The Centre for Research Management, University of Port Harcourt was given the status of a Centre in March 2009. Before then, the activities of the centre had been domiciled in the Exchange and Linkage Programmes Unit of the Vice Chancellor’s Office.
The mission/vision of the Centre is to provide support to researchers at the University by creating enabling environment for sustainable research culture. To seek for competitive research grants from both national and international grant making agencies, and manage research database information system.
Scope of Activities
The scope of the activities of the centre covers working with School of Graduate Studies, Professorial Chairs, Entrepreneurial Centre, Technology Park, Intellectual Property Office, Research Centres/Institutes of the University, National and International Grant Making Organizations for the benefit of staff and students.
Major Activities
v Research management policy implementation.
v Research benchmarking activities.
v Drives and supports research activities that ensue from strategic partnerships and formal agreements with research councils, research institutes and grant making agencies.
v Ensure effective and efficient use of research funds and dissemination of research outputs.
v Represent the interest of the University in contractual research relationships, and grant applications.
v Disseminate information for scholarships, fellowships and research grants to staff and graduate students.
v Professorial chair applications.
v Manage all sponsored research projects,
v Organize research proposal writing workshops for staff and graduate students.
v Compilation of a database of research funding opportunities.
College of Health Sciences
Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
Department of Anatomy
Department of Chemical Pathology
Department of Haematology, Blood Transfusion and Immunology
Department of Human Physiology
Department of Medical Biochemistry
Department of Pharmacology
Faculty of Clinical Sciences
Department of Anaesthesiology
Department of Internal Medicine
Department of Neuropsychiatry
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine
Department of Radiology
Department of Surgery
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Child Dental Health
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Biology
Department of Preventive Dentistry
Department of Restorative Dentistry
Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension
Department of Animal Science
Department of Crop & Soil Science
Department of Fisheries
Department of Forestry & Wildlife Management
Faculty of Education
Department of Adult & Non Formal Education
Department of Curriculum Studies and Educational Technology
Department of Educational Foundations
Department of Educational Management and Planning
Department of Educational Psychology, Guidance & Counselling
Department of HumanKinetics and Health Education
Department of Library and Information Science
Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Department of Environmental Engineering
Department of Gas Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechatronic Engineering
Faculty of Humanities
Department of English Studies
Department of Fine Arts and Design
Department of Foreign Language and Literature
Department of of Histroy and Diplomatic Studies
Department of Linguistics and Communication Studies
Department of Music
Department of Philosophy
Department of Religious & Cultural Studies
Department of Theatre and Film Studies
Faculty of Management Sciences
Department of Accounting
Department of Finance and Banking
Department of Hospitality Management and Tourism
Department of Management
Department of Marketing
Department of Sociology
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Management
Department of Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmacological Technology
Department of Pharmacognosy
Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology
Department of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology
Faculty of Science
Department of Animal and Environmental Biology
Department of Biochemistry
Department of Computer Science
Department of Geology
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Department of Microbiology
Department of Physics
Department of Plant Sciences and Biotechnology
Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Economics
Department of Geography and Environmental Management
Department of Political and Administrative Studies
Department of Sociology
University Library
DAVID LK, Amadi O.I, Fawehinmi HB, Orish CN (2016). Phytochemical Analysis Of Aqueous Extract of Leaf of Luffa Aergyptiaca Mill. Journal of Anatomical sciences. Vol. 7, No 1, pages 28-31
DAVID L.K, Ihunwo AO, Fawehinmi HB (2016). Neurobehavioural responses Of Aqueous Leaf Extract Of Luffa Aegyptiaca Mill On Mefloquine-Induced Seizure Of Albino Wistar Rat Using Elevated Plus Maze. Journal of Anatomical sciences. Vol. 7, No 1, pages 88-92.
Lekpa Kingdom David, Hakeem Babatunde Fawehinmi, Amadi Ogonda. Ihunwo (2016). Neuro-Behavioural Responses to Aqueous Leaf Extract of Luffa Aegyptiaca Mill on Mefloquine-Induced Seizure of Albino Wistar Rat Using Open Field Test. Nigeria Journal of Neuroscience.
Vidona WB, David LK (2015). Waist to Hip Ratio Index as Anthropometric Indicator of Obesity among Pregnant Women in Port Harcourt. Journal of Anatomical sciences. Vol. 6, No 2, pages 77-84.
Oladipo G.S, Yorkum L.K, DAVID L.K (2013): Orbital index of Adult Igbo and Adult Ogonis (Aged 17-70): International journal of advanced and innovative research, vol. 2, Issue 3,page 221-233
DAVID L.K, Anibeze C.I.P, Yorkum L.K(2013): The study of the cranial capacity of the ogoni ethnic groupin Rivers State Nigeria; African Journal of Medical Science. 6(1):20-27.
Osunwoke EA, Mbadugha CC, Orish CN, Oghenemavwe EL, Ukah CJ (2010). A morphometric study of foramen ovale and foramen spinosum of the human sphenoid in Southern Nigeria population. Journal of Applied Biosciences 26:1631-1635.
Oghenemavwe EL, Osunwoke EA, Ordu KS, Omovigho O (2010) Photometric analysis of soft tissue facial profile of adult Urhobos. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2(6): 248-252.
Oghenemavwe EL, Fawehinmi HB, Dappa DV (2011). Aesthetic facial analysis: A need for transcultural basis. International Journal of Development Studies. 3(2):478-487.
Oghenemavwe EL, Fawehinmi HB, Udoaka AI, Oladipo GS, Onyeleonu I (2011). Photogrammetric analysis soft tissue profile of the face of Igbos in Port Harcourt. Asian
Journal of Medical Sciences, 3(6):228-233.
Oghenemavwe EL, Fawehimi HB, Daewin TL (2012). A Software tool for facial analysis. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 4(6):551-556.
Didia BC, Ordu KS, Oghenemavwe LE, Ibulubu IN (2013). Tali articular facet on the calcaei of adult Nigerians. Journal of Anatomical Sciences. 4(2):28-32
Udoaka A, Oghenemavwe EL (2013). The relationship of the femoral bicondylar diameter and intercodylar notch dimensions in Nigerians. Journal of Anatomical Sciences 4:(1) 21-24.
Oladpo Gabriel S, Okoh Peter D, Oghenemavwe Loveday, Yorkum Leyira K (2013). Dermatoglyphic patterns of Autistic Children in Nigeria Journal of Biology Agriculture and Health care. 3(7)80-83
Oladipo GS, Oghenemavwe EL, Hart Josiah S, (2015). Parameters of Facial, Nasal, Maxillary, Mandibular, and Oro-facial Height of adult Urhobos in Nigeria. Annual Research and review in Biology. 5(1): 48-53
Oghenemavwe EL and Job W (2015). Alveolar index as a means of skull classification. A radiological study. Scientia Africana (in press)
Oghenemavwe EL and Osaat RS (2015). An easy digital method for palmar and plantar dermatoglyphics. Biosciences and Bioengineering. 1(3): 85-89
Okoseimiema S C and Udoaka A. I(2013):Pelvic Brim Index in South-South Nigerian population. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 5(5)92-95.
Okoseimiema S C and Udoaka A. I(2013):Radiologic Determination of Ischiopubic Index in South-South Nigerians. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences5(5)96-100 .
Okoseimiema S C and Udoaka A. I(2013):Radiologic Determination of
Acetabula index and Centre Edge Angle in South-South Nigerians. British Journal of Diary Science 3(3) 22-25.
Okoseimiema S C and Udoaka A. I(2013):Radiologic Study of Indices in the Greater Sciatic Notch in South- South Nigerian Population. CRJBS. 5(6)248-251.
Fawehinmi H B, Ogoun T R, and Okoseimiema S.C(2013): Determination of femur stature ratio of the Ijaw and ikwerre ethnic groups in Nigeria.Scientia Africana. 12(2) 28-39.
Osunwoke E.A, Okoseimiema S.C, Yorkhum K.L and Uzomba G.C(2014): A Study on the Dimensions of Hypoglossal Canal in Southern Nigerian Crania. Journal of biology, Agriculture and Health care. 4(4)78-81
Ogoun T R, H.B. Fawehinmi and S.C. Okoseimiema(2013):Determination of Armspan and Foot Length between the Ijaw and Ikwerre Ethnic Group in Nigeria. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 5(6): 113-116.
Okoseimiema, S.C , Akenbor Glory Ofure and Udoaka A.I.(2015):Prediction of the height of the Esan ethnic group of Nigeria, using armspan length.The Journal of Anatomical Sciences7(1):122-127.
Akenbor Glory Ofure, Okoseimiema, S.C and Udoaka A.I.(2015): Thigh length:Stature ratio of the Yoruba Ethnic group in Nigeria.The Journal of Anatomical Sciences7(1):77-81.
Udoaka A. I. Analysis of Collo-Diaphyseal Angle of the adult Ijaws in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria from radiographs. Scientia Africana. 2010;9(1): 209 – 212.
Udoaka A. I.Bob-Manuel I. F.A study on Body Mass Index (BMI) of rural women in Etche Clan in Rivers State of Nigeria.Journal of advancement in medical and pharmaceutical Science, 2010; 4(2):104 - 106
Udoaka A. I, Agi C. E.A study of the collo-diaphyseal angle in an adult population in Southern Nigeria. Afr. J. Med. Phy, Biomed. Eng & Sc. 2010;(2): 67 – 70.
Oghenemavwe E. L, Fawehinmi H. B, Udoaka A. I, Oladipo G. S, Onyeleonu I. Photogrammetric analysis of soft tissue profile of the face of Igbos in Port Harcourt. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2011; 3(6): 228 – 233.
