The Institute of Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (INRES), University of Port Harcourt, was established 2011 as a multidisciplinary Centre of Excellence in Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development through a 3 – year grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, USA. The grant was awarded to the University based on grant application proposal jointly written by Prof. Enuvie, G. Akpokodje, (Geology; Principal investigator), Prof. B. C. Ndukwu and Prof. I. O. Agbagwa (Plant Science & Biotechnology; co-investigators). The proposal was the only one approved by the MacArthur Foundation in 2011 out of a total of 15 proposals submitted by Nigerian Universities.
In March 2012, Prof. Enuvie G. Akpokodje was appointed pioneer Director of INRES by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt, Prof. J. A. Ajienka, for a two-year term. This appointment was re-newed in August 2014 for another two years.
The vision is to be a world class Centre of Excellence for inter – trans – and multi-disciplinary graduate education, applied research and capacity building in natural resources, environment and sustainable development in Nigeria, the West African sub-region and the international community.
The mission is to produce competent indigenous manpower capable of developing and implementing integrated, multidisciplinary and sustainable solutions to developmental, environmental and natural resources management challenges. The specific objectives include:
- Promote and facilitate sustainable development in Nigeria and beyond.
- Produce quality Master of Science, Doctorate and postgraduate Diploma/Certificate graduates with multidisciplinary training.
- Enhance the technical skills and managerial capacity of the workforce of government organizations, industry and local community/civil society through specially designed professional short courses to address identified knowledge/skill deficiencies;
- Participate in innovative national, regional and global initiatives/projects that shape our sustainable future.
INRES as an Academic Unit is responsible to Senate (in all academic matters) through the Academic Board, Faculty of Science and School of Graduate Studies. INRES also relates with the Governing Board. The daily affairs of the INRES are overseen by the Management Committee.
- Senate
- School of Graduate Studies
- Faculty of Science
- Academic Board
- Management Committee
Admission is open to first degree graduates in science, social sciences, engineering, health sciences and related disciplines who possess relevant academic qualifications. For the Postgraduate Diploma the candidates must have a minimum of Bachelor of Science with at least third class honours or Higher National Diploma (HND) from recognized institutions and who passed with a minimum of Upper Credit. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) a CGPA of not less than 4.00 on 5-point is required. Candidates for PGD and M.Sc. are to undertake a written test and an oral interview. PhD candidates must prepare and present acceptable proposal prior to admission.
All INRES programmes – PGD, MSc and PhD are modular but may be full-time or part-time. PGD, MSc runs for 12 calendar months (full-time) and 24 months (part-time) inclusive of taught courses and dissertation. PhD duration is a minimum of 24 months (full-time) and 36 months (part-time). INRES programmes and activities are not affected or disrupted by strike actions. PhDprogramme is three (3) years. There is no interruption. The duration of the programme for fulltime students is a minimum of is 12 months, one (1) year and maximum of 24 months (2
All new students required to undergo preliminary screening exercise before registration of courses. They are required to present original copies of certificate(s) to the screening officer(s) who would check-if they met the general University and Institute’s admission requirements.
Fresh students are required to register with the University Library. They are to show to Library authorities, Original School Fees Receipt and Admission Letter.
The Institute does not refund any fees/charges paid in error. Intending students should therefore obtain proper clearance before paying any fees.
The following grading system which is uniform for all Faculties is applicable. Students are obliged to sit for examinations in all registered courses. Any student who fails to sit for any course examination without satisfactory reasons will earn the grade “F”.
Mark/Score Letter Notation Grade Points
70% and above A 5.00
60-69 B 4.00
50-59 C 3.00
0 – 49 F 0
INRES degrees for all the programmes – PGD, MSc and PhD is in Natural Resources and Environmental Management. The PhD however have three (3) specialized areas or options in which candidates may carry out their research. These are:
- Impact Assessment and Remediation
- Bioresources Development and Conservation
- Coastal Zone Management and Climate Change
All students of the Institute are expected to demonstrate the highest mark of conduct and decorum at all times. They are further required to:
- Obey the laws and regulations of the University.
