Department of Broadcasting

Dr. Sunny Igwe

FULL NAMES: Dr. Sunny  Igwe

DESIGNATION(S): Senior Lecturer in Marketing Department


 Dr. Sunny R. Igwe graduated from University of Port Harcourt , Ph. D Marketing 2012, MBA 2006; and B.Sc Marketing (Top of his Class)  2000. He Holds Professional Membership; National Institute Of Marketing Nigeria (NIMN), and the Academy of Management Nigeria (MAMN) .

 He is a lecturer in Marketing Department and his working and teaching experience spans as;  Tutorial lecturer 2005/2006,  lecturer ll, 2007, Senior Lecturer Marketing Department Department 2014, Vice Principal/Tutor, Olobo Premier College Choba 2004-2006; Depot Master (PZ Industries PLC) Onitsha and Port Harcourt Depot, 2003. He  has over 35 publications from reputable  local and international journals to his credit

His area of research interest include: Strategic Marketing, Consumer Behavior, small and medium enterprise Brand management and Social Marketing. Loyalty drivers


E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;  Chikordi@

OFFICE BLOCK/ADDRESS: Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Marketing, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.









Journal /Publication/ Publisher

Abstract/ Summary


Kalu, S.E. and Igwe, S.R.


Marketers’ commitment toSocial responsibility: A Pledge to customer satisfaction

Journal of Business and Social Science.

Volume 3, No. 1 , May

ISSN 1118-8340,Pp. 207-219, Publisher. Department of Marketing, Imo State University Owerri and Avan Global Publication.

The study examined marketers' commitment to social responsibility; A pledge to customer satisfaction which aimed at determining the commitment factors to social responsibility, nature and extent, and role social responsibility play. A survey of 230 respondents was carried out among managers of consumers goods manufacturers and services firms located in the Niger Delta States. Product moment correlations coefficient was used to test the hypothesis. Result revealed that a strong significant correlation between CSR and firm's brand image; and CSR and customer satisfaction. Marketer that show commitment to CSR are likely to increase their brand image, patronage and customer satisfaction. The study recommends that corporate bodies should develop holistic approach to communicating, listening and proactively responding to the needs and wants of the customer and public through social auditing and consumer forum.


Kalu, S.E., Ozuru, H.N. and Igwe, S.R.


Entrepreneurshipand Technology


African Journal of


Vol. l, No.2, Sept.

Pp. 104-115. ISSN

2006-5345. Published

by: African

entrepreneurship and

Leadership Initiative,

This paper reviews entrepreneurship and the

essence, activities and characteristics of

entrepreneurs. It discussed the key role that

entrepreneurship plays in the development of

the Nigerian economy. This paper further

reviews the challenges facing entrepreneurial

managements in Nigeria and the impact of

technology on entrepreneurship. Finally, the

paper retraces the use of information communication technology and the use of the indigenous technical innovation to better and increase agricultural production


Kalu, S.E., Amue, G.J., Igwe, S.R.


Public Policy and Tourism,The Nigerian Experience.

African Journal of Entrepreneurship. Vol. 1, No.2, Sept. Pp. 148. Published by: African Entrepreneurship and Leadership Initiative

This paper examine the relationship and contribution of public policy to development of the tourism sector in Nigeria, Our discussion included the concept of policy, public policy productivity and the concept of tourism performance. This paper identities and articulates the public policy productivity dimensions with the aid of conceptual model to show the relationship to tourism performance. This paper concluded that many of the problems associated with the development of tourism in the country can be adequately solved by the formulation and implementation of appropriate public policy. Finally, it recommended that improvement in marking policies and incentive for expansion of existing facilities and new investors in the sector, definite policies that will aim at effective promotion and marketing of tourism destinations


Ikechukwu, A,. Igwe S.R.,

Kennett C. Adiele


Entrepreneurial Marketing and Economic Development in Nigeria; the way forward

Journal of Contemporary Marketing, Vol. 1, No, 7, ISSN 2043-8702. Published by Oxford Mosaic Publications

This paper examines the extent to which the entrepreneur marketing affects national economic growth and development with a special focus on Nigeria. It review process of economic development in Nigeria from early post-colonial agrarian economy to present oil and gas economic. The paper observed that one vital factor militating against Nigeria's economic development, is the absence of a truly Nigerian economic ideology, which can properly capture the unique configuration of the traditional Nigerian society. It also shows the relationship between entrepreneurs and economic development drawing & extrapolating from the analysis of the "GEM Uganda 2003"-particularly "Necessity Entrepreneurship" contribute to National growth. The paper examines that government at all level should improve their entrepreneurial framework condition


Hart O. Awa, Ikechukwu F. Asiegbu; Sunny R. Igwe, Sunday Eze



experience of

value chain

architecture; A

system paradigm

to building

customer loyalty.

Global Journal of

Management and

Business Research.

Vol. 11, Issue 3,

Version 1.3 March Pp.

69-80. Publisher:

Global Journal Inco.

(USA) ISN 0975-


In most industries, customer retention has replaced the aggressive and offensive customer attraction ideals of transactional marketing. Collaborative architecture within the value chain represent such shift from marketing mix approach to relationship marketing which though lacks knowledge of its own but spans inter-firm alignment to reform marketing activities via debunking selfishness. Superficiality and self-indulgence. The implication is that customer satisfaction is a value-chain and systems actively built-on trust, mutuality, promise, shared values, and commitment, whereby each subsystem interacts mutually with others to maintain the whole to customer satisfaction and profitability


Igwe, S.R. and Ukazu, Juliana, N.


The Impact of

Internet on

Quality of

Service in the

Bank Sector in


Journal of Trend

Management and

Social Sciences Vol.

4, No. 1. Pp. 40-61.

Publisher: Association

of Management and

Social Practitioners

The study examined the impact of internet on quality of service in the banking sector. The upsurge of information technology and the

challenges of finding out the attributes that customer use in assessment of overall service

quality has changed customer banking service habit today. There is therefore the need to find out factors that affects customer's need expectation and satisfaction of electronic services. Data were collected from 202 employee and customers of Bank in Port Harcourt, Lagos through questionnaire. Methods. Chi-square statistical tool was used for analysis. We find out there is a significant relationship between internet usage and quality of service. Also significant relationship between internet usage and fraudulent practices. We concluded that internet has influence the content and quality of banking operation, and recommend that investment on electronics and internet facilities should form an important component in the strategy of banking operation to ensure effective performance.


Ogwo, E.O., and Igwe, S.R.


Some key factors influencing attitudes of patronage of GSM Services; The Nigeria Experience

International Journal of Business and

Management Vol. 7, No. 18, PP. 82-3850. Published by Canadian Centre for Science and Education.

The increasing pattern of customer switch, competition and the quest for customer loyalty in Global system for mobile communication (GSM) industry has informed the study of some key factors influencing attitudes of customer towards mobile phone services. A cluster and simple random survey were employed 308 university lecturers in South-South Nigeria, Spearman rank correlations and multiple regression were used to test the hypothesis. The mode based on the empirical findings revealed that service quality, customer value and brand image/reputation each positively and significantly - influences intention to use. The moderating effect of satisfaction is contingent, necessary and sufficient upon there intendment constructs influence on intention. The implication of this work to both researcher and practitioner is discussed.


Amue, Gonewa, I Abiye Horsfall, Igwe Sunnv


Behavioural Based segmentation and Marketing Success. An


Investigation of

Fast Food


European Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 4. No, l5Pp56-65.

ISSN 2222- 1905

Publish by;

International Institute

for Science



Segmenting market base on behavioral perspective not only has tremendous potential for growth and profitably but also poses challenges both incumbent and new entrants in the fast food industry. By examining the measures of marketing success from a behavioral perspective, the authors conceptualize three dimensions of behavior techniques that are critical for superior marketing success in the fast food industry benefit sought, usage rate and loyalty status.

Demo-psycho graphic variables on marketing success(e,g customer satisfaction, customer

loyalty, sales growth and profitability) using data from 156 fast food firms. The result show that benefit bought and loyalty status affect marketing success.


Igwe, S.R.,

Amue John G.,

Asiegbu, I.K,


Nature and

Determinants of



Patronage in

GSM: The



Journal of Business

and Value creation

Vol. l,No. 1, Pp61-74,


Published by:

Department of

Marketing Faculty of

Management Science

University of Port

Harcourt, Nigeria.

The ever yearning quest to develop a model to address sustainable customer patronage in GSM informed the study. The evolved from “holistic model” based on the theoretical and focus group findings revealed that GSM operators striving for sustainable customer patronage should focus primarily on satisfaction. The primary determinant of customer patronage are; customer perception of service quality, value, social affinity, brand image/reputation, customer service, and switching cost, and demographic - age and income. Therefore; the implication centre on sustainable customer patronage is function of firm’s delivering above average customer expectation, values of these constructs, satisfaction and governments enabling framework and its propositions. (my contribution in this  is 60%)


Amue Gonewa J., Igwe, S.R., Nwupe, Naatum.






managing customer


lesson from the


industry in


Journal of Business

and Value creation

Vol. 1, No.1. Pp61-74.


Published by:

Department of

Marketing Faculty of

Management Science

University of Port

Harcourt Nigeria.

