Department of Animal Science
Animal Science
- Details
- Published: 11 February 2019
Name of Head of Department:
Prof. Anthonia I. Ukanwoko
Contact E-mail:
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The Department of Animal Science formerly known as the Department of Animal Science and Fisheries was created alongside three others namely: Agricultural Economics and Extension, Crop and Soil Science, and Forestry and Wildlife Management at the inception of the Faculty of Agriculture in 2005. The Department awards the Bachelor of Agriculture (Animal Science) degree to students upon graduation after a five-year programme.
Our vision is to be recognized as leaders amongst entrepreneurial and research-intensive departments and as key players in the training of graduates that will acquire sufficient practical skills and theoretical knowledge to engage in teaching, research, entrepreneurial and other related activities in the Animal Industry.
Our philosophy is to produce animal scientists with the right competence that would enable them to harness the tremendous opportunities in agriculture through designing appropriate technologies that are demand-driven in response to local needs for sustainable animal agriculture and livestock production that is economically viable and profitable, socially acceptable, and environmentally friendly.
a). To produce the appropriate manpower equipped with necessary skills to establish and profitably operate animal and livestock enterprises;
b). To improve the genetic stock and introduce scientific animal and livestock management in the Delta Creek ecosystem.
c). To promote animal and livestock production and productivity by local small scale farmers, thereby providing solutions to the country’s animal science and livestock production problems and challenges.
d). To equip our graduates with the right technical and entrepreneurial skills and capacity necessary to appropriate their scientific knowhow for the development of practical solutions and the advancement of the animal and livestock sub-sector.
e). To design appropriate technologies that would be demand-driven in response to local needs and resolve ecological challenges for increased and sustainable animal agriculture and livestock productivity.
a. Admission Requirements:
Candidates seeking admission into the programme must:
i.Pass the UTME, which must include Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics, and Biology or Agricultural Science and meet up the University (Uniport) minimum score for the session in view.
ii.Pass the Post-UTME screening exercise of the University and meet up the requirements for the Faculty.
iii.Possess five credits in GCE/SSCE/NECO in the following subjects: Mathematics, English Language, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and any one of Physics, Economics or Geography at not more than two sittings.
b. Structure and period of studies in the Universities, Industrial Training, planned visit and projects.
Students spend a minimum of five academic sessions (that is, 10 semesters) to complete the programme. The students are first exposed to external farm environment courtesy of farm practice and field course at 200 and 300 Levels, respectively that require excursions and field trips to any functional farm, usually an integrated farm within or outside the state. The whole of the fourth year is used for Industrial Training (IT) programme (also referred to as the Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme; SIWES) at relevant farms and/or institutions.
Presently, the Department places or sends students on IT to:
i)Domita Farms – Uyo in AkwaIbom State;
ii)Fidelity Farm – Omagwa in Rivers State;
iii)Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA) – Songhai Farms Bunu-Tai, Rivers State;
iv)The African Regional Aquaculture Centre (ARAC) – Aluu in Rivers State;
v)The Faculty of Agriculture Demonstration Farm as well as the University Teaching and Research Farm.
Also, as part of strategies to strengthen our relationship with the industry partners for the IT programme to enhance the practical skills of students, we have also signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Domita Farms and Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSSDA) – Songhai Farms Bunu-Tai, Rivers State and has been sending students to these farms for a more sustainable and mutually rewarding IT programme (SIWES).
Every student is made to initiate and complete a project under the supervision of one or more lecturer(s), depending on the nature of the project. Such projects are, usually, part of courses in the second semester of the final year and are core/compulsory for each student. Such projects must be passed as students are expected to be successful at both oral examinations (viva voce) by the internal examiner(s) and the external examiner
Registration of Courses
1The period for normal registration is the first three weeks of each academic year, excluding the orientation week.
2The period for late registration is the fourth and fifth weeks of the first semester of the academic year. Late registration will attract a surcharge.
3Course registration is the responsibility of the student’s parent department. The Head of Department/Academic Adviser guides on the courses to register.
4In registering students, the department should ensure that students re-register all previously failed courses in which the programme requires a pass, and meet the prescribed requirements for each Course registered; furthermore, that the total credit units registered are not less than 15 or more than 24 per semester.
5 Registration of courses is online, thereafter; the student should submit a copy of his/her Course Registration Print-out to his/her Head of Department.
6Any student who fails to pay his/her school charges and registers his/her courses online in a session loses his/her studentship for that session.
7Students are not allowed to sit for examinations in courses for which they have not previously registered. Such actions are fraudulent and culprits will be appropriately disciplined.
8Only results of bona-fide students (that is those who have paid their school charges and registered their courses online will be published online).
9A list of students registered for each course should be kept (see Appendix 1). This list should be displayed for one week immediately after the close of registration for necessary corrections.
10The parent faculty and the parent department will retain one copy each of this list and forward copies to the Teaching Faculty to be distributed as follows: one to the Faculty, one to the Department and one to the Course Lecturer. This list becomes the authentic register for the course examination.
11Students should be encouraged to join their departmental associations, but the dues for such associations should not be tied to registration.
12Application for adding or dropping a course must be made on the prescribed ADD/DROP Form after obtaining the approval of the Heads of Departments concerned, not later than four weeks before the examination in each semester. Any change of course made by altering the hard copy of the course registration form will be null and void.
GES 100.1 Communication Skills in English (3 units)
Study/library skills and methods: methods for taking and making notes; techniques for organizing study time; study methods and coping with examinations; Library skills and location of library materials. Listening skills: skills for effective listening comprehension. Basic skills in understanding lectures, dialogue or conversation. Identifying/understanding relevant Language Points in the discourse. Making notes/summaries of lectures. Decoding texts/information, vocabulary, inference and meaning, understanding grammar, usage, and style. Reading skills: Importance of Reading; reading as study technique. Kinds of reading: speed reading, skimming, scanning, intensive, extensive, reading for evaluation. Understanding text organization. Reading comprehension: SQ3R method. Reading and developing Vocabulary. Using grammar in Reading and Writing. The Hierarchy: Words and their classes, phrases/clauses. Level of the sentence: English as a SVOCA language. Vocabulary, using the dictionary and word relationships: polysemy, antonym, synonymy, homonyms, homophones, denotation/connotation, collocational patterns: affixation, suffixation, etc. Writing and Speaking Skills.
FSB 101.1 General Biology I (3 units)
Characteristics of life. Investigation in biology. The scientific substance of life; the unit of life (including methods of study); activities of cells; the control of metabolic activities, cell division. Basic principles of inheritance.