- Respect the statutory rights of staff and students and be polite.
- Attend and never boycott lectures.
- Obey Lecturer’s instruction on academic matters.
- Register for all courses and attend not less than 75% of lectures/practicals to qualify to write the course examination.
- Be punctual to lectures and laboratory practicals; attendance will be kept for all courses.
- Avoid any form of examination malpractice.
- Avoid membership of secret societies/cult.
- Avoid anything that will tarnish the image and reputation of the University.
PhD Courses
CGS 801 – ICT, Research Methods and Proposal Writing (2credits) - Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel, Basic computing knowledge/window 2008; Internet Technology; Statistical packages; precision and accuracy estimates; principles of scientific research; basics of PowerPoint Presentation; concepts of hypothesis formulation and testing; and organization of research and technical report writing.
CGS 802 - Management and Entrepreneurship (2 credits). – Business environment and bioenterpises; basics of business and financial management; entrepreneurship development; feasibility studies; marketing and managerial problem solving.
NREM 901 – selected topics in Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (3 credits) - Climate Change – Policy Response, Impact Assessment and Mitigation; Green Economy; GIS, Remote sensing and Modeling; Pest, Weed Control, Horticulture and Landscaping; E – Waste management.
NREM 902 - Advanced Natural Resources Stewardship and Environmental Advocacy (3 credits) - Environmental auditing and management Systems; national and international environmental laws, treaties, conventions and regulations; Public participation & Citizen group action in Environmental management; etc.
Elective Courses:
NREM 903 - Recent developments in ecological issues and biodiversity conservation (3 credits) - Ecological footprints; energy development and biodiversity; integrating biodiversity considerations into impact assessment; biodiversity and risk assessment; biodiversity hotspots and early warning signals – environmental sensitivity index mapping.
NREM 904 - Contemporary issues in environmental Geoscience with emphasis on water Resources Assessment and Management (3 credits) - Integrated water resources management; Groundwater Resources Assessment and Management; Waste water treatment technologies; engineered sanitary landfills and solid waste handling; Ground water Risk Assessment and Remediation; Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM).
NREM 905 - Advanced environmental Management and systems (waste management, remediation and modeling) (3 credits) - Waste characterization, Waste Disposal and Management Methods; - Hazardous and Toxic Wastes; drilling wastes, radioactive and medical wastes etc.
NREM 906 - Advanced environmental Toxicology and hazardous waste treatment. (3 credits) -Chemicals in the Environment; Fate and Transport; Contemporary issues on Environmental Toxicology – Systemic ecotoxicology, toxicity soils and dispersants (including OBMs), Toxins and fates of absorbed toxins; etc.
NREM 907 - Environmental Quality and Remediation (3 credits) - Key pollutants, environmental factors impacting the fate and transport or pollutant; effects on human health and ecology. Green remediation measures. Evaluation of chemical, microbial and phytoremediation techniques in clean – up operations.
NREM 908 - Environmental Forensics (3 Credits) - Tracing environmental contaminants back to their point if origin. Methods of contaminants identification; This is important for the Niger Delta region which contains hundreds of Brownfield sites and their restoration/reclamation often involves public debate and law suits over the nature of contaminants on the site; identifying the party or parties responsible for those contaminants, and determining legal consequences and financial liability of the cleanup costs.
NREM 909 - Environmental Policy, Social and Management Impacts (3 credits) - Research in sustainability science and public policy and rural/urban development practices; Technical, economic, social barriers to the development of sustainability energy practices (e.g. solar, geothermal etc.) Constructing indicators and establishing models for monitoring urban systems; Enhancing sustainability, equity, and vulnerability reduction in communities and institutions.
NREM 908 - Research and Dissertation (9 credits) - This is a supervised advanced research intended to solve problems and will usually involve experiment, fieldwork, statistical analysis or simulation studies.