Managing experience not only has tremendous potential for growth but also pose unique challenges for both incumbents and new entrants. By examining drivers of firms performance in customers from experience perspective, the authors conceptualize three level of managing experience that are critical for superior firm performance in customers; qualitative approach to clarify the relationship between customer experience management and from performance. The result indicate that managing customer experience is proposed to have positive effect on firm performance in terms of instant retention and customer acquisition


Clatus, G,

Akebor and

Igwe S.R


A theoretical

exposition of the

Nigerian cultural

environment for




 The University

Advance Research

Journal. Issue 7 July-

Sept ISSN 1119-8125

INARE Educational.

Publishers and

Management Services, ENUGU


Trade liberalization and more opportunities in foreign markets have extended marketing activities beyond national and continental boundaries- To be successful in such International marketing operations, the cultural sentiments of the foreign markets must be brought to bear in the light of the above, this paper explored the Nigerian cultural environment for successful international marketing operations. To achieve this purpose, a critical review of extent literature on international marketing orientation, the concept of culture, approaches to the study of culture. Nigeria and moral values, business customers and practices, was made. Our theoretical analysis revealed that Nigeria is a country of diverse cultures and the success of international marketing organization depends on how knowledgeable they are about the Nigeria cultural environment. Such knowledge will enable them to design appropriate marketing strategies such as that local language for advertising general product; the use of national audio or visual media station for promoting products (e.g. beer) where contact with the Muslims is not permissible, the adoption of penetration pricing methods and the avoidance of public sales of some health products.   


Asiegbu Ikechukwu F., Igwe Sunny R., and Iruka Chijindu, J.


Antecedent of intention-to-use-a particular mobile service among South-South University Lecturers in Nigeria.

International Journal of Business and Social Science. Vol. 3,No. 19, October pp. 272-282, ISSN 2219-1993 ISSN 2214-6021 Publisher: Centre for Promoting Idea

The aim of the study was to unveil some antecedents factors that, make university lecturers in the South-South zone of Nigeria have intention to use the services of a particular mobile phone service provide drawing from theory of learning organization and market orientation, the paper believes that a mobile phone service provider that is armed with adequate knowledge of factors that propels prospects to use mobile phone would be in a better position to design appropriate strategies that will engender enduring relationship with its customers. Data collected from 308 lecturers from South-South Universities in Nigeria were analyzed using Spearman rank correlations order and multiple regression statistics. The empirical findings revealed that social affinity, switching cost and customs service provider affect attitude to use GSM. The recommend that GSM operator can appeal lo these lecturers by showing adequate and being responsive, empathic, reliable, accessible and credible in the with customers


Amue, Gonowa J., Iruka, C. J., Igwe Sunny R.



Value added opportunities through customer care management; A study into GSM service operators in Nigeria,


International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow Vol. 3, No. 7. Ppl-8. Published by: SPIRI (Society for Promoting

International Research and Innovation).

Customers are the driving force of companies striving for success, survival of these companies evidently depends on their customers competition is bearing more global and more intense firms have realized that they cannot compete on price alone. Consequently, companies have developed a strategy of providing superior customer care to differentiate their services. This paper explores value added opportunities available through proper management of customer care within the GSM service operators. The authors conceptualized drivers of customer care management that are critical for superior patronage in the telecom industry. The finding revealed that there strong evidence of minimal customer care management within the service operators and strong positive correlation between customer loyalty schemes, handling customer complaints and patronage. Finally, the paper suggests areas of improvement


Amue, Gonewa, J., Igwe Sunny R.


Market Orientation, firm's level characteristics and environmental factors: Investigating the moderating effects on E-commerce competence.

IOSR Journal of Business and Management (1SOR-JBM)Vol. 12,Issue4 July-Aug PP. 01-08.



The study assessed the effect of firm level characteristics, market orientation and environmental factors on the influence of e-commerce competence development on organizations' performance. Data were draw from 130 managers from a population of 193 managers of all the airline firms in the industry. Partial correlation coefficient was used for test the moderating effect of variable of study. The result shows that firms' level characteristics and proactive market orientation moderate the influence of e-commerce competence development on organizational performance. We conclude that certain market culture and firms' level characterize affect the influence of e-commerce competence or performance. We therefore recommend that e-commerce firms should anticipate latent need by offering technological advances that enable then lead customer to new und better proposition and satisfaction.










 Amue, G.J; Igwe, Sunny  and HORSFL A.



(2013) ‘AFTER  Sale service ; a strategy for building sustainable competitive advantage in business markets’.

Journal of business and value creation. Vol.2 No.2pp1-19. July- DECEMBER,         ISSN2315-8212. Published by marketing department university of port Harcourt











Amue, Gonewa, J.

Sunny R.,

Friday Nkoro


Market-oriented Culture in Nollywood

Industry: An


Investigation of

firm Maker and

Producers in


International Journal of Business and Management

Economic Research

Vol.4(4), Ppl752-75B.


The collapse of movie - theatre going culture and the incessant harassment of innocent citizen by criminals, the country’s economic down turn and various problem affecting celluloid firms production gave rise to video firm in Nigeria. It is on record that the industry rakes gross estimate of about 200 million dollars every year with a popularity that cuts across the entire continent of Africa, to Europe and North America. Effects have been made to investigate the effects of market oriented orientation and performance of Nolly wood industry. As part of these effects, this study employed market oriented culture as a competitive strategy in the creative industry and based on review of relevant literature developed relationship between market oriented culture and performance; and finally verified the relationship from the entire industry. It was found out that market culture has direct effect on performance of the Nollywood industry. The finding of this study add new understand to the literature or market orientation and performance in entertainment industry.


Ozuru, H.N., Igwe, S.R., Asiegbu, I.F


The role of

Attitudes and


consistency in




Reiko international

Journal of Social and

Economic Research.

Special Edition,

Vol. 5,No. 2. Feb.

Pp, 32-39.


Reiko Centre for

Academic Research and Development, Maryland, U.S.A.        

This paper explores the of attitudes in relation to behaviour consistency in consumer behaviour. Components of behaviour, main functions, attitude formation, sources of attitude, factors affecting attitude change and consistency were discussed addressing its various applications.  Finally, , the paper addresses the significant areas of attitudes and how it can be successfully application in marketing (implications for marketing) in management.






Amue, G.J ;Igwe, sunny R and HORSFL A. l 


PRDICTING new product’s long term market share and sales volume through pretest and market share forecasting model,

Journal of business and value creation. Vol.3 No.2pp34-45. January -June,      ISSN2315-8212. Published by marketing department university of port Harcourt

Using modeling efforts in the areas news product introduction have had a significant influence on marketing planning and strategy. One of the results of the these efforts, is the  assessors pretest marketing forecasting model use in providing  marketing  with forecasts and diagnostic  information regarding  their new product strategies. This paper  explore how we can use pretest market forecasting model   to make  effective decisions about how much to invest in a new product and to predict the likely  market share and sales volume at the long run. The   paper also presents the parameter estimation methods and its validation.  We evaluate our research in the context of consumer choice behaviors the laboratory as attest facility for the research work.  The sample data incudes 300 participants as a representative of the target segment. The preset market model is designed to use already obtainable data to generate forecast of consumer awareness, trial –repeat purchase, usage, sale and market for a new product. The outputs combined with diagnostics from the model   can then be incorporated into marketing plan a way that will improve the new entry’s chance of success in the market place.  Predicting  new products long term market share and sales volume through pretest marketing forecasting will help us to know whether to introduce the new product  into market or not








Igwe, Sunny.R., Chukwu, God’Will C.


Demographic Characteristics: A predictive and moderating architecture of usage pattern of GSM   among   university lecturers in Nigeria

Reiko international

Journal of business and


Vol. 7,No. 1. April.


Reiko Centre for

Academic Research and Development, Maryland, U.S.A affiliate of Atlantic international university, Honolulu, issn;2211-1813        

In more than a decade and with the insufficient record on demographic profile –usage link, marketing seeking to build loyalty are much more interested in who are their heavy users of their product. This necessitates the study of demographic characteristics of usage pattern of GSM in Nigeria. An exploratory and survey approach were used in data collection from 308 samples population of government owned universities in south souith  Nigeria. The description  of usage profile 69% heavy users and 30.2% light users of credit card. The heavy user are men 86.5%  and women 13.5%, age between 40- 44 above 67.2, income N 300,000- N400,000 medium- high 64.1%, married 94.9%, msc-ph.d .  it was found yhat there is  a significant and moderating effect age, income has on antecedent  on actual usage . It was found that age ,income, marital status, educational qualification were significant on usage while gender was insignificant. The study conclude  with discussion on findings which have implication on loyalty program, segmentation for GSM operators regulatory framework for economic planner and policy maker on learning and education.









