg laying, development and survival of Callosobruchus                                          maculatus (F.) and Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Pic.) in  stored bambara                            groundnut, Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt. Journal of Stored Products                            Research (Oxford) 39: 447-458.


68. Lale, N.E.S. and Vidal, S. (2003) Effect of constant temperature and                                                     humidity on oviposition and development of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)                        and Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Pic.) in stored bambara groundnut, Vigna                        subterranea (L.) Verdcourt. Journal of Stored Products Research (Oxford)                         39: 459-470.


69. Lale, N.E.S. and Lawan, M. (2003) Susceptibility of local bambara groundnut                                   (Vigna subterranea Verdcourt) cultivars to infestation by Callosobruchus                              subinnotatus (Pic.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in storage. Journal of Research

in Science and Management (Akure, Nigeria) 1: 6-12.


70. Maina, Y.T. and Lale, N.E.S. (2003) Integrated control of Callosobruchus                                            subinnotatus (Pic) infesting local bambara groundnut cultivars in storage

using varietal resistance and neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil. Applied Tropical Agriculture (Akure, Nigeria) 8: 1-8.


71. Maina, Y.T. and Lale, N.E.S. (2004) Integrated management of Callosobruchus                                   maculatus (F.) infesting cowpea seeds in storage using varietal resistance,                            application of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil and solar heat.                              International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (Pakistan) 6: 440-446.



72.  Lale, N.E.S. and Sastawa, B.M. (2004) Influence of initial pest density on the survival                      and development of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera:

Tenebrionidae)  in broken grains of three physiological types of pearl millet and nine cultivars of  wet season sorghum. Nigerian Journal of Entomology (Zaria, Nigeria) 21: 32- 42.


73. Sastawa, B.M. and Lale, N.E.S. (2004) Evaluation of intercropping for the                                                              management of the stem borer (Coniesta ignefusalis Hampson) and the head                            miner (Heliocheilus albipunctella de Joannis) in different varieties of pearl                          millet in the Nigerian Sudan savanna. Environtropica (Ile-Ife, Nigeria) 1:   



74.   Lale, N.E.S. and Maina, Y.T. (2004) Use of varietal resistance and neem seed oil for                                     the management of infestation of bambara groundnuts by Callosobruchus                            maculatus (F.) and Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Pic). Environtropica (Ile-                         Ife, Nigeria) 1: 88-95.


75. Maina, Y.T. and Lale, N.E.S. (2004). Influence of varietal differences on                                                              interspecific competition between Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and                                   Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Pic.) on bambara groundnut. Journal of                                   Research in Science and Management (Akure, Nigeria) 2: 1-6.


76. Maina, Y.T. and Lale, N.E.S. (2004) Efficacy of integrating varietal resistance                                      and neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil for the management of                                  Callosobruchus maculatus infesting bambara groundnuts in storage.

                        Nigerian  Journal of Entomology (Zaria, Nigeria) 21: 94-103.


77. Kabeh, J.D. and Lale, N.E.S. (2004) Effect of pre-harvest sprays of neem seed                                       products and pirimiphos-methyl and harvest time modification on                                         infestation of cowpeas by storage bruchids in the field and store in                                        Maiduguri, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Entomology (Zaria, Nigeria) 21:                             104-116.


78. Maina, Y.T. and Lale, N.E.S. (2004) Integrated management of Callosobruchus                                   maculatus (F.) infesting cowpea seeds in storage using varietal resistance,                            application of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil and solar heat.                             International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (Pakistan) 6: 440-446.


79.  Lale, N.E.S. and Kabeh, J.D. (2004) Pre-harvest spray of neem (Azadirachta indica A.                       Juss) seed products and pirimiphos-methyl as a method of reducing field                              infestation of cowpeas by storage bruchids in the Nigerian Sudan savanna.                           International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (Pakistan) 6: 987-993.


80. Maina, Y.T. and Lale, N.E.S. (2004) Effects of initial infestation and interspecific                              competition on the development of Callosobruchus subinnotatus (Pic.) in                             bambara groundnut Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdcourt. International

                        Journal  of Agriculture  and Biology (Pakistan) 6: 1059-1061.