M.Sc Courses
NREM 801: Introduction to Natural Resources & Environmental Management – The course gives a general overview of the natural resources industry and environmental resources industry and environmental management. It explores the nature of the inter-relationship between environmental systems and human systems, and examines the complexity of environmental policy, planning and management. The course enables students to gain an appreciation of the complex and trans-disciplinary nature of environmental management issues and the inherent challenges in multi-disciplinary approaches to environmental management. It introduces renewable and non-renewable natural resources and the issue of consumption and sustainability.
NREM 802: Health, Safety, Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility - This course enables students to appreciate the issues of health, safety, environment and social responsibility of industries. Companies are increasingly under pressure to address their social and environmental responsibilities. Topics include, social, health and environmental auditing corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting, engagement of stakeholders and communities, participation of civil society groups, advocacy and communication.
NREM 803: Entrepreneurship - This course develops practical abilities and skills in entrepreneurship. It examines the broad areas of entrepreneurial business creation and management and historical perspective. Topics include: history and development of entrepreneurship theory, types of and characteristics of entrepreneurs, creativity and innovation, entrepreneurial process, feasibility study, business plans, pricing and bookkeeping, human resource management and marketing.
NREM 804: Fundamental of Environmental Biology - The Course introduces students to fundamental principles of Environmental Biology including plant, wildlife, marine and fishery resources as well as micro-organisms in relation to the environment. Topics include: habitats and management needs and tools; productivity patterns and stock dynamics; state of world wildlife and fishery resources and management; micro-organisms; microbial functions and activities in natural environments; microbiological methods and techniques, etc.
NREM 805: Fundamentals of Environmental Geosciences - The earth as a system (Geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere) and its interactions. Origin, structure and composition of the earth. The common rock-forming minerals, minerals and rock classification, rock cycle, elements of structural Geology (faults, folds, etc). Economic minerals, energy and fossil fuel resources. Concept of plate tectonics and surface processes (Weathering, erosion, transportation and deposition).
NREM 806: Environmental Chemistry & Toxicology - The course deals with the principles of environmental chemistry and toxicology, focusing on issues relating to the chemistry and toxic potential in the environment and their management. Topics include: Basic concepts in soil chemistry and chemical properties, soil micro and macro nutrients, Biogeochemical cycle, Toxicity of oils and dispersants (including OBMs), Dose-response relationship, Quantification of toxicity indices, Range-finding tests, Probit analysis, Abott’s correction formula, applicability of toxicity data in risk assessment and environmental monitoring.
NREM 807: Fundamentals of Economics and Project Costing/Analysis - This course provides a basic understanding of economic principles and its roles in natural resources and environmental management. The course also explores costing techniques, methods and their practical applications as well as economics of ecologically sustainable development. Topics include: market and non-market approaches, microeconomics, macroeconomics, supply and demand, Natural Environment and Human Economy, Resources Economics, Resource Scarcity, and Economic Efficiency, projects progress control and final cost, budgets and budgetary control, effective administration and management of contracts, competitive bidding, selection of successful bid, proper planning, documentation and execution of contract in the Nigerian oil exploration and production ventures.
NREM 808: Fundamentals of GIS and Remote Sensing - The course introduces students to principles and applications of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing. It provides the basic theoretical, technical and analytical skills necessary to apply GIS to simple spatial problems. Topics include: A review of analysis functions, selected advanced analysis, Modelling and flowcharting and Raster analysis GIS software package, data capturing techniques, spatial data and data models, cartographic techniques, GIS design and implementation as well as satellite imagery interpretation.