Amue G.J ; Igwe,  sunny  R,


Sales force compensation Mechanisms; a strategy for sustainable competitiveness in the banking industry

OSR Journal of Business and Management (1SOR-JBM)Vol. 16,Issue  9 September PP. 01-09. e-ISSN 2278-482X.P-2319-7668

Compensating ones sales force represents challenges, because reward must be extremely competitive in a nature and should provide adequate incentive to motivate employee to do their best ,this paper explores ways of developing sales force compensation mechanism for sustainable competitiveness in the financial market. .Data were drawn from 120 sales managers 380 sales person making a total of 500 respondents  .The result revealed  a strong positive influence between compensation and sales force performance. Amongst measures of compensation mechanism ;salary plus commission  and bonus impact  significantly on sales performance ,based on the finding the concludes that sales force compensation mechanism enhance sale build long enduring relationship, provide adequate competiveness. We recommend that money a deposit  should develop good sales force compensation that will enhance sustainable competitive strategy in the market place.









Amue,G.J and Igwe sunny R, Abiye, H.F


ICT Entrepreneurship And Small Business Innovation; A Mechanism For Sustainability.

European journal of business and social sciences, Vol.3 no.6 pp103-112,September.url;www.ejbss/recent aspx. Issn;2235-767x

ICT entrepreneurship plays a central role in virtually all nation socio-economic development agenda in the past decade. Although business scholars seem implicitly to assume that ICT entrepreneur’s effort contribute in some way to strategic fit  in most business domain. Using modern technologies, this article examines the link between ICT entrepreneurship and small business innovation.  In particular, the authors develop a conceptual model arguing that regulatory environment on ICT   entrepreneurship development influence small business innovation. The paper adds to existing body of knowledge on ICT entrepreneurship and provides bases for more informed decision by offering new constructs, a team –based entrepreneurship activities and experimental activities.. We proposed a model of ICT entrepreneur ship to form a richer theoretical framework that guides the understanding, explanation and prediction of innovativeness in ICT entrepreneurship.








IGWE SUNNY  R and  Oluwalokun Emmanuel


EMPIRICAL  Analysis of brand attributes on customer loyalty of bread baking firms in RIVERS  state




WEST AFRICAN Journal Of Business And Management Sciences ,Faculty Of Business Administration ,IMO State  University,Owerri , Nigerian Edition, Vol.3 No 2A September 2014 Special  pp.57-70. Edition.Issn;978-37989

..Www.Imsubiznessjournals.Org. Published By Faculty Of Business Administration ,Imo State University, In Collaboration  SIREN

Customer perception on brand is ever changing resulting from the increasing risk of choice, difficult in crafting value promise, confusion associated with brand proliferation and the antecedent challenge of managing customer switch and loyalty. This paper aimed to survey the effect of brand attributes on customer loyalty. A total of 174 respondents of top managers and customers of 33 registered bread firms in Rivers State were surveyed. We analyzed the data using descriptive and (multiple regression). It was discovered that brand quality, packaging, availability, awareness, brand name were positive and significant in customer loyalty. Therefore, the study advised bakeries to be customer focus, strategic, proactive, hygienic, creative and effective in delivery customer   branding programs, so as to enhance customer loyalty.  












Amue,G.J and  Igwe , S.R


Assessing moderating effect of competitive intensity, endogenous parameter and indirect effect on customer equity and financial performance..

International journal of business and social socience.Vol.5. NO. 10 September .


 The link between customer lifetime value and financial performance has accelerated much research concern in marketing domain. The main purpose of this paper is to assess the moderating effects of the moderator variables on the link between customer equity and financial performance relationships. The paper presents a holistic model of financial performance incorporating customer retention, customer acquisition and add-on offers. Data from twenty quoted money deposit banks in Nigeria showed that customer retention, customer acquisition efforts and add-on selling have a direct linear relationship with financial performance measure. Also, competitive intensity and endogenous parameter significantly moderate the relationship between customer equity and financial performance. However, the moderating effect of indirect effects on add-on offers and profitability was statistically insignificant. Reliance on indirect effects to accelerate profit in the organization could be a risky strategy.











 Chijindu Herbert Iruka1,. John G. Amue. Sunny Rukani Igwe



Trust, Privacy, and Peer Group Correlates of Intention to Adopt

the Automated Teller Machine in Nigeria 1998-2012


, Journal of information engineering and application, Vol. 4 No. 8. Pp.40 -48. Issn-2224-5782,  published by international institute for science , technology and education, (IISTE) accelerating global knowledge creation and sharing

The study investigated the influence of Trust, Privacy, and Peer group on intention to adopt the Automated Teller machine by money deposit banks’ retail customers in South- South Nigeria. The cross-sectional survey research design was employed. A total of 400 copies of the questionnaire were administered to captive customers of state headquarters of 14 banks in the six states that make up the South-South zone of Nigeria. The Regression model was employed for analysis using the SPSS application package, version 17. It was found that Trust and Privacy-in-use influence the ATM adoption by bank customers in the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that banks should consider privacy-in-use and Trust in their managerial decisions to increase the ATM adoption in South-South Nigeria. Since privacy-in-use has the highest influence on the ATM adoption, banks should consider it paramount and ensure that the ATM is always installed in placeswhere the user customer will not feel somebody is watching and is likely to have access to confidential information such as the pin code. An enclosure that takes only one person at a time is advised. Again, the banks should intensify efforts on image building campaign






Igwe, Sunny R. & Amue J.G


international journal of development and sustainability Vol. 3 No.11. pp.2101 -2116. ISSN:2186-8662 . published by ISDS LLC Japan


CUSTOMER Satisfaction; A Sustainable Moderator of Antecedents – Intention to Use Link Of GSM Amongst University Lecturers In Nigeria

Business organizations mandate to deliver customer satisfaction is still a burning issue. However, satisfaction as a moderator of antecedent – intention to use link has received less attention in GSM service and consumer predictability. This article developed an integrated, empirical model of intention to use. The result revealed that satisfaction is a significant and indispensable moderator on antecedents’ – intention to use link. It indicated a significant priority order of  factors; service quality, brand image, customer value, social affinity to customer service as least influence on intention to use. To create sustainable loyalty, movement along antecedents-customer satisfaction is sufficient and necessary. Managerial implications from this study are also provided.









Nigerian journal of financial research, Vol. 9 no 1 junepp64-72. Published by department of finance and Banking ,University of port Harcourt , issn1599-8051

Forecasting Sales of an innovative products through stimulation techniques; the logit model perspective

Using modeling  efforts in the areas news product introduction have had a significant influence on marketing planning  and strategy. One of the results of the these efforts, is the  assessors pretest marketing forecasting model use in providing  marketing  with forecasts and diagnostic  information regarding  their new product strategies. This paper  explore how we can use pretest market forecasting model   to make  effective decisions about how much to invest in a new product and to predict the likely  market share and sales volume at the long run. The   paper also presents the parameter estimation methods and its validation.  We evaluate our research in the context of consumer choice behaviors the laboratory as attest facility for the research work.  The sample data incudes 300 participants as a representative of the target segment. The preset market model  is designed  to use already obtainable data to generate forecast of consumer awareness, trial –repeat purchase, usage, sale and market for a new product. The outputs combined with diagnostics from the model   can then be incorporated into marketing plan a way that will improve the new entry’s chance of success in the market place.  Predicting  new products long term market share and sales volume through pretest marketing forecasting will help us to know whether to introduce the new product  into market or not.



Igwe, Sunny R


Journal of business and value creation. Vol.5No.1pp1-19. Jan-JuneISSN2315-8212. Published by marketing department university of port Harcourt

Social Class – Port Harcourt Neighbourhood Nexus: Defining Fast Food   Location and Patronage Imperative.


Port Harcourt is one of the innovative cities in embracing fast food culture due to industrialization and its associated changing lifestyle.  Through exploratory design, this paper examined the social class structure that lied behind Port Harcourt neighbourhood and explored how the practice of fast food business location and consumption differ among class status setting. As part of this examination, social class theory was reviewed and integrated across- fast food consumption model. Finally, this paper made a conceptual two class distinction of Port Harcourt city.






Igwe Sunny R., &   Chukwu Evelyn N


Journal of business and value creation. Vol.5No.2 pp64-78July- Dec                ISSN2315-8212. Published by marketing department university of port Harcourt

Facebook Utilization and Marketing Performance of NationalDailiesin PortHarcourt.




The advent  of social media has transformed  business frontier,  knowledge and reading culture,  and  offered a variety of business  opportunities. This study investigated the relationship between Facebook utilization and marketing success of Newspaper firms in Port Harcourt.  A Sample size  of  36  respondents made up of Zonal Managers, marketing managers, circulation supervisors and E-media Supervisors were involved and copies of questionnaire used. Regression analysis was used to test the relationship between facebook utilization and Marketing success of the industry under study. Our findings from quantitative data analyses support the argument that Facebook utilization positively affects Marketing success. In conclusion, Facebook utilization can be used to positively influence   marketing success. It was recommended that the National Dailies firms in Rivers State should embrace, emphasize and investment on the use of Facebook to access Newspapers, if they must gain huge marketing success.






 Sunny R. Igwe. and Tamunoiyowuna  Mathias,


Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (ISSN: 2315-5086) Vol. 5(5) pp. 135-144, May, 2016

Available online


Sales Force Training Methods and Sales Performance of Insurance Firms in Rivers State

With the increasing customer apathy to insurance services, the need for insurance sales force to acquire relevant skills to persuade and recover lost customers and remain competitive amidst growing competition have necessitated the investigation  into the relationship between sales force training methods and sales performance. A sample of 70 respondents of sales managers and sales personnel) were surveyed through questionnaire from 23 insurance firms in Rivers State. And spearman rank correlation was used for the analysis. The outcome revealed a very strong and positive relationship between training methods and sales performance. It specifically showed that coaching training, seminar and role playing have positive, strong and significant correlations with sales volume, market coverage, and lost account recovered. This study therefore concludes that sales force training was veritable tool to drive sales performance. It recommended that analysis of sales force training need should follow strategic, periodic, use and implementation of various training methods.




