Department of Broadcasting

Mr. Igwe, Peace

Name in Full: (Surname First):                                 Mr. Igwe, Peace

 Sex:                                                                             Male

 Department:                                                               Marketing

 Faculty:                                                                       Management Sciences

 Discipline:                                                                  Marketing

 Designation:                                                               Lecturer 11

 Email:                                                                           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                                                                                This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Qualifications (Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates, etc. with class, grades, dates and awarding Institution)

  • B.Sc.  Marketing, 2005, University of Port Harcourt.
  • MBA Marketing, 2012, University of Port Harcourt.
  • M.Sc. Marketing, 2014, University of Port Harcourt.
  • PhD (Marketing) Candidate


Other Titles, Awards and Honors:

a.         Special Awardee, NYSC Rivers State 2007.


Educational/Professional Qualifications obtained, with dates since appointment/last promotion.

(d) Member, National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria, 2012

 (g)  Certificate of Achievement: Short course on ENTREPRENEURSHIP, University of Port Harcourt. June 15th-19th, 2014.

(h)  Training on Uploading of Results, 2nd May 2014


  1. Secretary, National institute of Marketing Nigeria (NIMN). Rivers State Chapter

(j) Member of Teaching Team at the University of Port Harcourt College of Continuing Education in Port Harcourt.



Advertising and Sales Promotion

Sales Management

Public Relations

Marketing Management


2.         Other academic activities: (e.g. Curriculum Development, Supervision of Undergraduate etc.).


ii.   Supervision of Undergraduate Research     


3.         Other activities in the University outside your teaching and Research Commitment:
 Membership of committees, responsibilities held, etc.)


                        Membership of Committee, responsibilities                  Dates

  i     Results, Computation/Verification committee.                        2014                  

ii.   Departmental Taskforce on Accreditation

      Exercise for Undergraduate Programmes                                   2014

Iii   Class Adviser                                                                               2015

v.   Departmental Representative at the Board

       of National Institute of Marketing Nigeria                               2014 to 2016

             vi.   Editorial Board Member of the Departmental

                       Journal, JBVC                                                                              2014             

             Vii     Member committee on Power and Facility (FMS)                 2016-date

             vii       Chairman, committee on Departmental Supermarket             2017


4.         Other activities outside the University:


  1. Secretary, NIMN Port Harcourt Chapter                                  2014-2016

b.       Chairman, Chigoziru Age grade, Okporowo Ogbakiri.  2012-date

c.       Member, King’s Men Followship, The King’s Assembly

d.      Zonal Cordinator, Mile1, Mile 2, Mile 3 and Dline Zone









ASIEGBU, I.F., Ikegwuru, M. & IGWE P.   (2014)

 “Strategic Marketing Channel Architecture and Market Share of Bread Bakers in Rivers State”, Journal of Business and Value Creation, 2014 Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 46-57, ISSN: 2315-8212

This study surveyed the effect of strategic marketing channel architecture on market share in the bread baking industry in Rivers State. A total of 198 copies of questionnaire were used to collect primary data from top management of 33 bakery firms whose authentic list was obtained from the business unit of the Commercial Department of the Rivers State Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Port Harcourt, at the time of the survey Analyzing the data using Regression and Pearson's statistics, the interaction between the elements of strategic marketing channel architecture and market share of these baking firms was found to be statistically significant. Therefore, these bakers are advised to be more strategic in providing the service output demands of their customers so as to have a leap in their market shares. We suggest that an effective way to achieve this is by having a strategically structured marketing channel on ground



ETUK, J. S & IGWE, P. (2016)

 “Service Promotional Mix Strategies and Marketing performance of indigenous Hotels in Port Harcourt”, Journal of Business and Value Creation, 2016 Vol. 5,


Designing an effective service promotion campaign is a challenge to many service-oriented organizations, including the hospitality sector. This study objectively examined the link between service promotion mix strategies and marketing performance of indigenous hotels in Port Harcourt. To conduct the study effectively, the survey method research design was adopted whereby primary data were obtained from 32 managers in 32 indigenous hotels operating in Port Harcourt through the use of questionnaire. The data were later analyzed using simple percentage, frequency tables, mean score and the spearman rank order statistical tool. The study revealed among other things that the hotels applied to a large extent, certain components of service promotion mix to inform, stimulate, persuade and communicate with the target audience about their services. The study further revealed that advertising, sales, promotion, and personal selling were the major elements of their hospitality service mix and that the way these elements were used had a great impact on sales level and sales revenue.. The study concludes that the way indigenous hotels apply service promotion mix strategies impacts greatly on their marketing performance.. The study recommends the use of local dialects and extensive use of public relations to communicate with their target markets.