NREM 810: Sustainable Development: Concept, Principles and Practice - Sustainable Development is the current broadly-endorsed framework for environmental management and the emphasis in this course is exploring conceptual and practical framework for environmental management. Key topics include: development of the concepts of sustainable development and sustainability; Disciplinary perspectives/approaches (philosophy, economic, ecological, socio-cultural, governance health sciences etc.); Critiques of sustainability as a framework for environmental management; problems in practical interpretation and implementation of sustainability; Response to the sustainability framework by different levels of governance, corporations, professionals and International community. Poverty and the environment, community participation in development, practice of sustainable development and environmental management in Nigeria.
NREM 811: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA, SIA & HIA) - This course provides an introduction to the wide range of “tools” used in environmental management and for environmental decision making. Topics include: interrelationship among Assessment; Environment and Development; evolution of Environmental Assessment; Procedures and steps in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), and Health Impact Assessment (HIA); Public Participation; Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA); Policy formulation; risk management systems, etc. Effectiveness and challenges of contemporary EA practices. Environmental Auditing and Management Systems.
NREM 812: Ecosystem and Natural Resources Management/Conservation - The course introduces students to the inter-disciplinary nature of ecosystem management/conservation and natural resources (including forest, wildlife, aquatic, geological). The complexity of managing dynamic ecosystems with on-going biodiversity changes. Need to balance ecological needs with economic, political and socio-cultural demands. Other topics include: threats to biodiversity; conservation genetic; wildlife population management; impacts of climate change; balancing stakeholder interests.
NREM 813: Waste Management, Pollution Assessment and Remediation –This course provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary knowledge of waste management, fate and transport of inorganic and organic pollutants in the subsurface and integrated site characterization and assessment for subsurface remediation of contaminated sites. Topics include; waste management approaches, conceptual site models (CSM), Risk Based Site characterization, advection – dispersion theory, non-aqueous phase (LNAPLs & DNAPLs) in the subsurface, microbial processes, conceptual approach to soil remediation, integrating site characterization with selection of remediation methods, treatment approaches, treatability studies, preparation of remediation action plan, Bioremediation, monitoring and regulation of remediation standards.
NREM 815: Water Resources Assessment and Management: The course provides a comprehensive knowledge of several concepts relating to Water Resources Assessment and Management. Topics include: Concepts of sustainable water resources management and integrated water resources management, water quantity and quality, water use and demand including the value of water to the environment, irrigation agriculture and urban uses, water use efficiency and recycling, water policy and planning including principles of water reform, current developments in water policy and catchment-based decision-making. Climate change and Water Resources Sustainability.
NREM 816: Ecology, Biodiversity and Contemporary Issues - The concept of conservation – historical perspective; biodiversity and business; Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) and parameters for the assessment of biodiversity (Rapid Forest Assessments); Criteria for protecting an area; international coalition for biodiversity – UNCED 1992 and biodiversity, the convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); other international agreements and treaties on biodiversity conservation; Biodiversity conservation efforts in Nigeria (public sector and NGOs); forest and rangeland resources; wildlife and fisheries.
NREM 817: Climate Change and Coastal Zone Management - This course provides students with in-depth knowledge of concepts, policies, tools and techniques necessary for coastal zone management with emphasis on trans-disciplinary and large marine Ecosystems (LME) approaches as well as relevance of climate change impacts. Topics include; global warming, climate change see level rise, overview of coastal zone management (imperatives, implementation and impacts); dynamics and processes along shoreline, coastal erosion, transport, deposition and resultant geomorphologic features; coastal zone anatomy (evolution, classification, characteristics and interrelationships with emphasis on the Nigerian coastal zone); Human-coast interaction (consequences, use-conflicts and costs); Coastal hazards; Mitigating coastal zone abuse; pollution, erosion and flooding; global warming and see level rise; ecological changes and conservation; coastal resource over-exploitation/mismanagement; population migration/displacement.
PGD Courses
NREM 700.1 - Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Management (2 Credits): Definition and components of the environment, definition and classification of natural resources; importance of natural resources, impacts and threats to natural resources availability, importance of environmental and natural resources management; Nigerian Environment and Natural Resources (Understanding the Nigerian Environment and factors that define it, type and distribution of natural resources, causes of threats/depletion of Natural resources in Nigeria).