CHM 130.1 General Chemistry I (3 units)
Introduction to chemistry; matter, energy, measurement, significant figures; dimensional analysis. State and classification of matter, mixtures, compounds and elements. Atomic theory and molecular structure. Atoms, molecules, ions, periodic table, inorganic nomenclature. Equations, types of reactions, atomic and molecular weights, the mole. Empirical formulae, stoichiometry limiting reagent, molarity, titration. Energy, enthalpy, Hess’s law, standard heat of formation, calorimetry. Size of atoms, patterns on periodic table. Chemical bonding, valence, electrons, ionic bonding and size of ions, covalent bonding, valence, electrons, covalent bonding and Lewis structures, resonances forms, bond energies, polarities. Hydrogen bonding in solids. Types of solution, concentrations, solution process, T and P effects, reactions in aqueous solutions, colligative properties
PHY 101.1 Mechanics and Properties of Matter (3 units)
Topics covered in this course will include the following: motion in one dimension in a plane, work and energy, conservation laws, oscillation, solid friction rotational kinematics and rotational dynamics, equilibrium of rigid bodies, gravitation, Galilean invariance, surface tension, elasticity and viscosity.
MTH 120.1 Calculus (3 units)
Function of a real variable, graphs, limits and idea of continuity. The derivative as limit of rate of change. Technique of differentiation. Extreme curve sketching, integration as an inverse of differentiation. Methods of integration. Definite integrals. Application to areas, volumes.
GES102.1 Introduction to Logic and Philosophy (2 units)
Symbolic logic, special symbols in symbolic logic; conjunction, negative, affirmation, disjunction, equivalence and conditional statement; the laws of thought; the method of deduction using rules of inference and bi-conditionals and quantification theory.
MTH 110.1 Elementary Algebra and Sets (2 units)
Algebra and Trigonometry; Real number system, Real sequences and series: sets and sub sets; unit intersection, complements, empty and universal sets, Venn diagram; one way correspondence between sets; quadratic functions and equations; solution of linear equation, simple properties of determinants; indices and binomial theorem; transformations e.g. Log transformation equation of the straight line and application to simple regression equation; permutations and combinations; circular measure, trigonometric functions of angles, addition and factor formulae; complex numbers; moments and couples; relative velocity; calculus; elementary function of simple real variables; graphs of simple functions; the differentiations of simple algebra; exponential and log functions, differentiation of a sum; product; quotient; function of function rules; implicit differentiation; definite and indefinite integrations of functions; application of definite and indefinite integrals to areas and volumes.
PHY 102.1 Physics Practical (1 unit)
Motion in one dimension in a plane; work and energy; conservation laws; oscillation; soild friction, rotational kinematics and rotational dynamics; equilibrium of rigid bodies; gravitation, Galilean invariance, surface tension, elasticity and viscosity. Emphasis is on experimental verifications and quantitative measures of physical laws, treatment of measurement errors and graphical analysis. The experiments include studies of mechanical systems; static and rotational dynamics of rigid bodies, viscosity, elasticity, surface tension and hydrostatics
GES 103.2 Nigerian People and Culture (2 units)
Concepts of culture; The study of Nigerian history and culture in the pre-colonial, colonial and contemporary times; the Nigerian’s perception of his world; cultural areas of Nigeria and their characteristics; cultural contact and social change; ethnicity and integration; evolution of Nigeria as a political unit. Norms, values, moral obligations of citizens- environmental sanitation.
FSB 102.2 General Biology II (3 units)
Varieties of organisms. Principles of classification of organisms- systematics. A study of selected animals and plant groups. Analysis of flora and fauna of assigned habitats.
CHM 131.2 General Chemistry II (3 units)
Application of the principles of chemical and physical change to the study of the behaviour of matter and interaction between matters. Course content includes, the chemistry of the representative elements and their common compounds with emphasis on graduation of their properties. Brief chemistry of the first, series of transition elements, general principles of extraction of metals; introductory nuclear chemistry.
CHM 132.2 Introduction to Principles of Organic Chemistry (3 units)
A survey of carbon compounds including an overview of the common functional groups in aliphatic and benzenoid compounds. Introduction to reactants and reaction in organic chemistry.
PHY 115.2 Heat, Light and Sound (2 units)
Thermodynamics, colorimetry and heat transfer. Geometrical optics will include reflection of light at the plane and curved surfaces, and optical instruments. Properties and progression of sound waves. Sound waves propagating in air columns. Doppler effect.
GES 101.2 Computer Appreciation and Application (2 units)
Introduction to basic computer concepts. Historical development and classification of computers. Hardware, software and firm wave components of a computer. Computer programming languages, introduction to data bases, data capture techniques. Introduction to computer networks, computer operation. Introduction to Disk Operating System (DOS). Microsoft windows and windows applications. Introduction to data processing. An introduction to the internet.
AGR 101.2 Introductory Statistics for Agriculture (2 units)
Idea of statistics. Sequence of statistical investigation; Data collection methods; Sampling; Basic statistical notations; Methods of collation and presentation of data; Measures of location (mean, mode, median); quantities; Measures of dispersion(variance, standard deviation, standard error, coefficient of variation), skewness and kurtosis.
AGR 201.1 General Agriculture (2 units)
Definition, scope and importance of agriculture; Agricultural ecological zones and distribution of farm; Introduction to Agricultural Economics and Extension; Introduction to Forestry and Wildlife Management; Introduction to Crop Science; Introduction to Soil Science; Introduction to Farm Mechanization; Introduction to Animal Science; Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture; Post-harvest handling of agricultural products.
CPS 201.1 Crop Anatomy, Taxonomy and Physiology (2 units)
Parts of the crop cell, cell biology and cell types. Development of cells and tissues, comparative anatomy of major plant organs. Enzymes, photosynthesis, respiration and energy utilization; Transpiration; pollination and fertilization; seed dormancy and germination, mineral nutrition. Introduction to plant taxonomy, characteristics, distribution, economic importance and local examples of leguminosae, gramineae, compositae, dioscoreasae, rutaceasae, use of plant keys. Growth and development, structure and function of plant growth hormones. Practical: dormancy and seed germination studies; mineral nutrition experiment.
AGE 201.1 Principles of Agricultural Economics (2 units)
Economics of agriculture, efficiency of resource allocation; Agricultural resources; Production, processing, marketing/distribution and utilization of farm produce; Cost Price analysis, demand, supply.
FWL 201.1 Introduction to Forestry and Wildlife Management (2 units)
Nature and scope of forestry and forest. Structure, classification and importance of forest. Forest products; fauna and flora. Introduction to wildlife, importance of wildlife, forestry and wildlife interlinks.
AGR 2CS.1 Community Service (1 unit)
The course is designed to make the students appreciate the dignity of labour and to acquire a sense of service to the community. Students are to execute various special projects modeled in line with their field of study.