A. I. Udoaka, J. Olotu, G. S. Oladipo. The Prevalence of Genu Varum in Primary School Children in Port Harcourt, Nigeria Scientia Africana. 2012; 11 (2): 115 – 117
Udoaka A. I, Didia B. C. The Calcaneal Bohler’s angle in Nigerians: A radiological study. Jour. Of Med. Sc. and Tech.2013; 2(2): 81-83
Udoaka A. I, Nwokediuko A. U. Radiologic evaluation of Clavicular morphology in Southern Nigerians Int. J. Morphol. 2013; 31(1): 94 – 99
Udoaka AI, Oghenemarwe El: Relationship of the fermoral Bicondylar diameter and intercondylar notch dimensions in Nigerians: A radiographical study The Journal of Anatomical Sciences; 2013;4(1): 21 – 24,
Fawehinmi HB, Udoaka AI, Nwaopara Ao, Egwu Oa, Peter Ai. Editorial: Anatomy curriculum review current realities, contemporary challenges. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy 2013;12(1): 1 – 6.
D.E. Bassey, D.U.Eduwem, G.U.Inah, A.I.Udoaka, A.O.Akintomide. Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder amongst Sonologists in Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2013; 10(2): 68 – 71.
UdoakaA. I, Didia B. C. Prevalence and types of Accessory Ossicles and Sesamoid bones of the feet of adult Southern NigeriansAfrican Journal of Medical Science, 2013;6(1):69 -72
Udoaka A. I, Bienonwu E. O. Assessment of the Patellar Height Ratios in Normal Adult Nigerians. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 13(19):1-3
Udoaka A. I, Bienonwu E. O. Radiologic Assessment of the Axial Relationships of the Normal Knee Joint of Adult Nigerians International Journal of Research and Advances in Bio Sciences, 2013; 13(9):104- 111
Udoaka A. I, Ihunwo I. W. Radiologic Analysis of the Axial Relationships of the Normal Glenohumeral Joint of Adult Nigeria International Journal of Inovations in Medical Sciences, 2013; 3(1): 29 - 32
Udoaka A. I. Evaluation of Cortical Index in the Femur of Young Adult Nigerian Scientia Africana, 2013;12(1):51-56
Udoaka A I, Amadi N. B. A study of the radiological lumbar vertebral index in adult Nigerian Journal of Science and Technology Research, 2013;(12):124- 128
Udoaka A I. A study of the carrying angle of students of the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.African Journal of Physical Sciences 2013;6(1):101- 103
Udoaka Alaba I, Enyi Chigoziri. Comparative study of the body mass index of white collar and blue collar workers in rivers state African Journal of Biosciences. 2013; 6:1 -4
E.I. Edibamode, A.I. Udoaka, P.D.Okoh and J.A.Uzoaru. Lip Print Pattern Among Students Of The University Of Port Harcourt, Nigeria Scientia Africana, 2013;12(2): 86 – 93
Udoaka A. I, Ogheneochuko D. V. Anthropometric analysis of children exposed to petroleum industry pollution (gas – flaring) in some selected district in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. International Journal of Advancement in Biological Sciences 2014; 6(1):18- 22
E. I. Edibamode, A.I. Udoaka, P.D.Okoh and N.E.Umunna. Foot Arch Pattern and Stature Estimation from foot print using students of the University of Port Harcourt. Scientia Africana, 2014; 13(1):43 – 51
E.I. Edibamode, E.A. Osunwoke, A.I.Udoaka, K.A. Waribo. Sexual Dimorphic study on the Maxillary and Mandibular Canine Indices and Upper lip Length of the Ijaw Ethnic Group of Nigeria. Translational Clinical Biology, 2014; (2):19 – 24
Department of Chemical Pathology
Dr. Orluwene, Chituru G.
Ejilemele AA, Orluwene CG. Biochemical Changes in Chronic Alcoholics in Port Harcourt: The Report of a Pilot Survey. Nig Postgrad Med Journal 2010; 17(2):154-159.
Orluwene CG, Nnatuanya I.Effect of the metabolic syndrome on serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) values. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2010; 4: 246-251.
Orluwene CG, Mommoh MO: Thyrotropin and free thyroxine levels in industrial workers with metabolic syndrome in Port Harcourt. Annals of Tropical Pathology 2012; 3 (1): 17-23.
Orluwene CG, Odum EP: Urinary labile iron in obese and non- obese industrial workers in Port Harcourt. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2012; 6: 416-421.
Orluwene CG, Isaac NN:Fasting serum soluble CD 163 predicts risk of type 2 diabetes in individuals with the metabolic syndrome. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2012; 6: 460-466.
Orluwene CG, Ideriah BJ: Plasma total homocysteine levels in violent and non-violent psychiatric patients in Nigeria. Gazette of Medicine 2012; 1 (1): 35-40.
Orluwene CG, Nnatuanya I: Association of metabolic biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in overweight and obese children in Emohua Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (JDMS), 2012;1(3): 40 – 46.
Orluwene CG, Opurum H. 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol levels in a representative sample of children and young adolescents from the Ikwerre-speaking Local Government Areas of Rivers State, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (JDMS), 2012; 1(3): 47 – 52.
Oladipo GS, Osaat RS, Orluwene CG, Suleman YA.Body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio among adults of Obowo Nationality in Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research (IJBAIR), 2012, I (4): 138-144.
Odum EP, Orluwene CG, Ejilemele AA, Wakwe VC. Antioxidant status of subjects with Metabolic Syndrome in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2012: 19(4);199-203.
Orluwene CG, Nkoyo N. Use of Plasma Prealbumin concentration in assessment of nutritional status of adult patients admitted in rural Hospitals in Rivers State, Nigeria.IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 2013; 6 (2): 01-06.
Orluwene CG, MommohMO: Plasma total homocysteine, High-sensitivity C-reactive protein and thyroid function in metabolic syndrome patients. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2013; 20 (4): 286-290.
Orluwene CG, Nkoyo N.Use of Serum Cystatin C in Assessment of Early Deterioration of Renal Function in Type 2 Diabetic Industrial Workers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 2013; 8 (2):27-35.
Orluwene CG, Kasia Benedicta E. Relationship Between Serum Adiponectin and Plasma Fatty Acids Composition In Off-Shore (Rig) Workers In Bayelsa State, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSR-PHR), 2013; 3 (5):39-46.
Oladipo GS, Okoh PD, Agi C., DikeEU, Orluwene CG. A Comparativestudy of Dermatoglyphic patternsof Polydactyly patients and normal Nigerian Individuals. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Applications, 2013; 4 (2):38-42.
KasiaBE, Orluwene CG, Mrakpor UBA, Estimation of reference intervals for plasma amylase in apparently healthy adults of Southern Nigeria. International Organization of Scientific Research-Journal of Pharmacy (IOSR-PHR). 2013;3 (9):13-18.
Orluwene CG, Ojule JD, Disparity in diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus using 75g and 100g glucose load tests among ante-natal attendees in Madonna University Teaching Hospital, Elele, Rivers State. International Organization of Scientific Research-Journal of Pharmacy (IOSR-PHR), 2013; 3(9):01-06.
Odum EP, Orluwene CG, Metabolic syndrome prevalence in healthy individuals in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt. International Organization of Scientific Research-Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS).2013;10 (3):17-22.
Orluwene CG, Mommoh MO. Serum phosphorus, estimated ionized and total serum calcium in industrial females with thyroid dysfunction in Port Harcourt. International Journal of Research in Medical and Health Sciences (IJRMHS), 2013; 3 (4): 20-24.
Department of Haematology, Blood Transfusion and Immunology
Department of Human Physiology
Dapper, Datonye Victor
Nworah DC, Chike CPR, Akpa MR, Nwafor A and Dapper DV [2011]: Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive and normotensive type 2 diabetic females in Port Harcourt. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences 26(1):7-10
Amah-Tariah FS, Ojeka SO and Dapper DV [2011]: Haematological values in pregnant women in Port Harcourt, Nigeria II: Serum iron and transferrin, total and unsaturated iron binding capacity and some red cell and platelet indices. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences 26(2):173-178
Oghenemavwe El, Fawehinmi HB and Dapper DV [2011]: Aesthetic facial analysis: A need for trans-cultural basis. International Journal of Developmental Studies. 3(2): 478-487
Dapper DV, Kote N, Akevwighome SO and Nworah DC [2011]: Changes in total and differential white cell counts, total lymphocyte and CD4 cell counts during the menstrual cycle in healthy female undergraduate students in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 6(1): 2-9
Chinko B, Ojeka SO and Dapper DV [2012]: A preliminary assessment of some markers of bone turnover amongst pre and post-menopausal females in Aba, south east Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 6(2): 11-15
Obiandu, C, Okerengwo AA and Dapper DV [2013]: Levels of serum immunoglobulins in apparently healthy children and adults in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences 28(1):23-27.
Kolawole TA, Dapper DV and Ojeka SO [2014]: Ameliorative effects of the methanolic extract of the rind of Citrullus lanatus on Lead acetate induced toxicity on semen parameters and reproductive hormones of male albino Wistar rats. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 4(9): 1125-1137.
Nwafor, Arthur
Adienbo OM, Nwafor A, Egwurugwu JN and Okon UA(2010). The distribution of ABO and Rhesus blood groups among indigenes of Ijaw ethnic groups in Niger Delta Region, Nigeria: Global J. Pure & Applied. Sci. 16(3) 345-348
Iwuji SC, Nwafor A, Adienbo OM, Egwurugwu J, Iwuji NG and Adienbo OM (2010) Hypoglycaemic Potential of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Vernonia amygdalina An Animal Model Afr J Med Phy, Biomed Eng & Sc, , 2, 9 - 13
Adienbo OM and Nwafor A (2010) Effect of prolong exposure to gas flaring on some haematological parameters of humans in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Mgt. 14(1) 13-15
Nworah DC, Chike CPR, Akpa MR, Nwafor A and Dapper DV(2011) Prevalence of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertensive and Normotensive type 2 Diabetes Females in Port Harcourt. Nig. J. Phy. Sci. 26(1): 7-10
Nwafor A and Nworah DC (2011). Chronic and acute administration of hydro- alcoholic fruit extract of Xylopia aethiopica effect on blood pressure, pulse rate and haematopoietic system. J. Adv. Med. Pharm. Sci. (5)1; 91-96
Nwafor A, Nworah DC, Chike CPR and Egwurugwu JN (2011) Relation of serum total cholesterol, body mass index and blood pressure as cardiovascular risk conditions among normotensive and hypertensive type 2 diabetes mellitus females in Port Harcourt. Afri. J. Med.Sci. 4(1) 1-6
Olorunfemi OJ, Nwafor A and Nworah DC(2011) Psidium quajava effects on the febrile responses to baker’s yeast injection in rats.Int.J.Pharm.Sci.3(2)1407-1412
Egwurugwu JN and Nwafor A(2011) Relationship between Body Mass Index, Semen and Sex Hormones in Adult Males. Nig J.Phy.26 (1) 29-34.