ADEME, D. T & IGWE, P. (2016)

 “Service Positioning Mix Strategies and Business performance of  fast food firms in South-South on Nigeria”, Journal of Business and Value Creation, 2016 Vol. 5, No. 1, , ISSN: 2315-8212

This study empirically examined the relationship between Service Positioning Strategies and Business Performance of Fast Food Firms in South-South of Nigeria. The influx of companies in the region, brought about unprecedented increased in the fast food activities and operators in the region. In the face of the attendant keen competition among fast foods firms in the region, there appear instability and downturn in the fast food sector that has lead most fast food firms struggling to stay afloat or wounding up owing to the prevalent uncertainties in the Nigeria business environment. Drawing on the resource dependency theory, two research questions and six hypotheses were proposed. A population of 165 fast food firms was studied. The various analyses were statistically tested using Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient (SPSS Version 20.0). Our research findings revealed highly significant positive relationship between the predictor and criterion variables. The study therefore concluded that there is a strong relationship between service positioning strategies and business performance of fast food firms in South-South, Nigeria. Recommendation provided that the management of these fast food firms in south-south and indeed other regions in Nigeria to adopt active strategies of service positioning that will help them enhance the expected satisfaction of consumers and thus increase business performance.



IGWE, P & ASIEGBU, I F. (2015)

 “Service Environment And Customer Loyalty Of Commercial Airline Operators In Nigeria”, Journal of Management and social sciences,2015 Vol 3, No1


The aim of this study is to determine the extent of relationship between service environment and customer loyalty of commercial airline operators in Nigeria. Drawing on resource-based theory we are of the opinion that a good service environment can be a strategic resource for competitive advantage; especially when it enables a service firm achieve customer loyalty. We adopted the cross-sectional survey in a non-contrived setting. Primary data were collected with one hundred and forty copies of questionnaire administered to air passengers of 29 commercial airlines in Nigeria. Spearman Rank Order Correlation was adopted to establish the extent of relationship between the variables. We found that Service environment positively influences customer loyalty, and elements of service environment, such as physical attractiveness, human interactions and service innovativeness positively influence customer loyalty indicators, such as, customer satisfaction and customer perception of quality. We recommend that the airline operators in Port Harcourt should adopt service environment that emphasizes physical attractiveness, human interaction and service innovativeness to enable them win and retain customer loyalty.



IGWE, P & ASIEGBU, I. F. (2015)

Customer Loyalty: Concept, Approaches and Relevance, Revisited, Journal of Management and social sciences ,2015 Vol. 3, No1


No doubt, every organization strives to have, grow and retain loyal customers in its competitive business environment. The cost of making a non-customer switch and become customer is much higher than the cost of retaining an existing customer. A firm's customers have to be satisfied and happy with their relationship for them to remain loyal. Customer loyalty, is thus, one of the objectives of profit organizations the world over. This paper is a review that tries to capture the concept of customer loyalty, its approaches and relevance as well. It is aimed at making businesses re-evaluate their understanding of customer loyalty and appreciate the indispensable need for achieving it in both domestic and global businesses.







Waiting Time Environment and Customer Satisfaction

Development Studies Round Table ( Journal of Development), Vol. 5, No2

Time is a scarce resource, and needs to be properly managed. If time is money, the situation that consumers perceive as a waste of time should then be seen as losses. Organizations, therefore, need to forestall these losses by providing business settings that prevent or minimize it in order to win customers' continued patronage. This paper appreciates the import of waiting time environment on customer purchase decision. The aim of this paper is to examine the existing literature view on the relationship between waiting time environment and customer satisfaction



Amadi, Lawrence



Igwe, Peace

value creation and sales performance

of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria, West African Journal of Business and Management Sciences. Vol.5 No 2


This paper examined value creation and sales performance of SMEs in Nigeria. Data were collected from 279 entrepreneurs drawn from various sectors. The study utilized both quantitative data (questionnaire) and qualitative data (interview). The spearman rank correlation coefficient facilitated by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0 was utilized for the analysis of data. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between product quality and sales growth, product quality and sales turnover, a positive and significant relationship between delivery performance and sales growth, delivery performance and sales turnover, after sales services and sales growth, after sales services and sales turnover of SMEs. From the above findings, it was concluded that value creation (product quality, delivery performance and after sales services) enhances sales performance (sales growth and sales turnover) of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. Based on the findings and conclusion, it was recommended that small and medium business operators in Nigeria should embrace the concept of value creation as it would enhance the sales performance of their firm




Ozuru, H. N.


