The summer school organised by the Training Unit of the Information and Communication Technology Centre has come to an end.  The Programme which commenced on the 1st of August, 2013 and ended on the 30th of August 2013 was very successful.  It covered IT skills, Literacy and Numeracy trainings at different levels.  Over 40 kids attended the programme.
The programme was organised for kids between the ages of 5yrs to 16yrs which means children in reception to SS3 classes.  They were classified into three groups, Kinderfun (for the very young ones), primary and secondary school levels.  The kids were engaged for one month during their summer holidays, keeping them busy learning new skills rather than engaging in unfruitful ventures that may have gotten them into trouble.
Some parents tried to register their kids too late and we were not able to accommodate them.  We are hereby informing the University community that it is going to be a regular programme during the summer holidays so get your kids registered before the end of July every year.







Some of the kids with their Instructors.











Some of the kids with their Instructors.










Some of the kids in the secondary level with their Instructors


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