Adienbo OM, Nwafor A and Iwuji S (2011).Effect of aqueous fruit extract of xylopia aethiopica on reproductive hormones in male guinea pigs. Global J. Pure & Applied. Sci. 17(2) 137-139
Nworah DC, Nwafor A and Bekinbo MT (2012) Comparative Characterization of Phytomedicinal Constituents of Xylopia Aethiopica. Am. J. PharmTech. Resh 2(2): 706-712
Egwurugwu, JN, Nwafor A Olorunfemi OJ and Anaduaka SC.( 2012)Effects of methanoic seed extracts of Mucuna sloanei on male sex hormones and sperm quality in rats. J. Med. Plants Res. 6(22):3919-3922.
Nworah DC, Nwafor A, Danladi NB(2012) A comparative study of nutritional and electrolyte qualities of xylopia aethiopica in novel hydro-alcoholic formulations. American J. Pharmatech. Research 2(5) 342-353
Nwafor A, Egberike EF and Nworah DC (2011). Assessment of contraceptive effect of aqueous fruit extract of xylopia aethiopica on female wistar rats. J. Adv. Med. Pharm.Sci. 5(1) 114-117
Nwafor A, Nworah DC, Ukpuho EI and Aniyeloye MA (2012) In-vivo studies on the analgesic and anti-inflammatory potentials of novel xylopia aethiopica formulations. Am. J. Pharma tech. Research 2(5) 354-362
Nwafor A, Akunneh-Wariso CC, Ojeka SO& Agbai EO (2013). Anti-diabetic efficacy of dietary vegetable mixtures in alloxan induced diabetic guinea pigs. Am. J. Pharm Health Res. 1(8): 49-55
Nwafor A, Asiegbu LN, Adienbo MO and Mmom FC(2013). Anti-fertility activity of ingestion of Nigerian Bonny light crude oil contaminated feed in male reproduction: A possible hyothamo-pituitary axis mechanism. American J. Res. Comm.1 (7): 210 -218
Egwurugwu JN and Nwafor A(2013) Prolonged exposure to oil and gas flares ups the risks for hupertension. American J. Health Research; 1(3): 65-72
Egwurugwu JN, Nwafor A, Olorunfemi OJ, Iwuji SC&Alagwu EA (2013).Impact of prolonged exposure to oil and gas flares on human renal functions. Int.Res.J. Medical Sci.1 (11) ;9-16
Nworah DC, Nwafor A, Olorunfemi OJ & Aburoma HLS (2013). Chronic maltex drink and tomato paste effects on blood glucose, haematological, and Biochemical indices in normal and alloxan induced diabetic wistar rats. Am. J. Pharm Health Res. 1(8): 56-65
Iwuji SC, Nwafor A, Chike PR, Iwuji NG, & Nwaokoro JC (2013).Interactive effect of combined aqueous leaf extracts of ocimum gratissimum and vernonia amygdalina on fasting blood glucose in rabbits.Am.J.Pharm.Tech.Res.3(5): 1-11
Iwuji SC, Nwafor A, Azeez TO, Nwosu EC, Nwaokoro JC, Egwurugwu J and Danladi NB(2013): Nutritional and Electrolyte Values of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Chaya) leaves consumed in Niger Delta, Nigeria. Am.J.Pharm.Tech.Res. 3(6): 1-11
Adienbo MO, Nwafor A and Ogbomade RS (2013).Contraceptive efficacy of hydromethanolic fruit extract of xylopia aethiopica in male albino rats. Int. J. Adv. Bio. Biom. Res.1 (7): 718-722
Adienbo MO, Nwafor A& Ogbomade RS (2013). Effect of hydromethanolic extract of Xylopia aethiopica on sexual behaviour in male Wistar rats.1 (9): 1078-1085
Egwurugwu JN, Nwafor A, Olorunfemi, OJ, Nwankpa P, and Okwara JE(2013) Prolonged gas flaring and water quality in Obiakpu Egbema, Imo state, Nigeria. Int. Res. Environ. Sci. 2 (4): 1-5
Egwurugwu JN, Nwafor A, Chinko BC, Olorunfemi O J, Iwuji SC and Nwankpa P. (2013). Effects of prolonged exposure to gas flares on the lipid profile of humans in the Niger Delta region, Nigeria. Am. J. Res. Com. 1(5): 115-145
Joffa PKP, Nwafor A and Adienbo Mo (2013) Correlation between body mass index and peak expiratory flow rate of an indigenous Nigerian population in the Niger Delta Region. Res. J. Rec. Sci. 2(2): 28-32
Egwurugwu JN, Nwafor A and Ezekwe A (2013) Impacts of prolonged exposure to gas flares on some blood indices in humans in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria. Arch. Appl. Sci.Res.5 (1): 98-104
Iwuji SC, Nwafor A, Egwurugwu J, Ejeta K and Akpan U (2013). Comparative Characterization of the phytomedicinal constituents of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaf extracts. Am. J. PharmTech. Research 3(1): 779 – 780
Agbai EO and Nwafor A(2014). Effects of ethanol extract of ricinus communis seed on some hormonal profile in metoclopramide-induced hyperprolactinemic female albino rats. American J. Pharm. Health Research 2(4): 3-8
Agbai EO and Nwafor A(2014). Effects of ethanol extract of ricinus communis seed on some hormonal profile in bromocriptine-induced hypoprolactinemia in female albino rats. American J. Pharm. Health Research 2(5): 109-114.
Agbai EO, Nwafor A and Ugwu Fn (2014). The haematological action of ethanol extracts of gongronema latifolium and ocimum gratissimum in alloxan induced diabetic rats. IJAPBC 3(2): 235-240
Agbai EO, Mounmbegna PPE and Nwafor, A. (2014). Polyherbal extract of ocimum gratissimum and gongronema latifolium on reproductive functions in alloxan induced diabetic male rats. J. Medical Science and Clinical Research 2(4): 838-845
Agbai EO, Mounmbegna PPE and Nwafor A(2014).The beneficial effects of methanol extract of annona muricata seeds on acute haemolytic anaenia in albino Wistar rats. J. Medical Science and Clinical Research 2(5): 958-967
Iwuji Sc and Nwafor A(2015).Phytochemical Identification in chloroform fraction of aqueous-methanol extract of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaves. Brit. J. Pharm. Res. 5(6): 437-441
Adienbo Mo, Nwafor A and Dapper DV (2015).Impairments in testicular function indices in male wistar rats: a possible mechanism for infertility induction by xylopia aethiopica fruit extract. Int J. Reprod. Contracept. Obste.t Gynecol., 4(1): 71-75
Nwafor A, Nworah Cd, and Adienbo Mo (2015). High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) fingerprint profile of hydromethanolic chloroform extract of Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Rich (Annonaceae) fruits. BMR Phytomedicine 1(1): 1-8.
Nwafor A, Mmom F C, Onybuchi O, Olorunfemi Jc, and Obiandu C (2015). Relationship between Blood pressure, Diabetes, Blood glucose and coexisting prehypertension and pre-diabetes among rural adults in Rivers State, Niger Delta Region, Nigeria.( in print)
Department of Pharmacology
Ebong, Omotayo Oluranti [Prof. Mrs]
Asekomeh, EG, Ebong, OO & Onwuchekwa, AC Jan-March 2010. Parameters on adherence of adult Nigerians to antiretroviral therapy. Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry 8(1)
Ogbuehi, I H, Ebong, O O& Omogbai, E K. (2011). ‘Antiplasmodial activity of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy’ against Plasmodium berghei in experimental mice. West African J. Pharmacol. Drug. Res. 27 Jan.-Dec. 26-31
Georgewill U O &Ebong, O O (2012). A comparative study of some Artemisinin combination therapies on Plasmodium berghei in Swiss albino mice. Scientific Research. 109 -112.
Georgewill U. O. &Ebong, O. O. (2012). Artemisinin combination therapies; safe or not safe? The Internet Journal of Pharmacology. Jun. 2012 10 (1) ISSN 1531-2976.
Shorinwa, O A, Ebong & Omotayo O. (2012) Use of Artemisinin - Combination Therapies in Port Harcourt. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. March, 2012 16 (1) 5 – 10. JASEM ISSN 8362
Ebong, Omotayo O, Eme O Asuquo, Chijioke A Nwauche, lyeopu M Siminialayi, Ijeoma H Ogbuehi & Mercy F Ajienka. (2012) Antimalarial treatment by health care providers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Poster presentation at the 2012 Oct. ‘Challenges of Malaria Research- Progress towards elimination’ Conference in Switzerland. Malaria Journal 2012, 11(Suppl 1):P28 doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-11-S1-P28.
Ijeoma Ogbuehi, Omotayo O. Ebong, Eme Asuquo, Chijioke Nwauche (2013). Evaluation of the anti-plasmodial activity of the methanolic root extracts of Anthocleista nobilis G. Don, Nauclea latifolia Smith and Napoleona imperialis P. Beauv. British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Article ID: 12163- BJPT-DOI
Ijeoma Ogbuehi, Omotayo Ebong, Eme Asuquo & Chijioke Nwauche (2014). Evaluation of the anti-plasmodial activity of the methanolic root extracts of Anthocleista nobilis G. Don, Nauclea latifolia Smithand Napoleona imperialisP. Beauv.British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 5(2): 75-82.
Shorinwa, Olusayo A, Ebong Omotayo O, Obianime, AW and Siminialayi, IM. (2014). The effect of acetone extracts of Crinum jagus bulbs on the histology of the kidney, liver and testis of albino rats. Peak Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 2(x), pp xxxx-xxxxvi June 2014. wwwpeakjournals.org/sub-journals-PJMPR.html
Shorinwa, Olusayo A, Ebong Omotayo O, Obianime, AW and Siminialayi, IM.(2014). Acetone extract of Crinum jagus (Liliaceae): an acute and subchronic toxicological evaluation in albino rats. Int. Res. J. of Pharm. www. Irjponline.com: 5(7); 560-564.
