New Year Message from Vice Chancellor

The start of a new year is a time when we should reflect with gratitude on the past and set our hopes and intentions for the months ahead. This New Year, 2022 gives us an opportunity to reinvigorate our enthusiasm to pursue our goals and dreams.

Its another time to try again if peradventure, you couldn't meet up with your individual aspirations, we encourage you to pick up the lessons from the challenges of last year.

As a University, it is time for strategic initiatives and intentional processes that will aid us to emerge on global academic platforms.

Yes, we had various notable achievements and national awards in 2021 but we want to step into the New Year with a renewed zest and incredible capabilities for global relevance.

We therefore urge members of staff, students, and other stakeholders of the University of Port Harcourt to leverage on our collective strength and strive for stability and competence on the job in line with international best practics of this Info-Tech age. To do this, staff must endeavour to update their skills and get ready for the flight to global best practices. Let's turn a new chapter and with hope and patience and fill each blank day of the week with hardwork, wisdom, love and enthusiasm.

Remember, dreams only become reality when corresponding and consistent actions are taken.

On behalf of the Governing Council and the University Management, we wish you a fresh start with renewed energy and confidence throughout the New Year.


Welcome to the Year 2022 in the University of Port Harcourt


God's Grace see us through the New Year

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