        Igwe, P.

Service Expertise and Marketing Success of Government Owned Hospitals in Rivers State

Journal of Marketing Development  , 2  2016

This paper empirically examined the relationship between service expertise such as employee skills and knowledge expertise; on marketing success metrics such as service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Population of interest was 7, with a sample size of 60 determined through convenient sampling technique. Sixty (60) copies of the questionnaire were administered to the respondents. Upon retrieval and after cleaning, Fifty-six (56) was found usable for data analysis. The Spearman Rank correlation coefficient was used for analysis with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. This study found that service expertise strategies significantly influenced marketing success. Therefore, we conclude that employee skills and knowledge expertise proved to have more influence on marketing success. It was therefore recommended that government hospitals should place high premium on service expertise since employees are contact points where customers get first impression.




IGWE, P & Kalu, S. E

Patient Care Initiative and Behavioural Intentions of Hospitals in Rivers State

Nigerian Journal of Financial research. Vol. 11, No1

The study examined the relationship between patient care initiatives and behavioural intentions of hospitals in Rivers State. Six hypotheses were stated and the data were collected through a 5 point likert scale questionnaire. A total of 100 copies of questionnaire were distributed to in-patients of selected hospitals in Rivers State based on convenience. We adopted the spearman’s rank order correlation to determine the relationship between the variables. The alternate hypotheses were accepted except for one null hypothesis that was accepted. We recommend that  hospitals should understand that patients may get displeased if they continuously neglect crucial areas of service needs hence, hospitals should make provisions for improvements in the manner they attend to patients’ needs so as to properly and adequately satisfy these patients, thereby, gaining  positive behavioral response for future patronage.



Taiwo Oladapo


Igwe Peace

Usage of Senses In Marketing and Customer Patronage of Fast Food Firms In Port Harcourt


This study examined the relationship between Sensory marketing; such as appeals to Sight, scent and sound, on customer patronage metrics such as repeat purchase, customer referrals and customer retention.  A Convenience sample was adopted; as a result three hundred copies of questionnaire were retrieved and usable. Analysis of the data was made through spearman rank correlation coefficient of the SPSS version 21 package. The study concluded that sensory marketing strategies significantly influence customer patronage in varying degrees. It was therefore recommended that fast food firms should research into the sensorial needs of their target customers, hence apply an integrated sensory strategy, which could help in enhancing customer patronage.











 Asiegbu, Ikechukwu F.,  


Igwe, Peace


 Akekue-Alex, Nenaaton

 Physical Evidence and Marketing Performance of Commercial Airlines in Nigeria. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 2 No. 12; December 2012, pp.136-149. ISSN: 2162-139x(Print) ISSN: 2162-12x (Online)

 The main purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which physical evidence affects marketing performance of commercial airlines in Nigeria. Data collected from 110 crew resource managers, aircraft maintenance personnel, pilots, financial accountants, and customer service managers from 29 commercial airlines in Nigeria were analyzed using Pearson’s r and stepwise regression statistics. It was found that physical evidence dimensions – ambience, personnel competence, and service systems design affect marketing performance measures – sales growth, market share and profitability of these airlines. We therefore, recommend that for commercial airlines in Nigeria to substantially increase their marketing performance, they should imbibe strategies that are capable of providing air passengers reliable, safe, and comfortable flights. These include very sound aircrafts with attractive ambience, highly experienced and competent staff, and air passenger-friendly service systems design.


IGWE, P & Kalu, S. E

Service Innovativeness and Customer Satisfaction of Four Star Hotels in Rivers State. international journal of research in management & business studies, ISSN: 2348 - 6503 (Online) | ISSN: 2348 - 893X (Print

In the wake of globalization, business competitions in terms of approaches are fiercer than ever before. Consequently, strategies needed for survival in the market place and in fulfilling customer’s expectation of service have rather ceaselessly resulted to obsolete decisions in quick successions. The purpose of this research work is to investigate the relationship between Service Innovativeness and Customer satisfaction of four star hotels in Rivers State. Hypotheses were stated in null form and analyzed contextually using multiple regressions. The findings revealed a strong and positive relationship between Service innovativeness and customer satisfaction. We therefore concluded that the dimensions of Service Innovativeness as explicated in service process and service outcome are very effective marketing tool for satisfying customers of four star hotels in Rivers State. This research is limited to data characterized by only a snapshot situation, hence, confines our ability to assess the longevity of the influence of service innovativeness on guest’s satisfaction. By implication, Managers would need to make proactive changes that focus even more strongly on customer preferences, quality of service, and technological interfaces in course of business transactions.