Ebong, Omotayo O, Ogbuehi, Ijeoma H. and Asuquo, Eme O. (2015). Practice of pre-treatment for malaria by health care providers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Journal of Public Health, Photon 117, 237 – 240.
Ebong, Omotayo O., Chijioke A. Nwauche, Ijeoma H. Ogbuehi, Ifeyinwa N. Chijioke–Nwauche, Chinwe T. Ezirim, Ruth E. Umoh, Aniekan G. Afia, Pius Zara-kokpa January 2015. is this Evidence of Success in Malaria Prevention and Control Measures? Greener Journal of Medical Sciences. l. 5 (1), 001-010,
Ogbuehi I.H, Ebong O.O and Obianime A.W. (2015). A Preliminary Study on the Effect of AbrusPrecatorius Linn on Reproductive parameters in Female Rattus norvegicus, Wistar strain. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 7(3): 156-166, 2015, Article no.EJMP.2015.078 ISSN: 2231-0894.
Ogbuehi I.H., Obianime A. W. and Ebong O. O (2015). Haemato-Biochemical and Oxidative Responses of Adult Wistar Rats to Methanolic Extracts of Abrus precatorius Linn Leaves. J Phys Pharm Adv 2015, 5(4): DOI: 10.5455/jppa.20150406085357
Ogbuehi, Ijeoma H., Omotayo O. Ebong and Atuboyedia W. Obianime (2015). Oral acute toxicity (LD50) study of different solvent extracts of Abrus precatorius Linn leaves in wistar rats. Pelagia Research Library. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2015, 5(1):18-2
Siminialayi; Iyeopu Minakiri Prof
Wariso K.T., Siminialayi I.M. and Odigie J.O. Pattern and antibiogram of urinary tract infection at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2010; 3(1): 1-5
I. M. Siminialayi, R. I. Okafor and P. C. Emem-Chioma. Effect of subacute administration of protein powder on the histology of rat kidneys. Port Harcourt Medical Journal, 2010; 4: 294-300
I. M. Siminialayi, P. C. Emem-Chioma and O. J. Odia. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in suburban and urban Rivers State: adult treatment panel III and IDF definitions. Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2010; 17(2): 147-153.
J. O. Odigie and I. M. Siminialayi. Perception and attitude of theatre staff to preoperative HIV screening. Asia Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2010; 3(2):145-147.
Ejebe D. E., Siminialayi I. M. and Kagbo H. D. Mass immunization of Nigerian children against paralytic poliomyelitis: a case for the review of current practice of too frequent administration of the Sabin vaccine. Medi-link Journal, 2010; 11(3); 40-41.
Ejebe D. E., Siminialayi I. M., Emudainohwo J. O. T., Ofesi U and Morka L. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of the ethanol extract of the leaves of Helianthus annus in Wistar rats. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2010; 3(5): 341-347.
Ejebe D. E., Siminialayi I. M., Emudainohwo J. O. T., Kagbo H. D. and Amadi P. Effects of Ethanol extract of leaves of Helianthus annus on the fecundity of Wistar rats. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2010; 3(5):412-420.
Koroye O.C., Siminialayi I. M. and Etebu E. N. Effects of oral administration of Aloe vera plus on the heart and kidney: a subacute toxicity study in rat models. The Nigerian Health Journal 2010; 10(1-2): 22-27.
S. C. Iwuji, K. I. Nkuma-Udah, G. O. Adeoye, N. G. Iwuji, G. C. Iwueke and I. M. Siminialayi. Insecticidal efficacy of lambdacyhalothrin, cyfluthrin, Orange peel oil and platostoma sp. Leaf extract on anopheles mosquitoes. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2010; 6(3): 317-320.
Koroye OC, Siminialayi IM and Etebu EN. Effects of oral Aloe vera on the liver: a pharmacovigilance study in rats. West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research, 2011; 26(1&2): 29-35.
PC Emem-Chioma, IM Siminialayi, and FS Wokoma. Prevalence of kidney disease in adults with metabolic syndrome. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, 2011; 22(5): 949-954.
Amadi CN, IM Siminialayi and Orisakwe OE. Male Infertility and Herbal Supplements: an Update. Pharmacologia, 2011; 2: 323-348
Azikiwe CCA, Siminialayi IM, Brambaifa N, Amazu LU, Enye JC, Ezeani MC. Anticonvulsant activity of the fractionated extract of Crinum jagus bulbs in experimental animals. Asia Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease. 2012; S446-452
Azikiwe CCA, Siminialayi IM, Brambaifa N, Ifezulike CC, Nwankwo MJ and Amazu LU. Selective antiseizure activity of synthetic morpholine in experimental animals. International Journal of Medicine and Medicinal Sciences, 2013; 3(4): 411-418
Isirima JC and Siminialayi IM. Effect of Aloe Vera gel extract on cadmium-induced high blood pressure. West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research, 2012; 28:22-27.
JS Aprioku and IM Siminialayi. Maternal lead exposure and pregnancy outcome in Wistar albino rats. Journal of Environmental Health Sciences, 2013, 5(4): 2400-2407.
Shorinwa LA, Ebong OO, Obianime AW, Siminialayi IN. Acetone extract of Cronin magus bulbs (Liliaceae): an acute and synchronicity toxicological evaluation in albino rats. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2014, 5(7): 560-564.
Shorinwa OA, Ebong OO, Obianime AW, and Siminialayi IM. The effect of acetone extract of Cronin magus bulbs on the histology of the kidney, liver and testis of albino rats. Peak journal of Medicinal Research, 2014, 2(4): 38-44.
Georgewill UO, Siminialayi IM. Disulfiram and copper gluconate in cancer chemotherapy: a review of the literature. Cancer Research, 2014, 2(5): 88-92.
Emem-Chioma PC, Akpa MR and Siminialayi IM. Hypertension in Rural Niger Delta of Nigeria: frequency and correlates. Journal of US-China Medical Science, 2014, 12: 18-19.
Toxicological evaluation of disulfiram, copper gluconate and disulfiram/copper gluconate combination on renal function in rodents. Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 2015, 6: 86-93.
Ifeyinwa Nwogo Chijioke-Nwauche
Chijioke–Nwauche, I.N. and Dede EB; Effects of lemon juice on the reproductive hormones of female Wistar rats (Rattus rattus). Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences 7 (5) (2010) 1168 – 1173.
Stanley CN; Nwachukwu N; Chijioke-Nwauche IN and Orisakwe OE. Safety warnings and first aid instructions on consumer and pharmaceutical products in Nigeria. Has there been an improvement? J Pak Med Assoc., October 2011;60(10).
Uche, FI, Shorinwa, OA, Okorie, O, Mgbahurike, AA, Chijioke-Nwauche, IN: The Pharmacognostic study, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of crude extracts of Ipomoeainvolucrata leaves in mice and rats.Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, 2011;(2); 412-420.
Roberts I.I., Orisakwe O.E., Chijoke Nwauche I. and Dooka BApril,(2012).Chromium and Cobalt levels in Commonly used Paediatric Syrups in Nigeria. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences 2(4);72-75.
ABO and RH blood groups in mothers and their newborns in Port Harcourt Nigeria.
Port Harcourt, Medical Journal. Port Harcourt Medical Journal. 2012;(6):455-459.
YAGUO IDE L.E, CHIJIOKE- NWAUCHE I.N: Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Nigerian Children with Sickle Cell Anaemia. Highland Medical Research Journal, 2012:11(12):38-41
Ifeyinwa Chijioke-Nwauche, Albert van Wyk, Chijioke. A Nwauche, Khalid Beshir, Harparkash Kaur, Colin J. Sutherland. HIV-positive Nigerian adults harbour significantly higher serum lumefantrine levels than HIV-negative individuals seven days after treatment for Plasmodium falciparum infection. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. September 2013. 57(9) 4146-4150.
Chijioke – Nwauche, IN. and Dede EB. Effects of lemon juice on the histology of reproductive organs of male and female Wistar rats (Rattus rattus): Port Harcourt Medical Journal, May, 2014 ; 8(2);123-128.
Chijioke – Nwauche, IN. and Akani Y. Socio-Demographic profile of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWAs) in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Nigerian Health (3) 19-125.
Chijioke – Nwauche, IN. Malaria/HIV interactions in Nigeria: A Review. The Nigerian Health Journal (Accepted article for publishing):July, 2014;14(3), 97-107.
Omotayo o. Ebong, Chijioke. A. Nwauche, Ijeoma H. Ogbuehi, Ifeyinwa N. Chijioke-Nwauche, Chinwe T. Ezirim, Ruth E. Umoh. Aniekan G, Afia, Pius Zarakokpa. Is this evidence of success in Malaria Prevention and Control Measures?Greener Journal of Medical Sciences. Greener Journal of Medical Sciences, 5(1):001-010.
Chijioke-Nwauche IN: A handbook of antimalarials (Monograph, in press)
Dr. Wariso, KT
Visual acuity among randomly selected cement workers in Port Harcourt.-Chike CPR, Wariso KT and Ahotwin E. African Journal of Applied Zoology and Environmental Biology. 2011. 13.
Practical manual of Medical Microbiology for students by Dr. Wariso KT, (Anco Press 2010).
Medical Microbiology Logbook for students by Dr. Wariso KT and Dr. (Mrs.) Oboro IL (Anco Press 010).
The Prevalence of Malaria Antigen in the Serum of HIV Seropositive patients in Port Harcourt. Wariso KT and Nwauche CA. (TNHJ, 11(4). October-December, 2011).
Strongyloides stercoralis infection in HIV Seropositive patients at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital-Wariso KT and Odigie JO (Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2012; 6: 225-231).
Prevalence of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections among Female Undergraduates of the university of Port Harcourt Using Strand Displacement and Amplification (SDA) Technique- Wariso KT, Siminialayi IM and Odigie JO. (TNHJ, 12(2), April-June, 2012).
Mycology Review- Wariso KT. (Anco press 2012).