AGX 201.1 Introduction to Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology (2 units)
The need for agricultural extension; agricultural extension in the world and in Nigeria; basic philosophy and principles of agricultural extension; basic concepts and principles of rural sociology to an understanding of rural situation; Importance of rural communities and institutions, social stratification, social processes and social changes in rural areas; Leadership in rural communities; opinion leadership; role and function of rural leaders; communication techniques and strategies of change; various agricultural extension teaching methods, aids and their use
AGR 202.1 Introduction to Farm Power and Machinery (2 units)
Aims and objectives of farm mechanization. Basic mechanics. Workshop tools. Principles of internal combustion engines and electric motor. Study of farm machinery used for tillage; ploughs, harrows, cultivators, farm power transmission system. Harvesting and processing equipment. (sprayers and dusters). Equipment for livestock (automatic feed conveyors, automatic drinkers for poultry, feeding and watering equipment, milking and milk handling equipment, meat processing equipment). Water lifting and irrigation equipment. Survey instruments used on the farm. Operating principles, selection and maintenance procedure of farm machinery. Farm machinery costing and records. Workshop and building materials used on the farm. Practical on farm machines and machinery.
SOS 201.1 Introduction to Soil Science (2 Credits)
Soils -genesis and formation, factors of soil formation, weathering (physical, chemical and biological), physico-chemical properties of soils. Soil moisture, air, and temperature, soil classification and survey, scope of soil science. Soil colloids, soil reactions. Soil organic matter and soil organisms, soil and water conservation, nutrient requirements and mineral nutrition of plants, introduction to fertilizers. Practical: Description of soil profile pit; particle size analysis.
AGR 203.1 Introduction to Agricultural Microbiology (2 units)
Importance of microbiology in agriculture; Introduction to microbial world; Broad groups of microflora and micro-fauna; Classification of microorganisms and other soil organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes, protozoans, earthworms, and other annelids) Morphology, growth and reproduction of bacteria, yeast, moulds, viruses; Importance of soil microbiology in agriculture, classification of soil organisms; soil organic matter decomposition; microbial transformation of phosphorus, iron, nitrogen and sulphur; biochemistry and microbiology of nitrification; nitrogen fixation by legumes and non legumes and its significance. Microbial release of nutrients in soils and plant nutrition. Influence of soil factors on population and activities of microbes; role of micro-organisms in soil fertility. Transformation of hydrocarbons and pesticides. Rhizosphere and its importance. Practical: use of microscopes; Cultivation of micro-organisms, preparation of culture media, isolation of bacteria and fungi; Preparation of slides for microscopic examination and identification; safety precautions in microbiology laboratory.
AGR 204.1 Computer Applications to Agriculture (2 units)
Importance of computers in Agriculture; ICT applications in Agriculture; Design of agricultural research, data collection techniques (or instruments). Use of spreadsheet; use of graphics for agricultural communication; use of Power point for presentation. Data management; Use of statistical packages
AGR 205.2 Agro-climatology and Meteorology (2 units)
The principles, aims and scope of climatology and biogeography. The elements and control of climate and weather and the dynamics of the earth atmosphere. Radiation and heating of the atmospheric systems, atmospheric moisture, the dynamics of pressure and wind systems. Condensation and precipitation processes. Seasonal variation in temperature, day length, radiation, rainfall and evapotranspiration. Equipment and maintenance of standard meteorological stations. The climate; relation between agriculture and climate with reference to crops, livestock, irrigation, pests and diseases. Environment and its significance to agriculture, influence of moisture, humidity temperature, radiation and wind in crop growth and production; wind breaks and shelter belts; micro-changes within crop stands and their effects on crops, selection of crops in relation to environmental factors. Practical: measurements of net radiation and micro-climatic parameter in crop stands, study of agro meteorological data; field trips to meteorological stations.
AGR 206.2 Principles of Food Science and Technology (2 units)
Definition and scope of Food Science and Technology; Food distribution and Marketing; Food and its functions; Food habits; Food poisoning and its prevention; Principles of food processing and preservation; Discussion of different preservation methods; Deterioration and spoilage of foods, other post harvest changes in food; contamination of foods and natural sources; Composition and structures of Nigerian/West African food; factors contributing to texture, colour, aroma and flavour of food; Cost; Traditional and ethnic influences of food preparation and consumption pattern; Elementary Biotechnology. Practicals
AGR 207.2 Introduction to Home Economics (2 units)
Philosophy, scope, objectives and historical development of home economics (Food and Nutrition, Home management, Clothing and Textile); Examination of basic human needs with respect to food, clothing, shelter and health. Programme approaches in home economics which help to meet these needs. Preparation for careers in a variety of occupation. Roles of women in agriculture. Practicals
CPS 202.2 Principles of Crop Production (2 units)
Crop production and its development. The principles, problems and prospects of crop production, importance of crop rotation, cultural practices; water uptake, weeds, weed control, and their effects on crop production, pests and diseases. Basic Mendelian genetics. Principles of crop production, harvesting, processing and storage. Practical: test of seed viability, germination of seeds in laboratory and in field; tillage practices; identification of fertilizers; field trip to different cropping systems.
ANS 201.2: Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals (2 units)
Introduction and glossary of some anatomical and physiological terms. External features of farm animals including their functions and usefulness. Skeletal, digestive and other systems in ruminants and non-ruminants. Nature of farm animals (body fluids; homeostasis; temperature regulation). Blood cells and their various functions. Classes and roles of farm animals. Nutrition and digestion in non-ruminants and ruminants. Endocrinology and its functions. Egg formation and production in poultry. Lactation and milk letdown in farm animals.
ANS 202.2: Principles of Animal Production (2 units)
Animal production and its development. The livestock industry – problems and prospects. Introduction to the factors of production in animal husbandry. Descriptions of different breeds of cattle, sheep and goats; pigs, poultry and rabbits, etc. Feeding habits of farm animals. Principles of breeding and livestock judging. General principles of management for different classes of farm animals (parent stock, breeders, weaners, etc). Livestock husbandry operation and production systems for different livestock – cattle, sheep and goats, poultry, swine, and rabbit. The impacts of the environment on livestock production.
FSH 201.2 Introduction to Fisheries (2 units)
Introduction, definitions, nature and scope of fisheries; Fish products and their importance. External morphological features of bony and cartilaginous fishes.
AGR 301.1 Introduction to Remote Sensing (2 units)
Introduction; Physics of EMR (Energy sources, radiation principles); characteristics of Remote Sensing sensors and satellites; Reflectance properties of earth surface and atmospheric features (energy interactions, spectral reflectance curve, spectral reflectance of soil, water and vegetation); Remote sensing, data analysis (visual image interpretation, digital image processing); Integration of remote sensing with GPS and GIS; Reference field data; successful applications. Practical
AGR 302.1: Agricultural Research and Report Writing (2 units)
Purpose and type of research; research proposal; problem identification and hypothesis formulation; methods of primary and secondary data collection; data organization and presentation; scientific writing; formats for project and thesis presentation. Review of basic statistics: frequency distribution, measures of location and dispersion; Principles of field experimentation.
AGE 301.1 Introduction to Farm Management (2 units)
The nature of farm management and production economics. Theory of agricultural production and revenue concepts; Elements of time, risk, and uncertainty in agricultural production. Break-even, gross net margin, and budgetary analysis.