Amue, g and Igwe sunny. R


Nigerian journal of financial research, Vol. 10  No 1 June pp152-167. Published by department of finance and Banking, University of port Harcourt , issn1599-8051





Using analyticalHierarchy process (AHP) to explore prioritization of winning strategies of fast food industry in Nigeria.

The paper intended to use analytical hierarchy process to explore prioritization of winning marketing strategies for fast food restaurants in Nigeria. The winning strategies includes; selection of location, understanding and addressing customer’s want, delivery of quality  service and providing  a wide  variety of[product option. The study made use of the analytical hierarchy methodology  for ranking of winning marketing of 40 managers fastfood restaurants in port Harcourt. It was established that providing a wide variety product option is considered to be  most important winning strategy  with apriority of 38.71% whereas  selecting location strategy is second more important winning strategy with a priority of 22.15%, understanding and addressing customers need and quality of service delivery has a priority of 20.08% and 19.06% respectively. We concluded that , there is a little emphasis on understanding and addressing customer and provision of quality service which is a serious concern to the sector. The study would help operators and policy makers to understand immediate impediments of this sector and in short while formulate appropriate strategies to enhance operation of fast food restaurants in the Nigerian business environments






Sunny R. Igwe and Godswill C. Chukwu


Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Asian Volume 6, Issue 6, 2016, pp. 125-135

Asian Economic and Social Society. ISSN (P): 2309-8295, ISSN (E): 2225-4226

DOI: 10.18488/journal.1006/2016.6.7/1006.7.136.149

Demographic Variables And Retail Choice Pattern Amongst Urban Nigeria Consumers

The policy importance of demographic studies is yet to be fully tapped as changes in retail pattern in most cities are worth explaining. The study looked at the impact of consumer demographics variables on consumer store choice. The study analysed the difference between retail choice based on consumer sex, age, marital status, education, income amongst others. A sample of 435 consumers was randomly and clustered selected from four major commercial cities in Nigeria namely; Kano, Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt, while Pearson chi-square was adopted to test the hypotheses. Results indicated that there is no significant difference between retail pattern choice and sex, marital status and religion while there is a significant difference between store choice based on income, age, education and economic position of the consumer. It concluded that demographic has a great difference on the patronage and choice of retail outlet. It recommended the possibility of targeting and segmenting retail along demographic profile.








Igwe, Sunny R.    and Amue, Gonewa John,


AAU Journal of management sciences, volume. Number 1 June; p.53-71

ICT resource management and sustainable development among telecommunication firms in Nigeria


 With the shift to Net and knowledge economy, ICT Plays a pivotal role to development and require special research attention. The purpose of this study was to empirically determine the extent to which ICT resources management influence sustainable development in telecommunication companies in selected cities in Nigeria. The nomothetic methodology was adopted and with questionnaire, seventy-two (72) respondents were selected from senior managers of ten functional and registered telecommunication companies.  Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient and partial correlation were used to test the hypotheses. The study revealed that a significant relationship exists between ICT resource management and sustainable development and that amongst the measure of ICT resource management, that ICT resource identification and planning impacts more significantly on Sustainable development.   It further revealed that a significant effect of regulatory framework moderate the influence of ICT resource management on sustainable development. The implications for development strategy at both business and public policy levels are discussed.



Amue J. G & Igwe Sunny. R


AAU Journal of management sciences, volume. Number7, number 1, June; p.72 -86

Brand alliance practices and perceived brand loyalty: an inquiry into causes of market success

Firms are not internally sufficient, and to survive they   need  the  resources or collaboration of partners. However, marketing practitioners and academics seems   implicitly to agree that branding efforts contribute in some way to marketing success. Using  brand alliance practice, the study explored the linked between brand alliance practices and market success.    The authors developed a conceptual model arguing that the effects of brand alliance practices on market success  are moderated  by repurchases , word of mouth advocacy and customer retention. We made various prepositions to guide future work in the subject matter. The authors discussed various criticism and implications for branding strategy at the business, firm and public level.


Sunny R. Igwe, Coker Preye Robert and   God’swill  C.  Chukwu


Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Asian Volume 6, Issue 10, 2016, pp.136-149

Asian Economic and Social Society. ISSN (P): 2309-8295, ISSN (E): 2225-4226DOI: 10.18488/journal.1006/2016.6.7/1006.7.136.149

Improving On-Time Delivery   through Supply Chain Collaboration: The   experience of Brewery Firms in south-South, Nigeria.



In today’s competitive environment, firms are no longer internally sufficient. This implies that for organization to increase in performance, informational and relational synergies are encouraged among supply chain participants.  The purpose of this paper is to investigate supply chain collaborative activities on On-time delivery.  Employing stratified sampling technique and with questionnaire, 210 brewery firms, distributors and retailers supplied the data.   Pearson Product moment correlation and multiple regressions were used for test of hypothesis. The findings revealed specifically that dedicated investment, information sharing, decision synchronization and incentive alignment have significant and positive influence on (on-time delivery).  This suggests that supply chain collaboration effect on time delivery. To harness competitive edge of on- time delivery, brewery firms should strategically share in planning,  building, and ensure collaborative activities cut across all the trading partners and instill trust building in  process in the supply chain






Igwe  sunny R. and  AMUE  J.G



Quarterly journal of contemporary research. VOL 4 NO. 1&2 pp 96-108

Publication Of The Federal University Otuoke

Social Marketing and youth

Restiveness Nexus: the Implication for the      MNOCs and Niger Delta of Nigeria

In Niger delta, the upsurge in youth restiveness occasioned by social and environmental neglects from oil exploration   and the urgent need to curtail the menace is still drawing special research attention and discuss in many areas. From an exploratory and critical review design approach, the study aimed to show how social marketing can be used to modify behaviors of restive youths. It demonstrated that corporate social responsibility, green marketing, social advertising, cause-related marketing and social partnering are veritable social strategies in the hand of MNOCs to manage youth restiveness. We also discussed on the theoretical underpinning of youth restiveness and social marketing.  







Sunny  R.  Igwe   and  Onyemali Martins   


International Journal of Marketing and Communication Studies ISSN 2545-5273 Vol. 2 No.1 2017

 Perceived Value-In-Use and Customer Loyalty among Post Graduate Students Users of GSM in Rivers State

Of recent, GSM value delivery, exploration and satisfaction has continued to be catalyst for customer behavior and also pivotal to business success. This study investigated value-in-use and how it influence customer loyalty of GSM.  Adopted questionnaire method, 448 post graduate students   were survey and analyzed, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used for analysis. The findings revealed that hedonic, emotional and social benefit/value were positive and significant in driving   and customer loyalty (intention to use and referral). We therefore concluded that through customer enjoying hedonic, emotional and social values in use context, can influence customer loyalty. The study recommends that GSM operators should be proactive, to learn changing customer value, then position, segment and target the market based on their various values-in-use so as to get the best loyalty and satisfaction.








Igwe sunny and  Nwamou, C.  C.


Covenant Journal of Business & Social Sciences  (CJBSS) Vol. 8 No.2, 33-39 Dec, 2017  publication of covenant university

Igwe,  Brand Evangelism Attributes and Lecturers Loyalty of Automobiles in Rivers State

Evangelism is gathering greater momentum in the literature of marketing although its empirical efficacy on strategy development and consumer decision behavior is yet to be fully tapped. This proposes and tests empirically brand evangelism strategy on customer loyalty . This study adopts explanatory design approach, and surveys 304 lecturers from Rivers state analyses with Spearman rank correlation . The study unveiled among other things that brand identification and brand salience as attributes of brand evangelism have a very strong positive, statistical relationship with customer loyalty. Brand evangelism affects customer loyalty. Consequent upon this, the study recommends that automobile firms whose objective is to improve customer loyalty should ensure that their brands distinctively are positioned, promoted to be top in the minds of their customers and provide unique meaning in different customers.


Amue  J. G and Igwe sunny


Covenant Journal of Business & Social Sciences (CJBSS) Vol. 7 No. 2 Dec  37-48

The Effects of Affinity Marketing Initiatives on

Performance of Online Consumer Packaged Food Industry 

Today, digital marketing are becoming more pronounced, as digital platforms are increasingly being incorporated into marketing plans. Affinity marketing initiative is practice within the context of digital marketing. This paper examines the effect of affinity marketing initiatives on digital performance. The authors conceptualise three dimensions of affinity marketing that are critical for superior digital and marketing performance; shared incentive, enhancement packaged and third-party endorsement. Endorsement is conceptualized as a platform for leveraging affinity initiatives. The authors test the effects of affinity initiatives on performance (e.g. website visibility, traffic and sales) using data from twenty online consumer packaged food firms. The results show that shared incentive and enhancement packaged affect performance given the right endorsement.