Department of Anaesthesiology
Dr. Fyneface-Ogan , Sotonye
Fyneface-Ogan S, Gbobo I. Lidocaine with epinephrine does not impair wound healing. Port Harcourt Med J 2010; 4: 184-188.
Fyneface-Ogan S, Alagbe-Briggs OT. Anaesthetic challenges in a high risk parturient with myastheniagravisundergoing caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia. East Afr Med J 2013; 90: 338-341.
Ebong EJ, Mato CN, Fyneface-Ogan S.Pre-incisional intravenous low-dose ketamine does not cause pre-emptive analgesic effect following caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia. J Anesthe Clinic Res 2011; 2: 5-1000138.
Fyneface-Ogan S, Aggo AT, Otokwala JG. Preoperative fasting in paediatric patients: an audit of two tertiary hospitals in Nigeria. Port Harcourt Med J 2011; 5: 255-262.
Jaja BN, Fyneface-Ogan S. Thyro-mental distances and relationship to Body Mass Index in young healthy adults: a population based study. Niger J Med 2011; 20(4): 444-447.
Fyneface-Ogan S, Mato CN. Assessment of knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation of pregnant women among physician obstetric care givers in the south-south of Nigeria. Afr J Anaesth Int Care 2011; 11: 6-10.
Fyneface-Ogan S, Fiebai P, Obasuyi BI. Anaesthetic challenges in an untreated Grave’s disease parturient undergoing emergency caesarean section. The Nig Health J 2011; (11): 126-129.
Aggo AT, Fyneface-Ogan S, Mato CN. The differential impact of two anaesthetic techniques on cortisol levels in Nigerian surgical patients. Niger J Clin Pract 2012; (15): 83-89.
Fyneface-Ogan S, Abam D, Numbere C. Anaesthetic management of a super morbidly obese patient for total abdominal hysterectomy: a few more lessons to learn. Afr Health Sc 2012; (12): 180-184.
Fyneface-Ogan S, Gogo Job O, Enyindah CE. Comparative effects of single-shot intrathecal bupivacaine with dexmedetomidine and bupivacaine with fentanyl on labour outcome. ISRN Anesthesiology Vol 2012, Article ID 816984, 6 pages doi:10.5402/2012/816984
Obasuyi BI, Fyneface-Ogan S, Mato CN. A comparison of the haemodynamic effects of lateral and sitting positions during induction of spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section. Int J Obstet Anesth 2013;(22): 124–128.
Otokwala JG, Fyneface-Ogan S, Mato CN. Comparative effects of single shot low dose spinal bupivacaine only and bupivacaine with fentanyl on labour outcome. Niger J Med 2013; (22): 279-285.
Fyneface-Ogan S, John OC, Enyindah CE. A comparison of the effect of spinal analgesia and sedo-analgesia on maternal cortisol levels during labour. Nig Q J Hosp Med 2013; (23): 182-187.
Odagme MT, Fyneface-Ogan S, Mato CN. Prophylactic infusions of phenylephrine and ephedrine during combined spinal epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section: a comparative study. J Anesth Clin Res 2013;(4): 357. doi:10.4172/2155-6148.1000357
Fyneface-Ogan S, Job OG. Prospective study of priming versus non-priming of Wik-Wire extension set during continuous spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section: a pilot study. J Anesthesiol 2013; (3): 36-40.
Tobin M, Fyneface-Ogan S, Mato CN. A comparative study between caudal bupivacaine and bupivacaine co-administered with neostigmine for postoperative analgesia in children. Nig Postgrad Med J 2014; (21): 51-56.
Fyneface-Ogan S. Acute postoperative management. Gazette Med 2014; (2): 128-136.
Nnaji CT, Mato CN, Fyneface-Ogan S. Subarachnoid block for transurethral resection of the prostate: a comparison of the block characteristics between 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine with fentanyl and 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine alone. Port Harcourt Med J 2014; (8): 9-18.
Fyneface-Ogan S, Ojule JD. Continuous spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean section in a parturient with peripartum cardiomyopathy. Niger J Med 2014; (23): 178-182.
Fyneface-Ogan S. Epidural Space Localization: A Novel Slingshot Approach. Afr J Anaesth Int Care 2014; (14): 1-5.
Department of Internal Medicine
Chinenye, Sunday, FWACP, MBBS
Ihekwaba AE, Chinenye SManagement Considerations in Oncologic Emergencies: Experience with Seven Cases. Tropical Journal of Medical Research. 2001; 5 (1): 36-40.
Chinenye S. The Current Classification and Diagnostic Criteria for Diabetes Mellitus. NJM 2002; 11(2): 84-86.
Ekere Au, Chinenye S, Dodiyi-Manuel A. The Diabetic Foot – A Review. Nigeria Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma. 2003; 2(1): 4-10.
Unachukwu C, Babatunde S; Chinenye S Peripheral Neuropathy in Diabetics with Foot Ulcers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma 2004; 3(2):214-224.
Floren C, Chinenye S, Elfstrand L, Hagman C, Ihse I. Coloplus, A New Product Based On Bovine Colostrums, Alleviates HIV-Associated Diarrhoea (Preliminary Analysis) GUT 2004, 53 (36) A134.
Chinenye S, Okeh Cm, Wokoma Fs. Anti-Retroviral Programme in the Niger Delta Region: Analysis of 3-Year Pilot Scheme in Rivers State, Nigeria. The Nigerian Health Journal (TNHJ) 2005; 5 (1&2): 266-271.
Floren C, Chinenye S, Elfstrand L, Hagman C, Ihse I. Coloplus, A New Product Based on Bovine Colostrums, Alleviates HIV-Associated Diarrhoea (Final Analysis). Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2006; (41): 682 – 686.
Chinenye S, Anah CO & Ihekwaba Ae. Thyrotoxicosis in the Niger Delta Region – Port Harcourt Experience. Nigerian Medical Practitioner 2006; 49(3): 59-63.
Chinenye S, Ogbera AO. Current Concepts in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus. TNHJ 2006; 6 (3/4): 383-390.
Chinenye S, Unachukwu Cn, Hart A. Diet and Diabetes: Theory and Practice for Care Providers. Mera Diabetes international May 2007;15 (1): 9-11.
Ogbera AO, Chinenye S, Onyekwere A, Fasanmade O. Prognostic indices of Diabetes Mortality. Ethnicity & Disease 2007; (17): 721-725.
Ogbera AO, Fasanmade O, Chinenye S, Onyekwere C. Characterization of Newly Registered Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in an out Patient Facility in Nigeria. Nigerian Endocrine Practice 2007; 1 (3): 19-28.
Unachukwu CN, Chinenye S, Uchenna Di. Thyrotoxicosis - A Review. Port-Harcourt Medical Journal 2008; 2: (3): 184-197.
Ogbera AO, Onyekwere C, Chinenye STurner’s Syndrome: Diagnosis and Management with Limited Resources. Pak J Med Sci 2008; 24 (4) 604-608.
Ogbera AO, Chinenye S, Akinlade A. insulin injection Practices in People with Diabetes Mellitus. African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2008; 7 (1) 12-15.
Chinenye S, Uchenna DI, Unachukwu Cn, Ogbera Ao, And Ojule Ac. The Pattern of Diabetes Mellitus in Rivers State, Nigeria. Nigerian Endocrine Practice 2008; 2 (2) 87-93.
Unadike BC, Chinenye SKnowledge, Awareness, and Impact of Diabetes among Adolescents in Uyo, Nigeria. Mera Diabetes International May 2009; 12-14.
Ogbera AO, Chinenye S, Fasanmade Ao, Akinlade A. Characterization of Lipid Parameters in Diabetes Mellitus – A Nigerian Report. International Archives of Medicine 2009; 2(1) 2-19 (Doi-10.1186/1755-7682-2-19).
Ogbera AO, Chinenye S, Akinlade A, Eregie A, Awobusuyi J. Frequency and Correlates of Sexual Dysfunction in Women with Diabetes Mellitus. J Sex Med 2009;6:3401-3406.
Onwuchekwa AC, Chinenye SClinical Profile of Hypertension at a University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2010; 6:511-516.
Chinenye S, Young E. Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Developing Countries: The Relevance of Postprandial Hyperglycaemia. Pak J Med Sci 2011;27(3):677-681
Chinenye S, Young E. State of Diabetes Care in Nigeria – A Review. The Nigerian Health Journal 2011; 11(4):101 - 109.
Ogbera AO, Chinenye S, Fasanmade O, Ajala W. Hypogonadism and Subnormal Total Testosterone Levels in Men with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2011; 21(9): 517-521.
Young Ee, Chinenye S, Unachukwu Cn. Beta Cell Response to a mixed meal in Nigerian patients with type 2 diabetes. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2012; 12(11): 1472-6823
Chinenye S, Young EE, Onwuchekwa Ac. Diabetes Mellitus in the elderly-Niger Delta Experience. Arch Diab & Cardio Med; 2012 March issue: 7-11
Chinenye S, Ogbera A O, Young EE. Prevention and Control of non-communicable diseases in Nigeria: Challenges and strategic directions. Arch Diab & Cardio Med; 2012 March issue: 12-20
Oputa Rn, Chinenye SDiabetes Mellitus: a global epidemic with potential solutions. African Journal of Diabetes Medicine 2012; 20(2): 33-35
Chinenye S, Young Ee. Isolated postprandial hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetic patients in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Center. Indian J Endocr Metab 2012; 16(4): 604-608.
Chinenye S, Uloko AE., Ogbera AO et al. Profile of Nigerians with diabetes mellitus – Diabcare Nigeria study group (2008): Results of a multicenter study. Indian J Enocr Metab 2012; 16:558-64
ChinenyeS,Ogbera AO. Socio-cultural aspects of diabetes mellitus in Nigeria. Journal of Social Health and Diabetes 2013; 1(1): 15-20
Chinenye S, Young EE. Diabetes Conversation Map in Nigeria: A New socioeducational tool in diabetes care. Indian J Endocr Metab 2013;17:1009-11.