AGE 302.1 Introduction to Mathematical Economics for Agriculture (2 units)
Simple production function. The nature of Mathematics for Economists, Terminologies, Concepts and Tools in Mathematics for Economists; variables, constants, parameters and coefficients. Graphs, slopes and intercepts. Supply and Demand analysis. Derivatives and rules of differentiations. Income and determination models IS-LM analysis. Marginal concepts in Economics. Integration and logarithms.
AGE 303.1 Economic Analysis (2 units)
Nature and scope of macro-economics, circular flow of national income and product. Determinants of aggregates. National income, expenditure, investments, interest rates, savings and employments. Demand and supply of money and monetary policies. Macro-economic equilibrium. Nature, causes and remedies of inflation. International trade
ANS 301.1: Animal Health and Diseases (2 units)
The economic impacts of diseases on livestock and poultry production; environmental factors in relation to major livestock and poultry diseases. Helminth and protozoal parasites of livestock and poultry. Bacterial, fungal and viral infections of farm animals; The classification, diagnosis, epidemiology, prevention, treatment and control of different
microorganisms and other soil organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes, protozoans, earthworms, and other annelids) Morphology, growth and reproduction of bacteria, yeast, moulds, viruses; Importance of soil microbiology in agriculture, classification of soil organisms; soil organic matter decomposition; microbial transformation of phosphorus, iron, nitrogen and sulphur; biochemistry and microbiology of nitrification; nitrogen fixation by legumes and non legumes and its significance. Microbial release of nutrients in soils and plant nutrition. Influence of soil factors on population and activities of microbes; role of micro-organisms in soil fertility. Transformation of hydrocarbons and pesticides. Rhizosphere and its importance. Practical: use of microscopes; Cultivation of micro-organisms, preparation of culture media, isolation of bacteria and fungi; Preparation of slides for microscopic examination and identification; safety precautions in microbiology laboratory.
AGR 204.1 Computer Applications to Agriculture (2 units)
Importance of computers in Agriculture; ICT applications in Agriculture; Design of agricultural research, data collection techniques (or instruments). Use of spreadsheet; use of graphics for agricultural communication; use of Power point for presentation. Data management; Use of statistical packages
AGR 205.2 Agro-climatology and Meteorology (2 units)
The principles, aims and scope of climatology and biogeography. The elements and control of climate and weather and the dynamics of the earth atmosphere. Radiation and heating of the atmospheric systems, atmospheric moisture, the dynamics of pressure and wind systems. Condensation and precipitation processes. Seasonal variation in temperature, day length, radiation, rainfall and evapotranspiration. Equipment and maintenance of standard meteorological stations. The climate; relation between agriculture and climate with reference to crops, livestock, irrigation, pests and diseases. Environment and its significance to agriculture, influence of moisture, humidity temperature, radiation and wind in crop growth and production; wind breaks and shelter belts; micro-changes within crop stands and their effects on crops, selection of crops in relation to environmental factors. Practical: measurements of net radiation and micro-climatic parameter in crop stands, study of agro meteorological data; field trips to meteorological stations.
AGR 206.2 Principles of Food Science and Technology (2 units)
Definition and scope of Food Science and Technology; Food distribution and Marketing; Food and its functions; Food habits; Food poisoning and its prevention; Principles of food processing and preservation; Discussion of different preservation methods; Deterioration and spoilage of foods, other post harvest changes in food; contamination of foods and natural sources; Composition and structures of Nigerian/West African food; factors contributing to texture, colour, aroma and flavour of food; Cost; Traditional and ethnic influences of food preparation and consumption pattern; Elementary Biotechnology. Practical
AGR 207.2 Introduction to Home Economics (2 units)
Philosophy, scope, objectives and historical development of home economics (Food and Nutrition, Home management, Clothing and Textile); Examination of basic human needs with respect to food, clothing, shelter and health. Programme approaches in home economics which help to meet these needs. Preparation for careers in a variety of occupation. Roles of women in agriculture. Practical
CPS 202.2 Principles of Crop Production (2 units)
Crop production and its development. The principles, problems and prospects of crop production, importance of crop rotation, cultural practices; water uptake, weeds, weed control, and their effects on crop production, pests and diseases. Basic Mendelian genetics. Principles of crop production, harvesting, processing and storage. Practical: test of seed viability, germination of seeds in laboratory and in field; tillage practices; identification of fertilizers; field trip to different cropping systems.
ANS 201.2: Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals (2 units)
Introduction and glossary of some anatomical and physiological terms. External features of farm animals including their functions and usefulness. Skeletal, digestive and other systems in ruminants and non-ruminants. Nature of farm animals (body fluids; homeostasis; temperature regulation). Blood cells and their various functions. Classes and roles of farm animals. Nutrition and digestion in non-ruminants and ruminants. Endocrinology and its functions. Egg formation and production in poultry. Lactation and milk letdown in farm animals.
ANS 202.2: Principles of Animal Production (2 units)
Animal production and its development. The livestock industry – problems and prospects. Introduction to the factors of production in animal husbandry. Descriptions of different breeds of cattle, sheep and goats; pigs, poultry and rabbits, etc. Feeding habits of farm animals. Principles of breeding and livestock judging. General principles of management for different classes of farm animals (parent stock, breeders, weaners, etc). Livestock husbandry operation and production systems for different livestock – cattle, sheep and goats, poultry, swine, and rabbit. The impacts of the environment on livestock production.
FSH 201.2 Introduction to Fisheries (2 units)
Introduction, definitions, nature and scope of fisheries; Fish products and their importance. External morphological features of bony and cartilaginous fishes.
AGR 301.1 Introduction to Remote Sensing (2 units)
Introduction; Physics of EMR (Energy sources, radiation principles); characteristics of Remote Sensing sensors and satellites; Reflectance properties of earth surface and atmospheric features (energy interactions, spectral reflectance curve, spectral reflectance of soil, water and vegetation); Remote sensing, data analysis (visual image interpretation, digital image processing); Integration of remote sensing with GPS and GIS; Reference field data; successful applications. Practical
AGR 302.1: Agricultural Research and Report Writing (2 units)
Purpose and type of research; research proposal; problem identification and hypothesis formulation; methods of primary and secondary data collection; data organization and presentation; scientific writing; formats for project and thesis presentation. Review of basic statistics: frequency distribution, measures of location and dispersion; Principles of field experimentation.
AGE 301.1 Introduction to Farm Management (2 units)
The nature of farm management and production economics. Theory of agricultural production and revenue concepts; Elements of time, risk, and uncertainty in agricultural production. Break-even, gross net margin, and budgetary analysis.
AGE 302.1 Introduction to Mathematical Economics for Agriculture (2 units)
Simple production function. The nature of Mathematics for Economists, Terminologies, Concepts and Tools in Mathematics for Economists; variables, constants, parameters and coefficients. Graphs, slopes and intercepts. Supply and Demand analysis. Derivatives and rules of differentiations. Income and determination models IS-LM analysis. Marginal concepts in Economics. Integration and logarithms.