81. Lale, N.E.S. and Maina, Y. (2005) Residual activity of neem (Azadirachta indica A.                            Juss) seed oil on Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) infesting cowpeas in

storage and effect of pre-cooking treatment on consumer acceptability of cooked cowpea  seeds. Scientia Africana (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) 4: 11-18.


82. Maina, Y.T. and Lale, N.E.S. (2005) Influence of duration of storage of insecticidal                            plant oil and oil-treated seeds on the efficacy of neem seed oil in the control

                        of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) infesting stored cowpeas.

                        Nigerian Journal of Entomology (Zaria, Nigeria) 22: 54-63.


83. Lale, N.E.S. and Kartay, M.O. (2006)  Role of physical characteristics of the seed in                          the resistance of local cultivars of maize to Sitophilus zeamais infestation in                         storage. Tropical Science (London) 46: 1-3.


84. Maina, Y. and Lale, N.E.S. (2006) Effect of seasonal variation in temperature and                               humidity on the development of Callosobruchus maculatus and the efficacy

of neem seed  oil applied for its management in the Nigerian Sudan savanna. Tropical Science (London) 46: 50-54.


85. Turaki, J.M.,  Sastawa, B.M., Kabir, B.G.J. and Lale, N.E.S.  (2007) Susceptibility of

flours derived from various cereal grains to infestation by the rust-red flour beetle (Tribolium casteneum Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in different seasons. Journal of Plant Protection Research (Poznan, Poland) 47:279-288.


86. Zakka, U., Dimpka, S.O.N. and Lale, N.E.S.  (2009) Morphometric studies of different

developmental stages of Dermestes maculatus (DeGeer, 1776) (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences (Pakistan) 1: 99-101.


87. Sastawa, B.M. Turaki, J.M., Kabir, B.G.J. and Lale, N.E.S. (2009) Effects of resource

conditioning, season and intraspecific interaction on progeny development in Tribolium casteneum. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology (Pakistan) 11:158-162.



88. Zakka U, Sastawa, B.M. and Lale, N.E.S. (2009) Effects of sucking bugs (Hemiptera:

Alydidae) infestation on yield of intercropped cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.] in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Entomology (Zaria, Nigeria) 26:57-62


89. Ehisianya, C.N., Omodamiro, R.M., Oti, E., Echendu, T.N.C., Zakka, U., Lale, N.E.S.,

Umeozor, C., Emeosor, K.C. and Ohiakuare, O.D. (2010) Evaluation of Losses caused by Tribolium casteneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) to processed sweet potato varieties in storage. Nigerian Agricultural Journal (Umuahia, Nigeria) 41: 90-98.


90.  Zakka, U., Lale, N. E. S. and Okereke, V. C. (2010) A survey of pests of stored

Ginger [Zingiber officinale (Rosc.)] in some selected markets in Rivers State, Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research (Nairobi) 5: 2529-2534


91.  Lale, N.E.S. and Umeozor, O.C. (2011) Mentoring Giants. In Lale N.E.S. and

Udeorah, S.A. (eds.), Man, His Environment, Footprint and  Legacy. A Tribute in Honour of Professor S.N. Okiwelu. Panam Nigeria, Port Harcourt, 101pp


92. Ehinsianya, C.N., Lale, N.E.S., Umeozor, O.C., Amadi, C.O. and Zakka, U. (2011)

                        Evaluation of effectiveness of variety, tillage method and time of harvest

on sweetpotato yield and the population of sweet potato weevil, Cylas puncticollis (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Brenthidae). International  Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research (Oxford) 1:165-183.


93.  Zakka U, Lale, N.E.S. and Gbarakoro, T.N. (2011) The performance of Spintor dust

                        and Actellic dust 2% dust for the management of  Sitophilus zeamais

(Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in different maize varieties in the Niger Delta. Scientia Africana (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) 10:76-81.