Ogbera AO, Kapur A, Chinenye S, Fasanmade O, Uloko A, Odeyemi K. Undiagnosed diabetes mellitus in tuberculosis: A Lagos report. Indian J Endocr Metab 2014;18:475-9.
Chinenye S, Oputa RN, Oko-Jaja RI. Diabetes and related diseases in Nigeria: Need for improved primary care in rural communities. Res. J. of Health Sci 2014; 2(2):99-107
Chinenye S,Ogbera AO, Kalra S. Patient-centered Care in Diabetology: sub-Saharan African perspective. AJDM 2014; 22(1):5-8
Omunakwe H.E, Okoye H, Efobi C, Onodingene M, Chinenye S and Nwauche Ca. Disclosure amongst adult HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Int J STD AIDS 2014. doi:10.1177/0956462414552815: 1-4
Emem-Chioma, Pedro .C.
Siminialayi IM, Okafor RI and Emem-Chioma PC.Effects of subacute administration of protein powder on the histology of rat kidneys. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2010; (4):294-300.
Siminialayi IM, Emem-Chioma PC, Odia OJ. Prevalence of Metabolic syndrome in urban and suburban Rivers State, Nigeria: International Diabetes Federation and Adult Treatment Panel III definitions. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal 2010; 17 (2):147-153.
Wokoma FS andEmem-Chioma PC. Prevalence of anaemia and other haematologic derangements in end stage renal disease patients in the university of Port Harcourt teaching hospital- Tropical Journal of Nephrology
Wokoma FS andEmem-Chioma PC. Income distribution and sources of funding for maintenance haemodialysis of patients in the University of Teaching Hospital. Tropical Journal of Nephrology 2010; 5(1):17-29.
Alasia DD, Emem-Chioma PC, Wokoma FS. Occupational and environmental lead exposure in Port Harcourt, Nigeria: analysis of its association with renal function indices. Niger J Med. 2010 Oct-Dec; 19(4):407-14.
Alasia DD, Emem-Chioma PC, Wokoma FS. Association of lead exposure, serum uric acid and parameters of renal function in Nigerian lead-exposed workers. Int J Occup Environ Med. 2010 Oct; 1(4):182-90.
Emem-Chioma PC, Siminialayi IM, Wokoma FS. The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) amongst patients with metabolic syndrome. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2011; 22(5):949-954
Emem-Chioma PC, Oko-Jaja RI, Wokoma FS. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: an analysis of six cases. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2011; (5):345-352.
Wokoma FS and Emem-Chioma PC. Prevalence of risk factors for chronic kidney disease in a rural adult population in Rivers state- Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2011; (6):36-45.
Ojeka SO, Emem-Chioma PC, Kalu NM. Effect of sub-acute administration of lead acetate on blood pressure, pulse rate and histology of Wister rat. J Expt. Clin. Anat. 2011; 10(1):33-37.
Okafor UH, Unuigbe EI, Onwuchekwa AC, Emem-Chioma P. Analgesic nephropathy as a cause of end-stage renal disease in a 55 year-old Nigerian. Niger J Clin Pract 2012; (15):231-4.
Alasia DD, Emem-Chioma P, Wokoma FS. A Single-Centre experience with end-stage renal disease care in Nigeria- a surrogate for the poor state ESRD care in Nigeria and other Sub-Saharan African countries: advocacy for a Global Fund for ESRD care program in Sub-Saharan African countries. International Journal of Nephrology 2012, Article ID 639653, 7 doi:10.1155/2012/639653.
Emem-Chioma PC, Akpa MR, Siminialayi IM. Hypertension in rural Niger Delta of Nigeria: frequency and correlates. Journal of US-China Medical Science 2012; 9(4):229-233.
Okafor UH, Wachukwu C, Emem-Chioma P, Wokoma FS. Kidney Transplant in a 26-Year-
OldNigerian Patient withSickle Cell Nephropathy. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Case Reports in Nephrology Volume 2012, Article ID 406406, 4 doi:10.1155/2012/406406.
Emem-Chioma PC, Alasia DD, Wokoma FS. Clinical Outcomes of dialysis-treated acute kidney injury patients at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hspital, Nigeria. ISRN Nephrology Volume 2013; 540526, (6).
Chizindu Akubudike Alikor, Pedro Chimezie Emem-Chioma, Osaretin James Odia. Hypertension in a Rural Community in Rivers State, Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: Prevalence and Risk Factors. The Nigerian Health Journal 2013; 13(1): 18-25.
Maclean Rumokere Akpa, Datonye Dennis Alasia, Dasetima Dandeson Altraide, Pedro Chimezie Emem-Chioma, Ipalibo Simpson Wokoma. Profile and Outcome of Medical Emergencies in a Tertiary Health Institution in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Nigerian Health Journal 2013; 13(1): 48-53.
CA Alikor, PC Emem-Chioma, OJ Odia. Prevalence of hyperuricaemia in a rural population of Nigerian Niger Delta region. Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2013; 22 (3): 187-92.
Emem-Chioma PC, Dapper DV, Stanley PC. The effects of body mass index on some electrocardiographic parameters in young adults: report of a pilot study. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2014; 8:187-192.
Alikor CA, Emem-Chioma PC. Epidemiology of Diabetes and Impaired Fasting Glucose in a Rural Community of Nigerian Niger Delta Region. Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2015; 24(2):114-124.
Chinyere Mmanwanyi Wachukwu, Pedro Chimezie Emem-Chioma, Friday Samuel Wokoma, Richard Ishmeal Oko-Jaja. Prevalence of risk factors for chronic kidney disease among adults in a university community in southern Nigeria. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2015; 21:120.
Unachukwu, Chioma N
Unachukwu CN, Uchenna DI, Wokoma FS. Soft tissue sarcoma presenting with acute respiratory distress. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2010; (4):265-270
Uchenna DI, Ambakederemo TE, Unachukwu CN. Probable Takotsubo Cardiomypathy in a 54 year old woman: a case report. The Nigerian Health Journal 2010; 10: 61-64.
Unachukwu CN,Uchenna DI. Carcinoid Syndrome. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2011; (5): 235-239.
Uchenna DI, Unachukwu CN. Situs inversus in a 53 year old man: a case report. The Nigerian Health Journal 201111); 40-42
Unachukwu CN, Young EE, Uchenna DI. Self blood glucose monitoring among diabetic patients in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The African Journal of Diabetes Medicine 2011;19:19-22.
E. E. Young, Unachukwu CN. Psychosocial aspects of diabetes mellitus. The African Journal of Diabetes Medicine 2012; (20):5-7.
UnachukwU CN, Ofori SN. Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk. The internet Journal of Endocrinology 2012 ; 7(1)
Young E, Chinenye S, Unachukwu CN. Beta cell response to a mixed meal in Nigerian patients with Type 2 diabetes Mellitus. BMC Endor Disord 2012; 12-19.
Anthonia Okeoghene Ogbera, Emmanuel Ezeobi, Chioma Unachukwu, Olajumoke Oshinaike. Treatment of diabetes mellitus-associated neuropathy with vitamin E and Eve primrose Indian J Endocrinol Metab Indian J Endocrinol Metab 2014 Nov;18(6):846-9
Sandra N Ofori, Chioma N UnachukwuHolistic approach to prevention and management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a family setting. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes 2014; 23(7):159-68. Epub 2014 May 23.
Ofori S.N
ORIGINAL RESEARCH: Ofori S, Akpa MR. Relationship between uric acid and left ventricular
mass and geometry in Nigerian patients with untreated essential hypertension. Nigerian Journal of Cardiology 2015; 12(2): 129-135
REVIEW ARTICLE: Ofori SN, Odia OJ. Risk assessment in the prevention of cardiovascular
disease in low-resource settings. Indian Heart J. (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ihj.2015.07.004
Ofori S, Wachukwu C. Gender-Related Differences in Cardiovascular Risk Profile in Black Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. J Diabetes Metab Disord Control 2015, 2(2): 00036.
ORIGINAL RESEARCH: Ofori S, Kotseva K. Comparison of treatment outcomes in patients with and without diabetes mellitus attending a multidisciplinary cardiovascular prevention programme (a retrospective analysis of the EUROACTION trial).BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2015; 15:11. DOI 10.1186/s12872-015-0006-4
REVIEW ARTICLE: Odia OJ, Ofori S, Maduka O. Palm oil and the heart: A review. World J Cardiol 2015; 7(3): 144-149.
REVIEW ARTICLE: Ofori S.N& Unachukwu C.N. Holistic approach to prevention and
management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a family setting. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and
Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2014; 7: 159-168.
ORIGINAL RESEARCH:Ofori S.N& Odia O.J. Serum uric acid and target organ damage in
essential hypertension. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2014:10 253-261.
REVIEW ARTICLE: Unachukwu C.N &Ofori S.N. Diabetic Dyslipidaemia. Gazette of Medicine
2013; 1(2): 74-79.
REVIEW ARTICLE: Unachukwu C.N &Ofori S.N. Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Risk. The Internet Journal of Endocrinology. 2012; 7 (1); DOI: 10.5580/2b1d.
‘Current trends in the diagnosis and treatment of HIV/AIDS’. Presented at the 36th AGM/International Annual Scientific Conference of the Association of General And Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria
‘Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Sub-Saharan Africa’. Presented at the AstraZeneca sponsored cardiovascular summit in Port Harcourt Nigeria
‘Malaria and other Vector Borne Diseases’. Presented during the health week activities organised by the management of TOTAL Nigeria
Department of Neuropsychiatry
Dr. Nkporbu, Aborlo Kennedy
A.K. Nkporbu, A.A. Essien, B.J. Ideriah, P.C. Stanley. Socio-Demographic Factors Associated with Biological Parents of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders in UPTH – Three-Year Retrospective Study. Journal of ACDCDN, 2011; (4): 19-29.
Alubabari D. Nbete and Aborlo K. Nkporbu, “Gender Inequality and Diseases in Nigeria: A Case Study of HIV/AIDS and Malaria”, in Scientia Africana: An International Journal of Pure & Applied Science. 2011; 10(1): 87-97; Website: www.scientia-africana.uniportjournal.info
Nkporbu A K, Ugboma L O, Stanley P C. Pattern And Prevalence Of Psychiatric Consultations In Other Non-Psychiatric In –Patient Facilities In The University Of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH): A 5-Year Review. The Nigerian Health Journal. 14(1):13-20.