AGE 303.1 Economic Analysis (2 units)
Nature and scope of macro-economics, circular flow of national income and product. Determinants of aggregates. National income, expenditure, investments, interest rates, savings and employments. Demand and supply of money and monetary policies. Macro-economic equilibrium. Nature, causes and remedies of inflation. International trade
ANS 301.1: Animal Health and Diseases (2 units)
The economic impacts of diseases on livestock and poultry production; environmental factors in relation to major livestock and poultry diseases. Helminth and protozoal parasites of livestock and poultry. Bacterial, fungal and viral infections of farm animals; The classification, diagnosis, epidemiology, prevention, treatment and control of different
livestock and poultry diseases. Notifiable diseases. Principles of immunity and disease resistance and their practical applications. The science, handling and management of sick animals; Drug administration, vaccination programmes and schedules. Ante- and post-mortem examinations in the diagnosis of diseases; Applied entomology and elements of chemical and biological control of disease vectors in livestock and poultry; Applied parasitology in livestock and poultry, and their socio-economic effects.
ANS 302.1: Non-Ruminant Animal Production (2 units)
Non-ruminant animal industry and its contribution to national growth and development. Importance and distribution of non-ruminant animals. Breeds and production systems. Nature of non-ruminant farm animals – poultry, swine, rabbits, and selected micro-livestock of socio-economic importance. Management and husbandry practices. Animal health and hygiene. Non-ruminant products and by-products, and marketing.
CPS 301.1 Arable Crop Production (2 units)
Origin, distribution, soil and climatic requirements of cereals, grain legumes, root and tuber crops, fibre crops, sugar crops and other important arable crops in Nigeria. Improved varieties, production practices, harvesting, utilization, processing, storage and economic aspects of the selected arable crops. Practical: study of various production practices of some selected crops from sowing to harvesting in small plots.
CPP 302.1 Introduction to Entomology (2 units)
Insect morphology, structure and function; life cycles and metamorphosis, semio-chemicals – kairomones, allomones, pheromones; insects classification and identification; orders of insects of economic importance with special emphasis on insects found in Nigeria. Practical: insects morphology, taxonomy and identification; killing and preservation of insects; preparation for insects parts, fixing, staining and drawing.
SOS 301.1 Pedology and Soil Physics (2 units)
Soils, its origin, and formation. Soil morphological characteristics, soil components, rock and mineral weathering. Profile pit, soil survey, soil mapping, soil classification, properties and managment of Nigerian soils. Definition of soil physics, physical properties of soils, mechanical analysis of soils, textural profile, soil structure, bulk density, porosity, effects of applied stress on soil, soil compaction and compression, soil air and aeration, soil water content, properties and forces acting on soil water, management of soil physical conditions, soil tilth and tillage, soil physics and agriculture Practical: laboratory and field determinations of soil physical properties, soil profile pit description.
ANS 303.2: Ruminant Animal Production (2 units)
Ruminant animal industry and its contribution to the growth and development of an economy. Breeds and production systems. Housing, feeding, breeding and reproduction in ruminants. Management of breeding stock; growing of young ruminants including housing and feeding of cattle, sheep and goats. Ruminant health and hygiene. Ruminant products and by-products, and marketing.
livestock and poultry diseases. Notifiable diseases. Principles of immunity and disease resistance and their practical applications. The science, handling and management of sick animals; Drug administration, vaccination programmes and schedules. Ante- and post-mortem examinations in the diagnosis of diseases; Applied entomology and elements of chemical and biological control of disease vectors in livestock and poultry; Applied parasitology in livestock and poultry, and their socio-economic effects.
ANS 302.1: Non-Ruminant Animal Production (2 units)
Non-ruminant animal industry and its contribution to national growth and development. Importance and distribution of non-ruminant animals. Breeds and production systems. Nature of non-ruminant farm animals – poultry, swine, rabbits, and selected micro-livestock of socio-economic importance. Management and husbandry practices. Animal health and hygiene. Non-ruminant products and by-products, and marketing.
CPS 301.1 Arable Crop Production (2 units)
Origin, distribution, soil and climatic requirements of cereals, grain legumes, root and tuber crops, fibre crops, sugar crops and other important arable crops in Nigeria. Improved varieties, production practices, harvesting, utilization, processing, storage and economic aspects of the selected arable crops. Practical: study of various production practices of some selected crops from sowing to harvesting in small plots.
CPP 302.1 Introduction to Entomology (2 units)
Insect morphology, structure and function; life cycles and metamorphosis, semio-chemicals – kairomones, allomones, pheromones; insects classification and identification; orders of insects of economic importance with special emphasis on insects found in Nigeria. Practical: insects morphology, taxonomy and identification; killing and preservation of insects; preparation for insects parts, fixing, staining and drawing.
SOS 301.1 Pedology and Soil Physics (2 units)
Soils, its origin, and formation. Soil morphological characteristics, soil components, rock and mineral weathering. Profile pit, soil survey, soil mapping, soil classification, properties and managment of Nigerian soils. Definition of soil physics, physical properties of soils, mechanical analysis of soils, textural profile, soil structure, bulk density, porosity, effects of applied stress on soil, soil compaction and compression, soil air and aeration, soil water content, properties and forces acting on soil water, management of soil physical conditions, soil tilth and tillage, soil physics and agriculture Practical: laboratory and field determinations of soil physical properties, soil profile pit description.
ANS 303.2: Ruminant Animal Production (2 units)
Ruminant animal industry and its contribution to the growth and development of an economy. Breeds and production systems. Housing, feeding, breeding and reproduction in ruminants. Management of breeding stock; growing of young ruminants including housing and feeding of cattle, sheep and goats. Ruminant health and hygiene. Ruminant products and by-products, and marketing.
ANS 304.2: Animal Genetics and Breeding (2 units)
History of genetics and breeding; Chromosomes structure, number and variation; Gene and genotype; Genetic code; Mendelism; fundamental principles of inheritance; Quantitative and qualitative characters and their inheritance. Different types of gene action, values and means, repeatability, heritability, etc. Animal variation and selection principles; Breeding and environmental effects; Inbreeding, pure line breeding, cross breeding and other breeding methods. Selection in breeding, and genetic engineering in contemporary livestock production systems.
AGF 301.2 Field Course (1unit)
Study visit to areas, institutions, industries, etc, relevant to students’ area of specialization. Students are required to write a report on the trip.
AGR 303.2 Agricultural Biochemistry (2 units)
Biochemistry in agriculture, food and nutrition; Proteins, vitamins, minerals in farm produce- eggs, meat, vegetable, etc. food processing and natural products; Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids (metabolic pathways).
CPS 303.2 Permanent Crops (2 units)
Origin, distribution, soil and climatic requirements of some important permanent and perennial crops such as cocoa, oil palm, rubber, coffee, tea, coconut, sugarcane, kola, cashew, mango, bananas, plantain, citrus, guava, gum Arabic, etc. Production practices, improvement, harvesting, utilization, processing, storage and economic aspects of some selected permanent and perennial crops. Practical: visit to different nurseries and plantations to observe practices followed in the propagation of permanent crops; propagation of few permanent crops in the University farm.