FULL NAMES: Dr. Sunny  Igwe


DESIGNATION(S): Senior Lecturer in Marketing Department



 Dr. Sunny R. Igwe graduated from University of Port Harcourt , Ph. D Marketing 2012, MBA 2006; and B.Sc Marketing (Top of his Class)  2000. He Holds Professional Membership; National Institute Of Marketing Nigeria (NIMN), and the Academy of Management Nigeria (MAMN) .

 He is a lecturer in Marketing Department and his working and teaching experience spans as;  Tutorial lecturer 2005/2006,  lecturer ll, 2007, Senior Lecturer Marketing Department Department 2014, Vice Principal/Tutor, Olobo Premier College Choba 2004-2006; Depot Master (PZ Industries PLC) Onitsha and Port Harcourt Depot, 2003. He  has over 35 publications from reputable  local and international journals to his credit

His area of research interest include: Strategic Marketing, Consumer Behavior, small and medium enterprise Brand management and Social Marketing. Loyalty drivers



MOBILE: 08033182496

E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;  Chikordi@

OFFICE BLOCK/ADDRESS: Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Marketing, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.









Journal /Publication/ Publisher

Abstract/ Summary


Kalu, S.E. and Igwe, S.R.


Marketers’ commitment toSocial responsibility: A Pledge to customer satisfaction

Journal of Business and Social Science.

Volume 3, No. 1 , May

ISSN 1118-8340,Pp. 207-219, Publisher. Department of Marketing, Imo State University Owerri and Avan Global Publication.

The study examined marketers' commitment to social responsibility; A pledge to customer satisfaction which aimed at determining the commitment factors to social responsibility, nature and extent, and role social responsibility play. A survey of 230 respondents was carried out among managers of consumers goods manufacturers and services firms located in the Niger Delta States. Product moment correlations coefficient was used to test the hypothesis. Result revealed that a strong significant correlation between CSR and firm's brand image; and CSR and customer satisfaction. Marketer that show commitment to CSR are likely to increase their brand image, patronage and customer satisfaction. The study recommends that corporate bodies should develop holistic approach to communicating, listening and proactively responding to the needs and wants of the customer and public through social auditing and consumer forum.


Kalu, S.E., Ozuru, H.N. and Igwe, S.R.


Entrepreneurshipand Technology


African Journal of


Vol. l, No.2, Sept.

Pp. 104-115. ISSN

2006-5345. Published

by: African

entrepreneurship and

Leadership Initiative,

This paper reviews entrepreneurship and the

essence, activities and characteristics of

entrepreneurs. It discussed the key role that

entrepreneurship plays in the development of

the Nigerian economy. This paper further

reviews the challenges facing entrepreneurial

managements in Nigeria and the impact of

technology on entrepreneurship. Finally, the

paper retraces the use of information communication technology and the use of the indigenous technical innovation to better and increase agricultural production


Kalu, S.E., Amue, G.J., Igwe, S.R.


Public Policy and Tourism,The Nigerian Experience.

African Journal of Entrepreneurship. Vol. 1, No.2, Sept. Pp. 148. Published by: African Entrepreneurship and Leadership Initiative

This paper examine the relationship and contribution of public policy to development of the tourism sector in Nigeria, Our discussion included the concept of policy, public policy productivity and the concept of tourism performance. This paper identities and articulates the public policy productivity dimensions with the aid of conceptual model to show the relationship to tourism performance. This paper concluded that many of the problems associated with the development of tourism in the country can be adequately solved by the formulation and implementation of appropriate public policy. Finally, it recommended that improvement in marking policies and incentive for expansion of existing facilities and new investors in the sector, definite policies that will aim at effective promotion and marketing of tourism destinations


Ikechukwu, A,. Igwe S.R.,

Kennett C. Adiele


Entrepreneurial Marketing and Economic Development in Nigeria; the way forward

Journal of Contemporary Marketing, Vol. 1, No, 7, ISSN 2043-8702. Published by Oxford Mosaic Publications

This paper examines the extent to which the entrepreneur marketing affects national economic growth and development with a special focus on Nigeria. It review process of economic development in Nigeria from early post-colonial agrarian economy to present oil and gas economic. The paper observed that one vital factor militating against Nigeria's economic development, is the absence of a truly Nigerian economic ideology, which can properly capture the unique configuration of the traditional Nigerian society. It also shows the relationship between entrepreneurs and economic development drawing & extrapolating from the analysis of the "GEM Uganda 2003"-particularly "Necessity Entrepreneurship" contribute to National growth. The paper examines that government at all level should improve their entrepreneurial framework condition


Hart O. Awa, Ikechukwu F. Asiegbu; Sunny R. Igwe, Sunday Eze



experience of

value chain

architecture; A

system paradigm

to building

customer loyalty.

Global Journal of

Management and

Business Research.

Vol. 11, Issue 3,

Version 1.3 March Pp.

69-80. Publisher:

Global Journal Inco.

(USA) ISN 0975-


In most industries, customer retention has replaced the aggressive and offensive customer attraction ideals of transactional marketing. Collaborative architecture within the value chain represent such shift from marketing mix approach to relationship marketing which though lacks knowledge of its own but spans inter-firm alignment to reform marketing activities via debunking selfishness. Superficiality and self-indulgence. The implication is that customer satisfaction is a value-chain and systems actively built-on trust, mutuality, promise, shared values, and commitment, whereby each subsystem interacts mutually with others to maintain the whole to customer satisfaction and profitability


Igwe, S.R. and Ukazu, Juliana, N.


The Impact of

Internet on

Quality of

Service in the

Bank Sector in


Journal of Trend

Management and

Social Sciences Vol.

4, No. 1. Pp. 40-61.

Publisher: Association

of Management and

Social Practitioners

The study examined the impact of internet on quality of service in the banking sector. The upsurge of information technology and the

challenges of finding out the attributes that customer use in assessment of overall service

quality has changed customer banking service habit today. There is therefore the need to find out factors that affects customer's need expectation and satisfaction of electronic services. Data were collected from 202 employee and customers of Bank in Port Harcourt, Lagos through questionnaire. Methods. Chi-square statistical tool was used for analysis. We find out there is a significant relationship between internet usage and quality of service. Also significant relationship between internet usage and fraudulent practices. We concluded that internet has influence the content and quality of banking operation, and recommend that investment on electronics and internet facilities should form an important component in the strategy of banking operation to ensure effective performance.


Ogwo, E.O., and Igwe, S.R.


Some key factors influencing attitudes of patronage of GSM Services; The Nigeria Experience

International Journal of Business and

Management Vol. 7, No. 18, PP. 82-3850. Published by Canadian Centre for Science and Education.

The increasing pattern of customer switch, competition and the quest for customer loyalty in Global system for mobile communication (GSM) industry has informed the study of some key factors influencing attitudes of customer towards mobile phone services. A cluster and simple random survey were employed 308 university lecturers in South-South Nigeria, Spearman rank correlations and multiple regression were used to test the hypothesis. The mode based on the empirical findings revealed that service quality, customer value and brand image/reputation each positively and significantly - influences intention to use. The moderating effect of satisfaction is contingent, necessary and sufficient upon there intendment constructs influence on intention. The implication of this work to both researcher and practitioner is discussed.


Amue, Gonewa, I Abiye Horsfall, Igwe Sunnv


Behavioural Based segmentation and Marketing Success. An


Investigation of

Fast Food


European Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 4. No, l5Pp56-65.

ISSN 2222- 1905

Publish by;

International Institute

for Science



Segmenting market base on behavioral perspective not only has tremendous potential for growth and profitably but also poses challenges both incumbent and new entrants in the fast food industry. By examining the measures of marketing success from a behavioral perspective, the authors conceptualize three dimensions of behavior techniques that are critical for superior marketing success in the fast food industry benefit sought, usage rate and loyalty status.

Demo-psycho graphic variables on marketing success(e,g customer satisfaction, customer

loyalty, sales growth and profitability) using data from 156 fast food firms. The result show that benefit bought and loyalty status affect marketing success.


Igwe, S.R.,

Amue John G.,

Asiegbu, I.K,


Nature and

Determinants of



Patronage in

GSM: The



Journal of Business

and Value creation

Vol. l,No. 1, Pp61-74,


Published by:

Department of

Marketing Faculty of

Management Science

University of Port

Harcourt, Nigeria.

The ever yearning quest to develop a model to address sustainable customer patronage in GSM informed the study. The evolved from “holistic model” based on the theoretical and focus group findings revealed that GSM operators striving for sustainable customer patronage should focus primarily on satisfaction. The primary determinant of customer patronage are; customer perception of service quality, value, social affinity, brand image/reputation, customer service, and switching cost, and demographic - age and income. Therefore; the implication centre on sustainable customer patronage is function of firm’s delivering above average customer expectation, values of these constructs, satisfaction and governments enabling framework and its propositions. (my contribution in this  is 60%)


Amue Gonewa J., Igwe, S.R., Nwupe, Naatum.






managing customer


lesson from the


industry in


Journal of Business

and Value creation

Vol. 1, No.1. Pp61-74.


Published by:

Department of

Marketing Faculty of

Management Science

University of Port

Harcourt Nigeria.