Nkporbu A K, Tobin-West C., Stanley P.C. Prevalence of Psychiatric Co-morbidity in Epileptic patient in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH). Gazet of Medicine. 2014; 4: 15-21.
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Enyindah, Cosmos Ezemonye
Enyindah C.E, Ibe V.S: Perception of Undergraduates of university of Port Harcourt Towards Use of Condom, Nigerian Medical Practitioner. 2010;57(5-6): 96-99
Akani C.I, Enyindah C.E, Green K.I, the Agony of Unsafe Abortion in a Teenager; a case report nigerian medical practitioner. 2010;57(5-6): 96-99
Enyindah C.E, John C.O, Preliminary Experience with Etonorgestrel Subdermal Contraceptive Implant (Implanon r) in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal. 2010; 5: 17-22
Enyindah C.E, Oriji V. K Clinical Experience with Manual Vacuum Aspiration at the University Of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Clinical Experience With at the University of Teaching Hospital. Mary Slessor Journal Of Medicine. 2010;10 (2):46-51
Enyindah C.E, Kasso T. Jadelle Subdermal Implant. Preliminary EXPERIENCe in a teaching hospital in The Niger Delta Region of Nigeria Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2011; 20(2):270-274
Oriji V.K, Enyindah C.E, Nyeche S. Factors Determining the Compliance To Routine Iron Supplementation in Pregnancy at the University Of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital Nigerian Journal Of Medicine 2011; 22(1):131-134
Enyindah C.E, Nonye-Enyindah E. Contraception with Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills in Port Harcourt Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal. 2011; 6:81-88
Enyindah C.E, Nyeche S. Contraceptive Use Amongst Patients with Induced Abortion at the University Of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital Mary Slessor Journal Of Medicine. 2011; 11(1): 57-62
Erhabor .O, Akani C.I, Enyindah C.E. Reproductive Health Options among HIV-Infected Persons in the Low Income Niger Delta of Nigeria. HIV/Aids-Research and Palliative Care; (4): 29-35
Enyindah C.E Ojule J.D , Bassey G., Contraception with Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (iucd) in Port Harcourt, South-South Nigeria. Journal of Medicine And Biomedical Research 2012; 11 (1) : 35-45
Enyindah C.E , Enaohwob.O. Contraceptive Prevalence and Pattern Among HIV Positive Women in Port Harcourt, South-South Nigeria Journal of Reproduction And Contraception 2012; 23 (3) : 186-192
Ojule J.D , Oranu E.O , Enyindah C.E. Experience with Implanon in Southern Nigeria. Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2012; 3 (11) : 710-714
Fyneface- Ogan S. Gogo Job O , Enyindah C.E., Comparative Fffects of Single Shot Intrathecal Bupivacaine with Dexmedetomidine and Bupivacaine with Fentanyl on Labor Outcome. International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Anaesthesiology2012; (10) . 5402 /816984: 1-6.
Okoro P.E, Enyindah C.E, Time of Passage of First Stool in Newborns in a Tertiary Health Facility in Southern Nigerian: Nigerian Journal of Surgery 2013; 19 (1) 20-22.
Fyneface- Ogan S, John C O, Enyindah C.E. Comparison of the Fffect of Single Shot Spinal Analgesia and Sedo- Analgesia on Maternal Cortisol Levels During Labour Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2013; (23) : 182 – 187.
Ugboma, Henry A. A
Eke FU, Anochie IC, Okpere AN, Eneh AU, Ugwu RO, Ejilemele AA, Ugboma HA Microalbuminuria in children with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Medicine. 2011 Apr-Jun
C.N. Onyearugha, H. A. Ugboma Neonatal mortality in a tertiay hospital in southern Nigeria Pediatrics, Abia State University Teaching Hospital Aba Nigeria; Obstetrics and Gynaecology University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt. Journal of Hainan Medical University(2010): 10:048
Anthropometric Studies of Nasal Indices of the Ekpeye and Ikwerre Ethnic Groups in Nigeria 1G.S. Oladipo, 1M.O. Oyakhire and 2A.A. Ugboma Henry ¹Department of Human Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, ²Department of Obsterics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt-Nigeria, Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2010
Oladipo, G. S; Osogba, I. G.; Bobmanuel, I.; Ugboma, H. A. A.; sapira, M. K.; Ekeke, O. N. Palmar Dermatoglyphics in Essential Hypertension amongst Rivers Indigenes
Ugboma HAA and Aburoma HLS Pap smear: An Important Screening Technique for Preventing and Detecting Cervical Cancer
H.A.A Ugboma, 2Alfred Omojunikanbi and 1.D. Ojule Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Physiotherapy Department University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital Attitude Scale And Benefits Of Abdominal (Tummy) Exercises In Pregnant And Non Pregnant Individuals.
Henry A.A. Ugboma, Johnson A. Obuna , Emmanuel O. Ndukwe and Boniface N. Ejikeme Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria Determinants of Delivery Outcomes in Teenage Mothers at a University Teaching Hospital, South-Eastern, Nigeria
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health
Dr. (Mrs.) Eke, Gracia Ker (Nee Watum).
Eke GK, Anochie IC, Eke FU. Dipstick urinalysis as a screening tool in the diagnosis of urinary tract infection in children. Nigerian Medical Practitioner 2010; 57 (4): 55-59.
Eke GK, Opara PI, Akani NA. Mothers’ knowledge and perception of child sexual abuse. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2010; (4): 288-293.
Opara PI, Eke GK. Discharge against medical advice amongst neonates admitted into a Special Care Baby Unit in Port Harcourt. The Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology 2010; 12 (2). ISSN: 1528-8374.
Eke GK, Akani NA. Charcott-Marie Tooth Disease in a child with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A case report and review of literature. The Nigerian Health Journal 2010; 10 (1-2): 34-36.
Opara PI, Eke GK, Akani NA. Mothers’ perception of sexuality education in children. Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2010; 19: 168 - 172.
Eke GK, Opara PI, Tabansi PN. Perception of rape amongst secondary school students in Port Harcourt. The Nigerian Health Journal 2011; 11: 23-26.
Opara PI, Eke GK, Tabansi PN. Perception of sexuality education amongst secondary school student in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. West African Journal of Medicine 2012; 31(2): 109-113.
Tabansi PN, Opara PI, Eke GK. Attitude of Secondary School Students in Port Harcourt to teenage pregnancy. Pediatr Therapeut 2012; 2:108.doi: x. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-0665
Eke GK, Nyengidiki T, Nte AR. Teaching of essential newborn interventions: How skilled are the trainers from health institutions in Port Harcourt, Rivers State? Port Harcourt Medical Journal
Eke GK, Opara PI. Discharge Against Medical Advice amongst patients admitted into the paediatric wards of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Niger J Paed 2013; 40 (10): 40-44
Onubogu UC, Okoh BA, Eke GK, Joboy-Okey EA. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia presenting as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in a Nigerian Child. Niger J Paed 2013; 40 (4): 431-433
Eke GK, Opara PI. Mothers knowledge and home management of nappy rash in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Nigerian Health Journal 2013; 13(4): 152-157.
Opara PI, Eke GK.Tongue-tie in children; Mothers perception, attitude and practices in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Global Journal of Medical Research (K) 2013; XIII (V): 18-23
Eke GK, Akani NA. Outcome of childhood malignancies at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital: A call to implementation of Palliative Care. African Health Sciences. Accepted for publication, 23/09/2015
Eke GK, Ujuambi SA. Wilms Tumour: Experience at a Tertiary Centre in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. Afr J Paed Nephrol 2015; 2: 65-71
Agbedeyi GO, Eke GK, Nte AR. Nutritional status of day care attendees in Port Harcourt metropolis. Nig J Paed 2015; 42 (3): 210-213
Agbedeyi GO, Eke GK, Nte AR. Feeding pattern of children in day care centres in Port Harcourt metropolis. Nig J Paed 2015; 42 (3): 210-213
Otaigbe, Barbara Edewele
Jaja T, Opara PI, Otaigbe BE. Health Seeking Behaviour for Childhood Illnesses in Port Harcourt, Southern Nigeria. The Nigerian Health Journal 2011;10: 43-47
Otaigbe BE, Ganesh K. Acute Rheumatic fever in a child with Ebstein anomaly. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2010; 6:106-109.
Otaigbe BE, Kumar S. Clinical profile of patients with Tetralogy of Fallot in patients admitted for Surgery in a cardiac surgical center. Journal of Nepal Medical Association. 2011; 51(182):62-6.
Otaigbe B, Imafidon E, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Nigerian Child- a case report. African Health Sciences. 2011;11(3):454-456
Otaigbe BE, Tabansi PN, Agbedeyi GO. Echocardiography Findings in Clinically Confirmed Congenital Rubella Syndrome Cases at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria- West Africa Journal of Medicine 2012;31(2):135-138
Ibekwe MU, Onotai LO, Otaigbe B. Foreign body in the ear, nose and throat in children; A five year review in Niger Delta. African Journal of Paediatric Surgery 2012 ; 9: 3-
Otaigbe BE, Tabansi PN, Epidemiology of childhood heart failure in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2012; 6:198-203.
Otaigbe BE, Tabansi PN, Agbedeyi GO. Pattern of Congenital heart defects in children with Down syndrome at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics. 2012; 39 (4):164-167
George I O, Otaigbe BE. Anaemia in critically ill children in Nigeria. A case study from Nigeria. International Journal of Tropical Disease and Health. 2012; 2(1):56-
Duru C, Otaigbe B. Dextrocardia , situs solitus and multiple congenital cardiac defects In a Nigerian infant. Internet Journal of Cardiology 2013; 11 (1): 1393
Otaigbe B. Prevalence of blood transfusion in Sickle cell disease patients in South –
South Nigeria- A two year review. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Science Research. 2013; (1):013-018
Otaigbe BE, Akadiri OA, Eigbobo J O. Clinical and echocardiographic findings in paediatric population of cleft lip n palate patients: a prelim report. Nig J Cardiol 2013; (10):6-8
Otaigbe BE, Orubide D. “Rare Presentation of Gerbode Defect in a 4-Month-Old Nigerian and a Review of the Literature,” Case Reports in Cardiology, vol. 2013, Article ID 564786, 3 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/
Otaigbe BE, Tabansi PN. Congenital heart disease in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria: a four –year prospective echocardiographic analysis. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa 2014; (25) :265-268
Tabansi PN, Otaigbe BE Late onset hemopericardium with cardiac tamponade from minor blunt chest trauma –a case report. Clinical case report 2015 doi:10.1002/ccr3.216
Alex-Hart BA,
Alex-Hart BA, Akani NA, Nkanginieme KEO. Evaluation of school health services in public primary schools in Bonny Local Government Area, Rivers State. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics2008; 35 (3&4) : 60-66.