CPS 304.2 Crop Genetics and Breeding (2 units)
Cell structure and components, chromosomes, structure, number and variations; linkage and cross-over, mutation and genes in population and transmission of biological variations, theory of evolution, fundamental principles of inheritance. Mendelian genetics, introduction to population and quantitative genetics. Objectives and general principles of crop breeding including their application to self-pollinated and vegetatively propagated crops. General and special methods of selection, in-breeders and out-breeders; compatibility; male sterility. Heterosis, polyploidy in crop breeding; mutation breeding. Breeding methods for crop improvement, development, multiplication and distribution of improved varieties.
CPP 305.2 Introduction to Phytopathogens and Weed Science (2 units)
The major fungi, bacteria and viruses; nematodes, weeds and other disease organisms of crops and stored products. Study of the effects of bacteria, fungi, viruses and nematodes – their biology and ecology; morphology and taxonomy of weeds; modes of dispersal and germination; characteristics, classification and biology of weed. Taxonomy, morphology and life history of plant parasitic nematodes. Practical: identification of common weeds in the area; field study in the University farm. Microscopic studies of nematodes; techniques of processing soil and plant material by means of sifting and gravity and Berman-funnel techniques
SOS 302.2 Soil Chemistry I (2 units)
The soil chemical composition, soil colloids, saline, alkaline, and acid soil properties, ion exchange, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, chelating agents and soil organic matter. Laboratory exercises. Practical: Determination of soil carbonates, organic matter content, extraction, fractionation, and characterization. Exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, Na, and ESP determination, specific anion reactions, soil pH measurement, electrical conductivity measurement, exchangeable NO3- and NH4+ determination.
AGX 301.2 Extension Teaching, Learning Methods and Processes (2 unit)
The nature and elements of communication; The meaning of the concepts of teaching, learning and motivation; steps and principles of teaching and learning; extension teaching methods; preparation and use of teaching materials and aids
GES 300.2: Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship (2 units)
Concept, history and development of entrepreneurship; The entrepreneur qualities and characteristics; The Entrepreneur and Business environment; identifying business opportunities; starting and developing new business ventures; legal forms of business ownership and registration; Types of business ownership; Feasibility studies; Role of small and Medium Scale Enterprise (SME) in the economy; Role of government on Entrepreneurship; Business location and layout; Accounting for SME; Financing SME; Managing of SME; Marketing in SME; Risk Management of SME; Success and Failure factors of SME; Prospects and Challenges of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship; Ethical behaviour in small business.
GES 400 Entrepreneurship project(2 units)
AGR 400 (SIWES): Report writing(30 units)
ANS 501.1: Monogastric Nutrition (2 units)
Brief history of nutrition as a science. Principles of monogastric nutrition, elements of human nutritional dietary allowances, food surveys and balance sheets; Feeding standards; Nutrient requirements for the various classes of animals; Feed additives and probiotics. Water metabolism in nutrition. Feed evaluation and composition. Ration formulation; Large scale feed mixing and manufacture. The feed industry.
ANS 502.1: Applied Animal Breeding (2 units)
Determination of genetic parameters in farm animals; Statistical tools for studying inheritance, genetic variation and co-variance; Heritability and repeatability; Gene mutation and lethal genes; Improvement of farm animals by application of genetic principles; Breeding systems; Selection methods; Sex determination; Foundation stock and its determination in livestock and poultry production; Advanced techniques in animal breeding – molecular biology, animal genomics, biotechnology, gene cloning, etc. The contribution of animal breeding to the growth and development of animal agriculture.
ANS 503.1: Game Production and Utilization (2 units)
Game production; Traditional uses of game and game products; Problems of game cropping; harvesting strategies and hunting techniques; “bush meat” processing methods; Growth behaviour and reproduction of game animals in captivity; Habits and food preferences; Game ranching and domestication. Design of paddocks, game animal houses and cages; Husbandry techniques and health care in captivity.
ANS 504.1: Poultry, Swine and Rabbit Production (2 units)
Importance of poultry, swine and rabbits; Production, management and husbandry practices, feeding, housing, etc. Sexing in chickens and other techniques peculiar to poultry. Specific techniques relevant to swine and rabbits. Poultry, swine and rabbit health and hygiene. Products processing, distribution, marketing, and utilization.
ANS 505.1: Cattle, Sheep and Goat Production (2 units)
Description and importance of meat and milk types; Milking and ruminant physiology; Husbandry practices including feeding and housing; Health and hygiene. Product processing, distribution, marketing, and utilization.
ANS 506.1: Nigerian Feeds and Feeding Stuff (2 units)
The Nigerian feed industry: past, present and future challenges and prospects. Feeds and feedstuffs in animal (non-ruminant and ruminant) nutrition. Grains, pasture and fodder, concentrates, sources of feeds and feeding stuff and their nutritional value. Identification and feed value of, locally, available feed resources. The place of animal by-products, and crop residues and by-products as feed resources in animal agriculture.
ANS 507.1: Animal Experimentation and Research Techniques (2 units)
Overview of animal experimentation and instrumentation, including precautions to be taken while, planning, developing and executing animal experiments. Techniques and procedures for experiments in the Animal Sciences: animal breeding and genetics; Animal nutrition and biochemistry including grazing trials, studies in pasture and range management; Animal physiology including studies in bioclimatology; Animal products processing and storage; Animal health and diseases diagnostic studies and post-mortem examination. Experimental designs and data analysis using basic statistical tools such as frequency distribution, variation, standard error and deviation, variance, t-Tests, F-Test, Chi-Squared test, measures of location and dispersion, regression and correlation analyses as well as the application of computer-aided statistical packages for data analysis in Animal Science research. Presentation (graphical, pictorial, tabular, etc) and interpretation of results from animal experiments. Project report write-up and scientific communication in the Animal Sciences.
AGR 502.1: Advances in Agriculture (2 units)
Historical background, Principles (principles of health, fairness, ecology, care) and practice of organic agriculture; Organic crop production, pest and disease management, predator control for sustainable and organic livestock production. Organic forestry, climate change and carbon sequestration, pasture management. Enterprise budgets and production costs for organic production, organic marketing resources and green markets; Hydroponic Agriculture: Preparation of nutrient solutions, media and methods (water culture, sub irrigation, slop and drip). Benefits and constraints; Tissue Culture and Cloning Technology: Introduction, laboratory requirements, effects of hormone balance on explants growth and morphogenesis, callus formation and multiplication, establishment of suspension cultures and anther culture. Applications and relevance to Agriculture. Criticisms and laws (Bioethics and Biopyracy). Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) (Health issues, influence on biodiversity, benefits and demerits); organic farm certification and export markets.