Managing experience not only has tremendous potential for growth but also pose unique challenges for both incumbents and new entrants. By examining drivers of firms performance in customers from experience perspective, the authors conceptualize three level of managing experience that are critical for superior firm performance in customers; qualitative approach to clarify the relationship between customer experience management and from performance. The result indicate that managing customer experience is proposed to have positive effect on firm performance in terms of instant retention and customer acquisition


Clatus, G,

Akebor and

Igwe S.R


A theoretical

exposition of the

Nigerian cultural

environment for




 The University

Advance Research

Journal. Issue 7 July-

Sept ISSN 1119-8125

INARE Educational.

Publishers and

Management Services, ENUGU


Trade liberalization and more opportunities in foreign markets have extended marketing activities beyond national and continental boundaries- To be successful in such International marketing operations, the cultural sentiments of the foreign markets must be brought to bear in the light of the above, this paper explored the Nigerian cultural environment for successful international marketing operations. To achieve this purpose, a critical review of extent literature on international marketing orientation, the concept of culture, approaches to the study of culture. Nigeria and moral values, business customers and practices, was made. Our theoretical analysis revealed that Nigeria is a country of diverse cultures and the success of international marketing organization depends on how knowledgeable they are about the Nigeria cultural environment. Such knowledge will enable them to design appropriate marketing strategies such as that local language for advertising general product; the use of national audio or visual media station for promoting products (e.g. beer) where contact with the Muslims is not permissible, the adoption of penetration pricing methods and the avoidance of public sales of some health products.   


Asiegbu Ikechukwu F., Igwe Sunny R., and Iruka Chijindu, J.


Antecedent of intention-to-use-a particular mobile service among South-South University Lecturers in Nigeria.

International Journal of Business and Social Science. Vol. 3,No. 19, October pp. 272-282, ISSN 2219-1993 ISSN 2214-6021 Publisher: Centre for Promoting Idea

The aim of the study was to unveil some antecedents factors that, make university lecturers in the South-South zone of Nigeria have intention to use the services of a particular mobile phone service provide drawing from theory of learning organization and market orientation, the paper believes that a mobile phone service provider that is armed with adequate knowledge of factors that propels prospects to use mobile phone would be in a better position to design appropriate strategies that will engender enduring relationship with its customers. Data collected from 308 lecturers from South-South Universities in Nigeria were analyzed using Spearman rank correlations order and multiple regression statistics. The empirical findings revealed that social affinity, switching cost and customs service provider affect attitude to use GSM. The recommend that GSM operator can appeal lo these lecturers by showing adequate and being responsive, empathic, reliable, accessible and credible in the with customers


Amue, Gonowa J., Iruka, C. J., Igwe Sunny R.



Value added opportunities through customer care management; A study into GSM service operators in Nigeria,


International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow Vol. 3, No. 7. Ppl-8. Published by: SPIRI (Society for Promoting

International Research and Innovation).

Customers are the driving force of companies striving for success, survival of these companies evidently depends on their customers competition is bearing more global and more intense firms have realized that they cannot compete on price alone. Consequently, companies have developed a strategy of providing superior customer care to differentiate their services. This paper explores value added opportunities available through proper management of customer care within the GSM service operators. The authors conceptualized drivers of customer care management that are critical for superior patronage in the telecom industry. The finding revealed that there strong evidence of minimal customer care management within the service operators and strong positive correlation between customer loyalty schemes, handling customer complaints and patronage. Finally, the paper suggests areas of improvement


Amue, Gonewa, J., Igwe Sunny R.


Market Orientation, firm's level characteristics and environmental factors: Investigating the moderating effects on E-commerce competence.

IOSR Journal of Business and Management (1SOR-JBM)Vol. 12,Issue4 July-Aug PP. 01-08.



The study assessed the effect of firm level characteristics, market orientation and environmental factors on the influence of e-commerce competence development on organizations' performance. Data were draw from 130 managers from a population of 193 managers of all the airline firms in the industry. Partial correlation coefficient was used for test the moderating effect of variable of study. The result shows that firms' level characteristics and proactive market orientation moderate the influence of e-commerce competence development on organizational performance. We conclude that certain market culture and firms' level characterize affect the influence of e-commerce competence or performance. We therefore recommend that e-commerce firms should anticipate latent need by offering technological advances that enable then lead customer to new und better proposition and satisfaction.










 Amue, G.J; Igwe, Sunny  and HORSFL A.



(2013) ‘AFTER  Sale service ; a strategy for building sustainable competitive advantage in business markets’.

Journal of business and value creation. Vol.2 No.2pp1-19. July- DECEMBER,         ISSN2315-8212. Published by marketing department university of port Harcourt











Amue, Gonewa, J.

Sunny R.,

Friday Nkoro


Market-oriented Culture in Nollywood

Industry: An


Investigation of

firm Maker and

Producers in


International Journal of Business and Management

Economic Research

Vol.4(4), Ppl752-75B.


The collapse of movie - theatre going culture and the incessant harassment of innocent citizen by criminals, the country’s economic down turn and various problem affecting celluloid firms production gave rise to video firm in Nigeria. It is on record that the industry rakes gross estimate of about 200 million dollars every year with a popularity that cuts across the entire continent of Africa, to Europe and North America. Effects have been made to investigate the effects of market oriented orientation and performance of Nolly wood industry. As part of these effects, this study employed market oriented culture as a competitive strategy in the creative industry and based on review of relevant literature developed relationship between market oriented culture and performance; and finally verified the relationship from the entire industry. It was found out that market culture has direct effect on performance of the Nollywood industry. The finding of this study add new understand to the literature or market orientation and performance in entertainment industry.


Ozuru, H.N., Igwe, S.R., Asiegbu, I.F


The role of

Attitudes and


consistency in




Reiko international

Journal of Social and

Economic Research.

Special Edition,

Vol. 5,No. 2. Feb.

Pp, 32-39.


Reiko Centre for

Academic Research and Development, Maryland, U.S.A.        

This paper explores the of attitudes in relation to behaviour consistency in consumer behaviour. Components of behaviour, main functions, attitude formation, sources of attitude, factors affecting attitude change and consistency were discussed addressing its various applications.  Finally, , the paper addresses the significant areas of attitudes and how it can be successfully application in marketing (implications for marketing) in management.






Amue, G.J ;Igwe, sunny R and HORSFL A. l 


PRDICTING new product’s long term market share and sales volume through pretest and market share forecasting model,

Journal of business and value creation. Vol.3 No.2pp34-45. January -June,      ISSN2315-8212. Published by marketing department university of port Harcourt

Using modeling efforts in the areas news product introduction have had a significant influence on marketing planning and strategy. One of the results of the these efforts, is the  assessors pretest marketing forecasting model use in providing  marketing  with forecasts and diagnostic  information regarding  their new product strategies. This paper  explore how we can use pretest market forecasting model   to make  effective decisions about how much to invest in a new product and to predict the likely  market share and sales volume at the long run. The   paper also presents the parameter estimation methods and its validation.  We evaluate our research in the context of consumer choice behaviors the laboratory as attest facility for the research work.  The sample data incudes 300 participants as a representative of the target segment. The preset market model is designed to use already obtainable data to generate forecast of consumer awareness, trial –repeat purchase, usage, sale and market for a new product. The outputs combined with diagnostics from the model   can then be incorporated into marketing plan a way that will improve the new entry’s chance of success in the market place.  Predicting  new products long term market share and sales volume through pretest marketing forecasting will help us to know whether to introduce the new product  into market or not








Igwe, Sunny.R., Chukwu, God’Will C.


Demographic Characteristics: A predictive and moderating architecture of usage pattern of GSM   among   university lecturers in Nigeria

Reiko international

Journal of business and


Vol. 7,No. 1. April.


Reiko Centre for

Academic Research and Development, Maryland, U.S.A affiliate of Atlantic international university, Honolulu, issn;2211-1813        

In more than a decade and with the insufficient record on demographic profile –usage link, marketing seeking to build loyalty are much more interested in who are their heavy users of their product. This necessitates the study of demographic characteristics of usage pattern of GSM in Nigeria. An exploratory and survey approach were used in data collection from 308 samples population of government owned universities in south souith  Nigeria. The description  of usage profile 69% heavy users and 30.2% light users of credit card. The heavy user are men 86.5%  and women 13.5%, age between 40- 44 above 67.2, income N 300,000- N400,000 medium- high 64.1%, married 94.9%, msc-ph.d .  it was found yhat there is  a significant and moderating effect age, income has on antecedent  on actual usage . It was found that age ,income, marital status, educational qualification were significant on usage while gender was insignificant. The study conclude  with discussion on findings which have implication on loyalty program, segmentation for GSM operators regulatory framework for economic planner and policy maker on learning and education.