George IO, Alex-Hart BA, Frank-Briggs AI. Mortality pattern in children: A hospital based study in Nigeria. International Journal of Biomedical Science2009; 5 (4) : 369
Opara PI, Alex-Hart BA. Hand washing practices amongst medical students in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Nigerian Health Journal 2009; 9 (1-4) : 16-20.
Alex-Hart BA, Akani NA. Evaluation of health knowledge of teachers in publicprimary schools in Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State. Port Harcourt Medical Journal2010; 5 (1): 71-76.
Moore BM, Alex-Hart BA, George IO. Utilization of health care services by pregnant mothers during delivery: A community based study in Nigeria. Journal of Medicine and Medical Science2011; 2 (5) : 864-867.
Alex-Hart BA, Opara PI. Handwashing practices amongst health workers in a teaching hospital. American Journal of Infectious Diseases2011; 7(1): 8-15. DOI: 10.3844/ajidsp.2011.8.15.
Tobin-West CI, Alex-Hart BA. Insecticide-treated bed net ownership and utilization in Rivers State, Nigeria before a state-wide bed net distribution. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 2011;48: 133-137. Retrieved from Medline.
Alex-Hart BA, Opara PI. Hand washing practices amongst doctors in a tertiary hospital in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nigerian Medical Practitioner 2011; 59 (3-4) : 45-50.
Alex-Hart BA, Frank-Briggs AI. Parents’ perception on use of insecticide-treated bed net in Port Harcourt. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2011; (6): 17-22.
Alex-Hart BA, Akani NA. An evaluation of the health status of the school environment in public primary schools in Bonny Local Government Area, Rivers State. The Nigerian Health Journal 2011; 11 (3) : 83-88. (Nigeria)
Opara PI, Jaja T, Dotimi DA, Alex-Hart BA. Newborn cord care practices amongst mothers in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Internal Journal of Clinical Medicine 2012; 3: 22-27.Retrieved from Index Copernicus (USA).
Alex-Hart BA, Frank-Briggs AI. Mothers’ perception of fever management in children. The Nigerian Health Journal 2011; 11(2): 69-72.
Tobin-West CI, Alex-Hart BA. Identifying barriers and sustainable solutions to childhood immunization in a Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 2011-2012; 32 (2) : 149-158. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2190/IQ.32.2e.
Alex-Hart BA, Opara PI. Observed handwashing practices among health workers in two critical Paediatrics wards of a specialist hospital. American Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014; 10 (2): 95-99.DOI: 10.3844/ajidsp.2014.95.99.
Alex-Hart BA, Akani NA. Evaluation of school health instruction in public primary schools in Bonny Local Government Area, Rivers State. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics2014; 41 (4): 365-369.
Okoh BAN, Alex-Hart BA. Home management of diarrhoea by care givers presenting at the Diarrhoea Training Unit of a tertiary hospital in Southern Nigeria. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 2014; 4 (35): 5524-5540.
Opara PI, Alex-Hart BA, Dotimi DA. Knowledge, attitude and practice towards neonatal jaundice among community health workers in Southern Nigeria. International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health 2014; 4 (11): 1171-1178. DOI: 10.9734/IJDH/2014/13024.
Alex-Hart BA,Dotimi DA, Opara PI. Mothers’ recognition of newborn danger signs and health seeking behaviour. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 2014; 41 (3): 199-203.
Alex-Hart BA,Okagua J, Opara PI. Prevalence of bullying in secondary schools in Port Harcourt. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health .December 2014. DOI 10.1515/ijamh-2014-0038.
Mezie-Okoye MM, Alex-Hart BA. Overweight and obesity among preschool children in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2015; 14 (4): 209-213.
Okagua J, Opara PI, Alex-Hart BA. Prevalence and determinants of cigarette smoking among adolescents in secondary schools in Port Harcourt, Southern Nigeria. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. January 2015. DOI 10.1515/ijamh-2014-0066.
Alex-Hart BA, Okagua J, Opara PI. Sexual behaviours of secondary school students in Port Harcourt. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 2015; 6(3): 325-334.
Alex-Hart BA,Opara PI, Okagua J. Prevalence of alcohol consumption among secondary school students in Port Harcourt. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 2015; 42(1) : 44-50.
Alex-Hart BA, Okoh BAN.Awarenessand status of tetanus toxoid vaccination among female undergraduate students in a Nigerian University. International Journal of Tropical Disease & Health 2015; 7 (1): 6-15.
Alex-Hart BA, Opara PI. Infant and young child feeding practices in three communities in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences 2015; 3(1B) 100-104.
Orji, Vaduneme. Kingsley FWACS, FICS, DMAS
Oriji V.K;. Ojule J.D., Rupture of a Primigravid Uterus following a Domestic Accident. By Port Harcourt Medical Journal. 2010; (4): 197
V.K. Oriji . Management of Clomiphene Resistant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery 2010; 3(2):99
Yarhere, Iroro Enameguolo
Jaja, P., Yarhere I, Anochie I: Ambiguous external genitalia in childhood in PortHarcourt, Nigeria. Pediatric Therapeut 2011; 106.
Yarhere I, Ahmed S. F. Disorders of sexual development in resource-limited settings Chapter 5,In: Practical Paediatric Endocrinology in a limited resource setting. Zacharin (Editor) Elsevier Melbourne Australia:2011; 99-107
Yarhere I. E, Ugwu R. O, Eneh A: Serum zinc levels in HIV infected children attending the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Rivers Nigeria. Nig J Paed 2014; (41):110–115.
Okpere A N, Anochie I C, Yarhere I.Central diabetes insipidus in a Nigerian child: a case report. Nig J Paed 2014; (41):147 –150.
Jaja, T., Yarhere I. E. Clinical characteristics of children and adolescents with thyroid disorders seen at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital: a five year review. Niger J Paed2014;(41):302-6.
Jaja, T., Yarhere I. E. The Pattern of Presentation and Trends of Childhood Diabetes Mellitus in Port Harcourt, Southern Nigeria. Brit J Med& Medic Res.2015; 5(1):247-52.
Department of Preventive and Social Medicine
Awoyesuku, Elizabeth Akon
Awoyesuku, Elizabeth Akon; AO Adio, EA Awoyesuku. Early experience with intraocular lens implantation surgery in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2007; (1):178-185.
B Fiebai, E Awoyesuku. Cortical Blindness in a patient with sickle cell Disease; A Case Report. The Nigerian Health Journal 2007; 7(1&2):457-458.
EA Awoyesuku, O Okoh, D Altraide. Behcet’s disease in a Nigerian. The Port Harcourt Medical Journal 2010; (5):97-101.
Adio AO, Alikor A, Awoyesuku E. Survey of Paediatric Ophthalmic Diagnoses in a Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2011; 20(1):105-108.
Fiebai B, Awoyesuku EA. Ocular injuries among industrial welders in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Clinical Ophthalmology 2011; 5:1261-1263.
Pedro-Egbe CN, Cookey SAH, Awoyesuku EA, Ani N. Non-glaucomatous optic neuropathies in Port Harcourt. Clinical Ophthalmology 2011; (5):1447-1450.
EA Awoyesuku, Fiebai B. Neuroprotection in Glaucoma: A review. The Nigerian Health Journal 2011; (11):43-46.
Ejimadu CS, Awoyesuku EA. The Burden of Blindness According To Age and Sex in Some Communities in Niger Delta of Nigeria. The Nigerian Health Journal 2011; (11):56-58.
Awoyesuku EA, Ejimadu CS. Visual disability from Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) in University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2012; 21(1):78-80.
CN Pedro-Egbe, EA Awoyesuku. Sudden Bilateral blindness following massive uterine bleeding: a report of 2 cases. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research. (Science Domain International) 2012; 2(2):254-259.
EA Awoyesuku and CN Pedro-Egbe. Clinical forms of Glaucoma in a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal, 2012; 6(3):333-338.
CS Ejimadu andEA Awoyesuku. Pattern of paediatric refractive errors seen in Port Harcourt, Southern Nigeria. Port Harcourt Medical Journal, 2012; 6(3):276-280.
Pedro-Egbe CN, Awoyesuku EA, Nathaniel GI, Komolafe RO. The Relationship between BMI and Intraocular pressure in Port Harcourt. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. (Science Domain International) 2013; 3(3):589-593.
Pedro-Egbe CN, Awoyesuku EA.The Relationship between Vertical Cup Disc Ratio and high Body Mass Index in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical practice 2013; ( 4):517-519.
B Fiebai, UM Ibekwe, EA Awoyesuku. Pattern of Otorhinolaryngological cases seen in an eye clinic in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Journal of medicine and Medical Sciences 2013; 4(1):22-25.
Awoyesuku EA, Pedro Egbe CN. Congenital lid eversion and severe chemosis in a new born. Nigerian Journal of Clinical practice 2014; 17 (2):248-250.
Pedro-Egbe CN, Fiebai B,Awoyesuku EA.A 3-Year Review of Cranial Nerve palsies from the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital Eye Clinic, Nigeria. Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 2014; 21(2): 170-174.
Odogu V., Awoyesuku E., Chinawa N.E., Anyiam F. Comparing intraocular pressure and pachymeter adjusted intraocular pressure in a Subsaharan African cohort. Gazette of Medicine 2014;2(1):148-151.
Babatunde, Oluseye ’Bolarinwa