ANS 500.2: Seminar (1 unit)
Each final year student is expected to deliver seminar on a chosen topic.
ANS 508.2: Ruminant Nutrition (2 units)
Rumen microbiology and ecology; Physiology of rumen action; Metabolic processes and pathways; Non-protein nitrogen utilization; Determination of digestion coefficients; Balance trials; Systems for energy evaluation; Scheme for protein values; Water metabolism in ruminant nutrition; Water and other nutrient requirements and their inter-relationship in ruminant nutrition; Feed additives and probiotics, feed/forage evaluation; Ration formulation, metabolic and nutritional disorders in ruminants.
ANS 509.2: Animal Products and Handling (2 units)
Preparation of farm animals for slaughter, evisceration and dressing percentages; Care of carcass and its cuts. Processing and care of hides, skin and wool. Meat and meat products processing, cooking flavour and storage. Milk and milk products hygiene, microbiology, processing and cooking flavour. Post-harvest physiology of animal products; Egg quality, sorting and grading; Chemistry and nutritive value of meat, milk and eggs. Products such as butter, cheese, whey, bacon, sausage, ham, pork, poultry products, and so on as well as their processing and storage should be discussed. Food additives; flavours and aroma. Marketing and distribution of animal products.
ANS 510.2: Pasture and Range Management (2 units)
Adaptation and botany of indigenous and exotic pastures and forage plants. Characteristics of grasses, legumes and shrubs. Establishment, production and management of pasture and range plants; Utilization and maintenance in permanent and temporary pastures. Range management and paddock designs; Grazing systems; Forage conservation (hay, silage, etc), dry season feeds.
ANS 511.2: Reproductive Physiology and Artificial Insemination (2 units)
Reproductive physiology of farm animals – cattle, sheep and goats, poultry, swine, and so on. The reproductive process – mating, gestation and parturition. The role and influence of hormones in animal reproduction. Artificial insemination – importance, processes, techniques and challenges.
ANS 512.2: Livestock Economics (2 Units)
The place of livestock in the Nigerian economy, consumer and consumption pattern of livestock product; Micro and Macro-economics in animal production; Agricultural production functions including data collection and analysis; Marketing theory in relation to livestock production; Application of economic theory and quantitative analysis. Capital investment and depreciation of capital; the economics of egg, meat and milk production. Livestock feed economics; input/return relationship in livestock production.
ANS 599.2: Research Project (6 units)
Each final year student is expected to take up a project topic, propose his research and present findings of the research work. This should be under the supervision of a lecturer(s) in the Department. Hard copies of the project shall then be submitted to the Department.
1. M.Sc/PhD Animal Nutrition and Agricultural Biochemistry
2. M.Sc Animal Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology
3. M.Sc Livestock Production, Pasture and Range Management
Options: (a) Livestock Production and Management
(b) Pasture and Range Management
Introduction / Preamble
The Department of Animal Science, as an intrinsic component of the Faculty of Agriculture, addresses the vital aspects of manpower development through teaching and research with the aim of improving the Animal Industry and ensuring food and nutrition sufficiency.
i) Philosophy
The M.Sc/PhD programmes are designed to provide advanced training in specialized areas of Animal Science aimed at developing high level manpower to pursue careers in academics, research and development both in the public, private and non-formal sectors.
ii) Vision
Graduates from the programmes shall be trained to acquire sufficient theoretical and practical skills to engage in teaching, research and other agricultural development activities in the Animal Industry, which will enable them work as competent professionals.
iii) Mission
The programmes are designed to address the training needs of high cadre personnel who will address the extant problems of AnimalAgriculture vis-a-vis the many challenges impacting the Animal Industry in Nigeria. The course work and research-based trainings are to guide the candidates in developing appropriate academic skills needed to delve into the unknown to seek and elicit suitable and befitting responses to the various questions encountered in the animal production process.
iv) Rationale / Justification
The M.Sc/PhD curriculum in Animal Science is designed to address the several challenges in the Animal Industry and provide sound academic and research knowledge required to develop Animal Agriculture competences that, will enable the graduates contribute to food and nutrition security in Nigeria and beyond.
v) Aim
To train Animal Scientists that, will be competent in all aspects of their job as it relates to the Animal Industry and especially, in their chosen areas of specialization.
vi) Programme Objectives
• To expose candidates to advanced courses in various areas of Animal Science and related academic disciplines that, will produce qualified and competent graduates with advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills in Animal Agriculture.
• To equip candidates with research for development (R4D) skills through supervised research activities, seminar presentations, industry-based internships and reports embodied in project(s), dissertation(s) or thesis (theses).
vii) Admission Requirements (MSc)
Generally, candidates seeking admission into graduate programmes in Animal Science in the University of Port Harcourt shall normally be graduates of the University or any other similar accredited institution recognized by the University for the purposes. They must possess a first degree, preferably, Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agric, Animal Science option), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc, Animal Science) or in related area. The degrees must, ordinarily, be registrable with the Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (NIAS).
To qualify for admission into the Master of Science (M.Sc) programme, a candidate must possess the following requirements:
(i) A good honours degree in Animal Science or related discipline (of the University of Port Harcourt or similar accredited recognized institution) with a minimum of Second Class Lower division with CGPA of 3.0 points or higher on a 5-point scale or 2.40 points and above on a 4-point scale.
(ii) HND Upper Credit in Animal Science/Animal Production plus PGD at Upper Credit in Animal Science / Animal Production. In addition, satisfy the matriculation requirements of the University of Port Harcourt and make a CGPA of 3.5 points or at Credit Level.
viii) Programme Duration
The programmes shall run on full time with minimum of twenty four (24) calendar months and maximum of thirty six (36) calendar months, as specified in the NUC Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards (BMAS) for Post Graduate Programmes in Animal Science and Agriculture in Nigerian Universities.
ix) Graduation Requirements
To qualify for an award of the Masters Degree in Animal Science, a student must pass all prescribed courses and defend his/her dissertation. The candidate must pass a total of 43 Credit Units.
x) Areas of Specialization
1. Animal Nutrition and Agricultural Biochemistry
2. Animal Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology
3. Livestock Production, Pasture and Range Management
Options: (a) Livestock Production and Management
(b) Pasture and Range Management
Tables with course codes and titles, and credit units for specialized areas are shown below.