Amue G.J ; Igwe,  sunny  R,


Sales force compensation Mechanisms; a strategy for sustainable competitiveness in the banking industry

OSR Journal of Business and Management (1SOR-JBM)Vol. 16,Issue  9 September PP. 01-09. e-ISSN 2278-482X.P-2319-7668

Compensating ones sales force represents challenges, because reward must be extremely competitive in a nature and should provide adequate incentive to motivate employee to do their best ,this paper explores ways of developing sales force compensation mechanism for sustainable competitiveness in the financial market. .Data were drawn from 120 sales managers 380 sales person making a total of 500 respondents  .The result revealed  a strong positive influence between compensation and sales force performance. Amongst measures of compensation mechanism ;salary plus commission  and bonus impact  significantly on sales performance ,based on the finding the concludes that sales force compensation mechanism enhance sale build long enduring relationship, provide adequate competiveness. We recommend that money a deposit  should develop good sales force compensation that will enhance sustainable competitive strategy in the market place.









Amue,G.J and Igwe sunny R, Abiye, H.F


ICT Entrepreneurship And Small Business Innovation; A Mechanism For Sustainability.

European journal of business and social sciences, Vol.3 no.6 pp103-112,September.url;www.ejbss/recent aspx. Issn;2235-767x

ICT entrepreneurship plays a central role in virtually all nation socio-economic development agenda in the past decade. Although business scholars seem implicitly to assume that ICT entrepreneur’s effort contribute in some way to strategic fit  in most business domain. Using modern technologies, this article examines the link between ICT entrepreneurship and small business innovation.  In particular, the authors develop a conceptual model arguing that regulatory environment on ICT   entrepreneurship development influence small business innovation. The paper adds to existing body of knowledge on ICT entrepreneurship and provides bases for more informed decision by offering new constructs, a team –based entrepreneurship activities and experimental activities.. We proposed a model of ICT entrepreneur ship to form a richer theoretical framework that guides the understanding, explanation and prediction of innovativeness in ICT entrepreneurship.








IGWE SUNNY  R and  Oluwalokun Emmanuel


EMPIRICAL  Analysis of brand attributes on customer loyalty of bread baking firms in RIVERS  state




WEST AFRICAN Journal Of Business And Management Sciences ,Faculty Of Business Administration ,IMO State  University,Owerri , Nigerian Edition, Vol.3 No 2A September 2014 Special  pp.57-70. Edition.Issn;978-37989

..Www.Imsubiznessjournals.Org. Published By Faculty Of Business Administration ,Imo State University, In Collaboration  SIREN

Customer perception on brand is ever changing resulting from the increasing risk of choice, difficult in crafting value promise, confusion associated with brand proliferation and the antecedent challenge of managing customer switch and loyalty. This paper aimed to survey the effect of brand attributes on customer loyalty. A total of 174 respondents of top managers and customers of 33 registered bread firms in Rivers State were surveyed. We analyzed the data using descriptive and (multiple regression). It was discovered that brand quality, packaging, availability, awareness, brand name were positive and significant in customer loyalty. Therefore, the study advised bakeries to be customer focus, strategic, proactive, hygienic, creative and effective in delivery customer   branding programs, so as to enhance customer loyalty.  












Amue,G.J and  Igwe , S.R


Assessing moderating effect of competitive intensity, endogenous parameter and indirect effect on customer equity and financial performance..

International journal of business and social socience.Vol.5. NO. 10 September .


 The link between customer lifetime value and financial performance has accelerated much research concern in marketing domain. The main purpose of this paper is to assess the moderating effects of the moderator variables on the link between customer equity and financial performance relationships. The paper presents a holistic model of financial performance incorporating customer retention, customer acquisition and add-on offers. Data from twenty quoted money deposit banks in Nigeria showed that customer retention, customer acquisition efforts and add-on selling have a direct linear relationship with financial performance measure. Also, competitive intensity and endogenous parameter significantly moderate the relationship between customer equity and financial performance. However, the moderating effect of indirect effects on add-on offers and profitability was statistically insignificant. Reliance on indirect effects to accelerate profit in the organization could be a risky strategy.











 Chijindu Herbert Iruka1,. John G. Amue. Sunny Rukani Igwe



Trust, Privacy, and Peer Group Correlates of Intention to Adopt

the Automated Teller Machine in Nigeria 1998-2012


, Journal of information engineering and application, Vol. 4 No. 8. Pp.40 -48. Issn-2224-5782,  published by international institute for science , technology and education, (IISTE) accelerating global knowledge creation and sharing

The study investigated the influence of Trust, Privacy, and Peer group on intention to adopt the Automated Teller machine by money deposit banks’ retail customers in South- South Nigeria. The cross-sectional survey research design was employed. A total of 400 copies of the questionnaire were administered to captive customers of state headquarters of 14 banks in the six states that make up the South-South zone of Nigeria. The Regression model was employed for analysis using the SPSS application package, version 17. It was found that Trust and Privacy-in-use influence the ATM adoption by bank customers in the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that banks should consider privacy-in-use and Trust in their managerial decisions to increase the ATM adoption in South-South Nigeria. Since privacy-in-use has the highest influence on the ATM adoption, banks should consider it paramount and ensure that the ATM is always installed in placeswhere the user customer will not feel somebody is watching and is likely to have access to confidential information such as the pin code. An enclosure that takes only one person at a time is advised. Again, the banks should intensify efforts on image building campaign






Igwe, Sunny R. & Amue J.G


international journal of development and sustainability Vol. 3 No.11. pp.2101 -2116. ISSN:2186-8662 . published by ISDS LLC Japan


CUSTOMER Satisfaction; A Sustainable Moderator of Antecedents – Intention to Use Link Of GSM Amongst University Lecturers In Nigeria

Business organizations mandate to deliver customer satisfaction is still a burning issue. However, satisfaction as a moderator of antecedent – intention to use link has received less attention in GSM service and consumer predictability. This article developed an integrated, empirical model of intention to use. The result revealed that satisfaction is a significant and indispensable moderator on antecedents’ – intention to use link. It indicated a significant priority order of  factors; service quality, brand image, customer value, social affinity to customer service as least influence on intention to use. To create sustainable loyalty, movement along antecedents-customer satisfaction is sufficient and necessary. Managerial implications from this study are also provided.









Nigerian journal of financial research, Vol. 9 no 1 junepp64-72. Published by department of finance and Banking ,University of port Harcourt , issn1599-8051

Forecasting Sales of an innovative products through stimulation techniques; the logit model perspective

Using modeling  efforts in the areas news product introduction have had a significant influence on marketing planning  and strategy. One of the results of the these efforts, is the  assessors pretest marketing forecasting model use in providing  marketing  with forecasts and diagnostic  information regarding  their new product strategies. This paper  explore how we can use pretest market forecasting model   to make  effective decisions about how much to invest in a new product and to predict the likely  market share and sales volume at the long run. The   paper also presents the parameter estimation methods and its validation.  We evaluate our research in the context of consumer choice behaviors the laboratory as attest facility for the research work.  The sample data incudes 300 participants as a representative of the target segment. The preset market model  is designed  to use already obtainable data to generate forecast of consumer awareness, trial –repeat purchase, usage, sale and market for a new product. The outputs combined with diagnostics from the model   can then be incorporated into marketing plan a way that will improve the new entry’s chance of success in the market place.  Predicting  new products long term market share and sales volume through pretest marketing forecasting will help us to know whether to introduce the new product  into market or not.



Igwe, Sunny R


Journal of business and value creation. Vol.5No.1pp1-19. Jan-JuneISSN2315-8212. Published by marketing department university of port Harcourt

Social Class – Port Harcourt Neighbourhood Nexus: Defining Fast Food   Location and Patronage Imperative.


Port Harcourt is one of the innovative cities in embracing fast food culture due to industrialization and its associated changing lifestyle.  Through exploratory design, this paper examined the social class structure that lied behind Port Harcourt neighbourhood and explored how the practice of fast food business location and consumption differ among class status setting. As part of this examination, social class theory was reviewed and integrated across- fast food consumption model. Finally, this paper made a conceptual two class distinction of Port Harcourt city.






Igwe Sunny R., &   Chukwu Evelyn N


Journal of business and value creation. Vol.5No.2 pp64-78July- Dec                ISSN2315-8212. Published by marketing department university of port Harcourt

Facebook Utilization and Marketing Performance of NationalDailiesin PortHarcourt.




The advent  of social media has transformed  business frontier,  knowledge and reading culture,  and  offered a variety of business  opportunities. This study investigated the relationship between Facebook utilization and marketing success of Newspaper firms in Port Harcourt.  A Sample size  of  36  respondents made up of Zonal Managers, marketing managers, circulation supervisors and E-media Supervisors were involved and copies of questionnaire used. Regression analysis was used to test the relationship between facebook utilization and Marketing success of the industry under study. Our findings from quantitative data analyses support the argument that Facebook utilization positively affects Marketing success. In conclusion, Facebook utilization can be used to positively influence   marketing success. It was recommended that the National Dailies firms in Rivers State should embrace, emphasize and investment on the use of Facebook to access Newspapers, if they must gain huge marketing success.






 Sunny R. Igwe. and Tamunoiyowuna  Mathias,


Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (ISSN: 2315-5086) Vol. 5(5) pp. 135-144, May, 2016

Available online


Sales Force Training Methods and Sales Performance of Insurance Firms in Rivers State

With the increasing customer apathy to insurance services, the need for insurance sales force to acquire relevant skills to persuade and recover lost customers and remain competitive amidst growing competition have necessitated the investigation  into the relationship between sales force training methods and sales performance. A sample of 70 respondents of sales managers and sales personnel) were surveyed through questionnaire from 23 insurance firms in Rivers State. And spearman rank correlation was used for the analysis. The outcome revealed a very strong and positive relationship between training methods and sales performance. It specifically showed that coaching training, seminar and role playing have positive, strong and significant correlations with sales volume, market coverage, and lost account recovered. This study therefore concludes that sales force training was veritable tool to drive sales performance. It recommended that analysis of sales force training need should follow strategic, periodic, use and implementation of various training methods.