94.  Lawan, M., Sastawa, B.M and Lale, N.E.S. (2011) Potentials of variety and plant

spacing in reducing damage to rainfed and irrigated tomato by the tomato fruitworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) at Maiduguri, Nigeria. Journal of Arid Agriculture (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 20:120-129.


95. Lawan, M., Sastawa, B.M and Lale, N.E.S. (2011) Evaluation of mulching material

and planting date on damage to rainfed and irrigated tomato by the tomato frutiworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) at Maiduguri, Nigeria. Journal of Arid Agriculture (Maiduguri, Nigeria) 20: 80-89.


96. Zakka U., Lale N.E.S. and Umeozor, O. C. (2013) Evaluation of the performance of

different maize varieties to Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) infestation in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences (Jordan) 6: 99-104.


97. Lale N. E. S., Zakka U., Atijegbe S. R., Chukwu. O. (2013). The Response of

Different Maize Varieties to Three Generations of Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.) Infestation. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (California) 3:244-248.


98. Zakka, U., Lale, N.E.S., Duru, N.M  and Ehisianya, C.N. (2013) Response of chips

and flour from four cultivars of Dioscorea rotundata yam varieties to Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) infestation in storage.  African Journal of Agricultural Research (Nairobi) 8: 6629-6633.


99. Atijegbe, S.R., Nuga,  B.O.,  Lale, N.E.S.  and Nwanna, R.O.  (2013) The growth

of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in the  humid tropics and the incidence of insect pests as affected by organic and inorganic fertilizers. Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture (Jordan) 8: 1172-1178.


100.  Zakka, U., Lale, N.E.S. and Umeozor, O.C. (2014) Field application of λ-

cyhalothrin 2.5 EC on maize cobs for the management of Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) infestation in the field and store.  Advances in Life Sciences (California) 4: 1-11.


101.  Atijegbe, S.R., Nuga,B.O.,  Lale, N.E.S. and Osayi, R.O. (2014) Effect of organic

and inorganic fertilizers on Okra  (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) production and incidence of insect Pests in the humid tropics. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (Cairo) 7: 25-30.


102.  Lale, O.O., Ezekwe, L.C. and Lale, N.E.S. (2014) Effects of spent lubricating oil

pollution on some chemical parameters and growth of cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata Walpers). Resources and Environment (California) 4: 173-179.


 103. Lale, N.E.S., Udo, E.S. and Ana, G.R.E.E. (2014) The impact of the oil and gas

industries on sustainable development in Nigeria’s Niger Delta Region. African Journal of Sustainable Development 4:175-197.





104. Atijegbe, S.R., Lale, N.E.S., Zakka, U., Atuakpoho, D.E. and Ehisianya, C.N. (2014)

Response of chips from different varieties of yam to larger grain borer (LGB) (Prostephanus truncatus) (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) infestation. Journal of Entomology and Nematology (India) 6: 140-144. 


105.  Zakka U., Lale, N.E.S. and Umeozor, O.C. (2015) Efficacy of combining varietal

resistance with harvest time and planting date for management of Sitophilus  zeamais Motschulsky infestation in stored maize. Journal of Stored Products Research (Oxford) 60: 31-35.




1.         Anaso, C.E., Lale, N.E.S., Aminu-Kano, M. and Anaso, A.B. (1998). Use of pesticidal plant extracts for pest control in pearl millet based cropping systems. In: Emechebe, A.M., Ikwelle, M.C., Ajayi, O., Aminu-Kano, M. and Anaso, A.B. (eds.), Pearl Millet in Nigerian Agriculture:  Production, Utilization and Research Priorities. Lake Chad Research Institute, Maiduguri, Nigeria pp.154-160.


2.         Lale, N.E.S., Aminu-Kano, M. and Turaki, Z.G.S. (1998). Strategies for safe storage of pearl millet, Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. grain against insect infestation in Nigeria. In: Emechebe, A.M., Ikwelle, M.C., Ajayi, O., Aminu-Kano, M. and Anaso, A.B. (eds.), Pearl Millet in Nigerian Agriculture: Production, Utilization and Research Priorities.  Lake Chad   Research Institute, Maiduguri, Nigeria pp.161-170.

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