1. M.Sc Animal Nutrition and Agricultural Biochemistry
First Semester
Course Code Course Title Units
SGS 801.1 ICT and Research Method 2
ANS 801.1 Statistical Methods and Experimental Design 3
ANS 802.1 Livestock Farming Systems 3
ANS 803.1 Research Techniques in Animal Science 3
ANS 804.1 Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry 3
ANS 806.1 Energy and Bioenergetics 3
Elective (to be chosen from Electives listed below) 3
Total 20
Second Semester
Course Code Course Title Units
SGS 802.2 Entrepreneurship and Management 2
ANS 805.2 Feeds, Feed Production, Feedmill Design and Management 3
ANS 807.2 Pasture and Range Management 3
ANS 808.2 Instrumentation in Animal Nutrition 3
ANS 800.2 Seminar / Special Topics 2
ANS 899.2* Dissertation 10
Total 23
*Specified in the NUC BMAS for M.Sc in Animal Science (and Agriculture, in general)
Course Code Course Title Units
ANS 809.1 Advanced Poultry Production and Feeding Standards 3
ANS 811.1 Principles and Practice of Micro-Livestock Production 3
ANS 812.1 Principles and Practice of Monogastric Animal Production and Management 3
ANS 814.1 Radioactive Tracers in Metabolism and Radioactive Pollution 3
ANS 815.1 Feed Quality, Feed Additives and Supplements 3
ANS 810.2 Ruminology 3
ANS 813.2 Principles and Practice of Ruminant Animal Production and Management 3
ANS 816.2 Livestock Products, Processing and Marketing 3
2. M.Sc Animal Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology
First Semester
Course Code Course Title Units
SGS 801.1 ICT and Research Method 2
ANS 801.1 Statistical Methods and Experimental Design 3
ANS 802.1 Livestock Farming Systems 3
ANS 803.1 Research Techniques in Animal Science 3
ANS 821.1 Methods in Quantitative Genetics and Animal Breeding Research 3
ANS 822.1 Advanced Animal Biotechnology 3
Elective (to be chosen from Electives listed below) 3
Total 20
Second Semester
Course Code Course Title Units
SGS 802.2 Entrepreneurship and Management 2
ANS 820.2 Molecular and Biochemical Genetics 3
ANS 823.2 Immunogenetics 3
ANS 824.2 Population Genetics 3
ANS 800.2 Seminar / Special Topics 2
ANS 899.2* Dissertation 10
Total 23
*Specified in the NUC BMAS for M.Sc in Animal Science (and Agriculture, in general)
Course Code Course Title Units
ANS 825.1 Animal and Avian Genetics 3
ANS 826.1 Genetic Engineering of Domestic Animals 3
ANS 827.1 Animal Breeding Theory and Programme Design 3
ANS 828.2 Evolution, Heredity and Stock Improvement 3
ANS 829.2 Applied Animal Breeding 3
ANS 830.2 Principles of Animal Improvement through Breeding 3
3. M.Sc Livestock Production, Pasture and Range Management
First Semester
Course Code Course Title Units
SGS 801.1 ICT and Research Method 2
ANS 801.1 Statistical Methods and Experimental Design 3
ANS 802.1 Livestock Farming Systems 3
ANS 803.1 Research Techniques in Animal Science 3
ANS 811.1 Principles and Practice of Micro-Livestock Production and Management 3
ANS 833.1 Pasture Breeding and Genetics 3
Elective (to be chosen from Electives listed below) 3
Total 20
Second Semester
Course Code Course Title Units
SGS 802.2 Entrepreneurship and Management 2
ANS 835.2 Forage Production and Conservation 3
ANS 831.2 Animal Health and Disease Control 3
Elective (to be chosen from Electives listed below) 3
ANS 800.2 Seminar / Special Topics 2
ANS 899.2* Dissertation 10
Total 23
*Specified in the NUC BMAS for M.Sc in Animal Science (and Agriculture, in general)
Electives for MSc Livestock Production and Management Option
Course Code Course Title Units
ANS 815.1 Feed Quality, Feed Additives and Supplements 3
ANS 812.1 Principles and Practice of Monogastric Animal Production and Management 3
ANS 810.2 Ruminology 3
ANS 816.2 Livestock Products, Processing and Marketing 3
ANS 813.2
Principles and Practice of Ruminant Animal Production and Management 3
Electives for MSc Pasture and Range Management Option
Course Code Course Title Units
ANS 806.1 Energy and Bioenergetics 3
ANS 815.1 Feed Quality, Feed Additives and Supplements 3
ANS 832.1 Advanced Pasture and Range Management 3
ANS 810.2 Ruminology 3
ANS 816.2 Livestock Products, Processing and Marketing 3
ANS 834.2 Pasture / Forage Resources and Utilization 3
Admission Requirements (PhD)
To qualify for admission into the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) programme, the candidate must also be a holder of an academic Masters degree in Animal Science or Animal Production of the University of Port Harcourt or other recognized accredited similar institutions with a minimum CGPA of 3.50 points on a 5-point grading system.
vii) Programme Duration
The full-time Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programme in Animal Science shall run for a minimum duration of 24 calendar months and maximum of 60 calendar months.
viii) Graduation Requirements
To qualify for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Animal Science, the candidate must have fulfilled the following conditions. The candidate must pass all prescribed courses and defend his/her thesis. The candidate must pass a total of 48 Credit Units courses as shown for each area of specialization in line with the minimum 48 Credit Units stipulated in the NUC BMAS and made up of the following:
Courses for Ph.D in Animal Nutrition and Agricultural Biochemistry
Course Code
Course Title Unit
Courses transferred from M.Sc Programme 21
Electives in the area of specialization 9
ANS 900.2 Seminar 2
*ANS 999.2 Project 16
Total 48
*As specified in the NUC BMAS for Ph.D in Animal Science (and Agriculture in general)
Courses transferred from M.Sc Programme
Course Code Course Title Units
SGS 801.1 ICT and Research Method 2
ANS 801.1 Statistical Methods and Experimental Design 3
ANS 802.1 Livestock Farming Systems 3
ANS 803.1 Research Techniques in Animal Science 3
ANS 804.1 Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry 3
ANS 806.1 Energy and Bioenergetics 3
ANS 807.2 Pasture and Range Management 2
ANS 808.2 Instrumentation in Animal Nutrition 3
Total 21
NB: Students are expected to have passed the above courses at MSc level. Otherwise, they are to offer any of the above courses that were not passed at the MSc level.
In addition, the candidate:
• Shall be required to defend his/her research proposal at the Departmental and Faculty Postgraduate Seminar.
ii. Shall present seminars at the completion of his/her research work to the Department, Faculty and School of Graduate Studies.
iii. The candidate must defend his/her thesis.
The format and submission of thesis shall be in conformity with existing guidelines laid down by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS), University of Port Harcourt.
Electives for Ph.D Animal Nutrition and Agricultural Biochemistry
Ph.D candidates are expected to pick his / her three (3) electives from the list of courses below.
Course Code Course Title Unit
ANS 814.1 Radioactive Tracers in Metabolism and Radioactive Pollution 3
ANS 815.1 Feed Quality, Feed Additives and Supplements 3
ANS 816.1 Livestock Products, Processing and Marketing 3
ANS 901.1 Advanced Animal Nutrition 3
ANS 902.1 Metabolism of Proteins and Nucleic Acids 3
ANS 903.1 Metabolism of Minerals and Vitamins 3
ANS 904.1 Metabolism of Energy 3
** Specified in the NUC BMAS for Ph.D in Animal Science (and Agriculture, in general)