Amue, g and Igwe sunny. R


Nigerian journal of financial research, Vol. 10  No 1 June pp152-167. Published by department of finance and Banking, University of port Harcourt , issn1599-8051





Using analyticalHierarchy process (AHP) to explore prioritization of winning strategies of fast food industry in Nigeria.

The paper intended to use analytical hierarchy process to explore prioritization of winning marketing strategies for fast food restaurants in Nigeria. The winning strategies includes; selection of location, understanding and addressing customer’s want, delivery of quality  service and providing  a wide  variety of[product option. The study made use of the analytical hierarchy methodology  for ranking of winning marketing of 40 managers fastfood restaurants in port Harcourt. It was established that providing a wide variety product option is considered to be  most important winning strategy  with apriority of 38.71% whereas  selecting location strategy is second more important winning strategy with a priority of 22.15%, understanding and addressing customers need and quality of service delivery has a priority of 20.08% and 19.06% respectively. We concluded that , there is a little emphasis on understanding and addressing customer and provision of quality service which is a serious concern to the sector. The study would help operators and policy makers to understand immediate impediments of this sector and in short while formulate appropriate strategies to enhance operation of fast food restaurants in the Nigerian business environments






Sunny R. Igwe and Godswill C. Chukwu


Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Asian Volume 6, Issue 6, 2016, pp. 125-135

Asian Economic and Social Society. ISSN (P): 2309-8295, ISSN (E): 2225-4226

DOI: 10.18488/journal.1006/2016.6.7/1006.7.136.149

Demographic Variables And Retail Choice Pattern Amongst Urban Nigeria Consumers

The policy importance of demographic studies is yet to be fully tapped as changes in retail pattern in most cities are worth explaining. The study looked at the impact of consumer demographics variables on consumer store choice. The study analysed the difference between retail choice based on consumer sex, age, marital status, education, income amongst others. A sample of 435 consumers was randomly and clustered selected from four major commercial cities in Nigeria namely; Kano, Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt, while Pearson chi-square was adopted to test the hypotheses. Results indicated that there is no significant difference between retail pattern choice and sex, marital status and religion while there is a significant difference between store choice based on income, age, education and economic position of the consumer. It concluded that demographic has a great difference on the patronage and choice of retail outlet. It recommended the possibility of targeting and segmenting retail along demographic profile.








Igwe, Sunny R.    and Amue, Gonewa John,


AAU Journal of management sciences, volume. Number 1 June; p.53-71

ICT resource management and sustainable development among telecommunication firms in Nigeria


 With the shift to Net and knowledge economy, ICT Plays a pivotal role to development and require special research attention. The purpose of this study was to empirically determine the extent to which ICT resources management influence sustainable development in telecommunication companies in selected cities in Nigeria. The nomothetic methodology was adopted and with questionnaire, seventy-two (72) respondents were selected from senior managers of ten functional and registered telecommunication companies.  Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient and partial correlation were used to test the hypotheses. The study revealed that a significant relationship exists between ICT resource management and sustainable development and that amongst the measure of ICT resource management, that ICT resource identification and planning impacts more significantly on Sustainable development.   It further revealed that a significant effect of regulatory framework moderate the influence of ICT resource management on sustainable development. The implications for development strategy at both business and public policy levels are discussed.



Amue J. G & Igwe Sunny. R


AAU Journal of management sciences, volume. Number7, number 1, June; p.72 -86

Brand alliance practices and perceived brand loyalty: an inquiry into causes of market success

Firms are not internally sufficient, and to survive they   need  the  resources or collaboration of partners. However, marketing practitioners and academics seems   implicitly to agree that branding efforts contribute in some way to marketing success. Using  brand alliance practice, the study explored the linked between brand alliance practices and market success.    The authors developed a conceptual model arguing that the effects of brand alliance practices on market success  are moderated  by repurchases , word of mouth advocacy and customer retention. We made various prepositions to guide future work in the subject matter. The authors discussed various criticism and implications for branding strategy at the business, firm and public level.


Sunny R. Igwe, Coker Preye Robert and   God’swill  C.  Chukwu


Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Asian Volume 6, Issue 10, 2016, pp.136-149

Asian Economic and Social Society. ISSN (P): 2309-8295, ISSN (E): 2225-4226DOI: 10.18488/journal.1006/2016.6.7/1006.7.136.149

Improving On-Time Delivery   through Supply Chain Collaboration: The   experience of Brewery Firms in south-South, Nigeria.



In today’s competitive environment, firms are no longer internally sufficient. This implies that for organization to increase in performance, informational and relational synergies are encouraged among supply chain participants.  The purpose of this paper is to investigate supply chain collaborative activities on On-time delivery.  Employing stratified sampling technique and with questionnaire, 210 brewery firms, distributors and retailers supplied the data.   Pearson Product moment correlation and multiple regressions were used for test of hypothesis. The findings revealed specifically that dedicated investment, information sharing, decision synchronization and incentive alignment have significant and positive influence on (on-time delivery).  This suggests that supply chain collaboration effect on time delivery. To harness competitive edge of on- time delivery, brewery firms should strategically share in planning,  building, and ensure collaborative activities cut across all the trading partners and instill trust building in  process in the supply chain






Igwe  sunny R. and  AMUE  J.G



Quarterly journal of contemporary research. VOL 4 NO. 1&2 pp 96-108

Publication Of The Federal University Otuoke

Social Marketing and youth

Restiveness Nexus: the Implication for the      MNOCs and Niger Delta of Nigeria

In Niger delta, the upsurge in youth restiveness occasioned by social and environmental neglects from oil exploration   and the urgent need to curtail the menace is still drawing special research attention and discuss in many areas. From an exploratory and critical review design approach, the study aimed to show how social marketing can be used to modify behaviors of restive youths. It demonstrated that corporate social responsibility, green marketing, social advertising, cause-related marketing and social partnering are veritable social strategies in the hand of MNOCs to manage youth restiveness. We also discussed on the theoretical underpinning of youth restiveness and social marketing.  







Sunny  R.  Igwe   and  Onyemali Martins   


International Journal of Marketing and Communication Studies ISSN 2545-5273 Vol. 2 No.1 2017

 Perceived Value-In-Use and Customer Loyalty among Post Graduate Students Users of GSM in Rivers State

Of recent, GSM value delivery, exploration and satisfaction has continued to be catalyst for customer behavior and also pivotal to business success. This study investigated value-in-use and how it influence customer loyalty of GSM.  Adopted questionnaire method, 448 post graduate students   were survey and analyzed, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used for analysis. The findings revealed that hedonic, emotional and social benefit/value were positive and significant in driving   and customer loyalty (intention to use and referral). We therefore concluded that through customer enjoying hedonic, emotional and social values in use context, can influence customer loyalty. The study recommends that GSM operators should be proactive, to learn changing customer value, then position, segment and target the market based on their various values-in-use so as to get the best loyalty and satisfaction.








Igwe sunny and  Nwamou, C.  C.


Covenant Journal of Business & Social Sciences  (CJBSS) Vol. 8 No.2, 33-39 Dec, 2017  publication of covenant university

Igwe,  Brand Evangelism Attributes and Lecturers Loyalty of Automobiles in Rivers State

Evangelism is gathering greater momentum in the literature of marketing although its empirical efficacy on strategy development and consumer decision behavior is yet to be fully tapped. This proposes and tests empirically brand evangelism strategy on customer loyalty . This study adopts explanatory design approach, and surveys 304 lecturers from Rivers state analyses with Spearman rank correlation . The study unveiled among other things that brand identification and brand salience as attributes of brand evangelism have a very strong positive, statistical relationship with customer loyalty. Brand evangelism affects customer loyalty. Consequent upon this, the study recommends that automobile firms whose objective is to improve customer loyalty should ensure that their brands distinctively are positioned, promoted to be top in the minds of their customers and provide unique meaning in different customers.


Amue  J. G and Igwe sunny


Covenant Journal of Business & Social Sciences (CJBSS) Vol. 7 No. 2 Dec  37-48

The Effects of Affinity Marketing Initiatives on

Performance of Online Consumer Packaged Food Industry 

Today, digital marketing are becoming more pronounced, as digital platforms are increasingly being incorporated into marketing plans. Affinity marketing initiative is practice within the context of digital marketing. This paper examines the effect of affinity marketing initiatives on digital performance. The authors conceptualise three dimensions of affinity marketing that are critical for superior digital and marketing performance; shared incentive, enhancement packaged and third-party endorsement. Endorsement is conceptualized as a platform for leveraging affinity initiatives. The authors test the effects of affinity initiatives on performance (e.g. website visibility, traffic and sales) using data from twenty online consumer packaged food firms. The results show that shared incentive and enhancement packaged affect performance given the right endorsement.