- Details
- Published: 07 February 2012
ISSN 1119-8362
An international journal published quarterly by the World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Programme (NARP) – University of Port Harcourt and Supported by Institute of Petroleum Studies (IPS) – University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria and Swets Information Services BV, The Netherlands. Currently Abstracted/Indexed by: Chemical Abstracts, BIOSIS Abstracts, Aqualine Abstract, CABS Abstracts, Bioline Abstracts, AJOL Abstracts, ASFA Abstracts, EBSCO, Pro-Quest, etc. Available Online at:;;;;
AIMS AND SCOPE: The journal publishes original research findings and occasional interpretative reviews on applied sciences and environmental management. In other words, papers from medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing, health, sciences, engineering and social sciences will be considered provided the testing and reporting meet current standards of adequacy. The journal’s editorial policy reflects the need for high quality manuscripts. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by not less than two reviewers.
Owner/Publisher: World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Programme (NARP), Faulty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Publishing house: Sarah Publishers
Executive Editor: Prof. Michael Horsfall Jnr
Editorial Board Members: Prof. A. I. Spiff
Prof. F. D. Sikoki
Prof. B. L. Nyananyo
Prof. O. Osibanjo
Prof. T. J. T. Princewill
Prof. W. A. L. Ionfuo
Prof. A. S. Ekine
Dr. B. S. Kinigoma
Editorial Advisory Members: Prof. K. Furuya, Tokyo, Japan
Dr. D. Nyamah, Kumasi, Ghana
Dr. A. Walcourt, Maryland
Dr. T. E. Edmonds, Loughborough, UK
Prof. G. E. Ekosse, South Africa
Dr. E. Abili, California, USA
Managing Editor/Secretary: Ms Pere Adowei
Frequency: Quarterly (March, June, September and December)
Impact Factor: Not available
Annual Subscription
Nigeria Other Countries
Libraries, institutions, Industrial establishments N25,000 US$2,500
Students N5,500 US$100
Individuals N10,500 US$680
All correspondence should be addressed to:
Prof. Michael Horsfall Jnr,
Executive Editor, JASEM,
Department of Pure & Industrial Chemistry,
University of Port Harcourt, Ofrima Hall Room 436
PMB 5323,
Port Harcourt,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +234-803-507-9595
Manuscripts should be written in English and must be typed with double using Times New Romans and font 12.
TYPES OF CONTRIBUTIONS: Original research papers; review articles; case studies; short communications; reports of conferences and meetings: book reviews, forthcoming meetings: Advertisements.
Copyright of all published articles belongs to JASEM Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a public lecture, review or thesis); and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
A. Title: use lower caption capitalizing letter of nouns and pronouns.
B. Author(s) Name: use all capitals;
C. Author(s) Address: provide e-mail of all authors:
D. ABSTRACT: Should not exceed 250 words.
E. INTRODUCTION: Two or three paragraphs that concentrate on the relevance of the study to applied sciences & environmental management suffice for this section with recent references.
F. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Do not underline: use all capitals for the section heading. Use italics for subheadings if they are unavoidable.
G. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Do not use subheadings. Do not underline: use all capitals for the section heading.
H. Acknowledgements: This should appear as a separate paragraph two spaces below the last paragraph of the text. Acknowledgements should be limited to six lines. Acknowledgement should include funding sources.
I. REFERENCES: Use the Standard Chicago Style. References are single-spaced and appear in alphabetical order. All papers cited in the text should be given in parentheses, e.g., Georges-Ivo, 2005; Horsfall and Spiff, 2005; Klungness et al., 2005) except when the author is mentioned, e.g., ‘‘and the study of Hillman and Tasca (1989)’’. Reference should be limited to one page, very relevant and up to date. Reference listing at the end of the text should be by author’s name, citing all authors (Surnames followed by initials throughout; according to the following examples: Journals: Horsfall, M Jnr; Abia, A A (2003). Sorption of Cd (II) and Zn (II) from aqueous solutions by cassava waste biomass (Manihot esculenta Cranz). Wat Res 37: 4910 – 4923.
Georges-Ivo, E E (2005). Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry and X-ray powder diffraction as complimentary techniques in characterizing clay size fraction of kaolin. J Appl Sci Environ Manage 9 (2): 43 - 48. Books: Meltzer, Y L (1971). Hormonal and Attractant Pesticide Technology. Noyes Data, Park Ridge, N.J p422. Work in an edited Collection: Latey, J (1985). Relationship between soil physical properties and crop production. In: Stewart BA (ed) Advances in Soil Science Vol. 1 Springer-Verlag, New York, p277.
References by the same author(s) are arranged chronologically. If more than one reference by the same author(s) published in the same year is cited, use a, b, etc after the year of publication in both text and list.
All manuscript should be submitted electronically as attachment to the Editorial Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.