NREM 701.1 - Entrepreneurship and Project Management (2 credits) : Principles of entrepreneurship and project management; project costing and analysis; contract sourcing and bidding; opportunities in the environmental and natural resources sector.
NREM 702.1 - Principles of Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Resources (3 Credits): Basic ecological concept, ecosystem structure and dynamics, biogeochemical (nutrient)cycles, ecological factors and species distribution, the concept, value and distribution, the concept, value and distribution of biological diversity, threats and causes of biodiversity loss, extinction of species, principles and methods of conservation of biodiversity and natural resources, convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Protected Areas System.
NREM 703.1 - Hydrology, Watershed and Coastal Zone Management (3 Credits): Basic geology of Nigeria, Managing impacts on watershed and water resources and understanding the relationships among forest, soil, water, land-use, and people. Management of wildlands watershed for control of the amount and timing of water yield, stormflow, water quality, erosion, and sedimentation (emphasis on forest and water resources management), integrated coastal zone management.
NREM 704.1 - Principles of Sustainable Development in Management of Environmental and Natural Resources (3 Credits) : Definitions and evolution of sustainable development (SD) concept, sector applications and practice of sustainable development, principles of sustainable management of environment and natural resources, role of business in SD, Environmental and Natural Resources Economics and Governance (Socio-cultural perspectives and models for understanding human-environment interactions, Economic analysis of natural resources; economic principles in the management and use of natural resources, Governance (Survey) and analysis of policies, Legislation, institutions, and processes relating to the use of natural resources); the ‘equator principle’.
NREM 705.1 - Impact Assessments and Environmental Laws/Regulations (2 Credits) : Meaning and types of impact assessments applicable in Nigeria: EIA, EA, PIA, EER, Baseline Assessment, etc.: legal and regulatory basis of IAS, environmental components for assessment (biogeophysical, health and social), EIA report preparation, environmental management plan (EMP.) EMS, typical EIA.
NREM 706.2 - GIS and Remote Sensing Application Natural Resources Management (3 Credits): GIS and spatial techniques in environmental and natural resource management. Spatial data structures, map projection, global positioning system. How to create spatial data sets through GPS survey, Utilization of GIS software and performance of basic spatial analysis.
NREM 707.2 – Global Warming and Climate Change (3 Credits): Understanding the basic science of global warming and, climate change evidence of global warming and climate change, likely impacts on environment and natural resources, current response and activities towards reducing human-induced climate change, international conventions on climate change; principles of carbon trading; green economy.
NREM 708.2 – Environmental Hazards, Risks and Management (3 Credits): Major environmental hazards and risks (flood, erosion, desertification, wildfires, etc), causes, impacts and management of these hazards and risks; geographical distribution and preponderance of these hazards in Nigeria.
NREM 709.2 – Environmental Health, Pollution and Toxicology (3 Credits): Concept of environmental pollution, causes, sources, effects and control of environmental pollution, chemicals in the environment – fate and transport, basic ecotoxicology – types, sources and effects of toxins environmental toxins; health hazards or work environment, public health, modern ergonomics and industrial phychology.
NREM 710.2 - Environmental Remedation and Waste Management (3 Credits) : Types and sources of waste; Waste characterization, Waste Disposal and Management Methods; Hazardous and Toxic Waste Disposal and Management – drilling wastes, radioactive and medical waste handling; Remediation – types, methods, principles and practice.
NREM 711.2 – ICT, Research Methodology and Anti-Plagiarism (1 Credit): Basic computing knowledge; Internet Technology; Statistical packages; precision and accuracy estimates; principles of scientific research; concepts of hypothesis formulation and testing; and organization of research and technical report writing; anti-plagiarism checks.
NREM 712.2 – Research Project (6 Credits): This is a supervised research intended to solve some identified problems and may involve some experiment, field work, statistical analysis or simulation studies.