Department of Broadcasting





  1. Personal Details

Name                                                                          Nduka, Ethelbert Chinaka

Date/Place of Birth:                                                    04/01/58:Umuaro-Umunumo

Local Government Area:                                            Ehime- Mbano

State of Origin:                                                           Imo

Nationality:                                                                 Nigeria

Sex:                                                                             Male

Marital Status:                                                             Married

Number/Ages of Children:                                         Four (32, 30, 28, 25)

Next of Kin/ Address:                                                            Prof.(Mrs.)Florence O. Nduka (wife)

Dept.ofAnimal&Environmental Biology, University of Port Harcourt.


Permanent Address:                                                    Umuaro-Umunumo

                                                                                   Ehime- Mbano, Imo State.


Current Address:                                                        Dept. of Maths &Statistics

                                                                                   University of   Port Harcourt, Choba,

                                                                                   Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

E-mail:                                                                        This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                                                                   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone (GSM)                                                            +2348037253778


Brief Profile of Professor Ethelbert Nduka

Professor Nduka earned B.Sc and M.Sc degrees from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and Ph.D degree from the University of Ibadan all in Statistics, with research interest in Biometrics. He is well published in international and National journals, was Head Department of Mathematics/Statistics /Computer Science (1997-1999 and 2003-2005), Dean, Faculty of Science (2008-2010) and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration) (2011-2015), University of Port Harcourt. He is a member of Editorial Board of many reputable journals, has attended many International and National workshops, courses and conferences. He belongs to many professional societies – Nigerian Statistical Association, Nigerian Mathematical Society, International Biometric Society and West African Research and Innovation Management Association among others.


II.Educational Qualifications


(a)     Primary School:                    1.     St. Michael’s School,

                                                        Umuaro- Umunumo, 1963 - 1965.

                                                2.      St. Charles’ School,

                                                        Umunumo,  1966-67/1970-71.

   Results Obtained:                      First School Leaving Certificate

                                                       (Intermediate Level Pass)


              (b)        Post Primary:                             Aquinas Secondary School

                                                                             Osu-Mbano, 1972-1976.

  Results Obtained:                   West African School Certificate 

                                            Examinations (Division Two)




                  (c) Post Secondary:               1.                 University of Nigeria, Nsukka,

                                                                                    September 1976-June1980.


  Results Obtained                              B.Sc. (Statistics)(2nd Class Honors,

                                                                                    Upper Division)


                                                                 2.                University of Nigeria, Nsukka

                                                                                     October 1983-1985


                        Results Obtained:                               M. Sc. (Statistics)


3.           University of Ibadan, Ibadan 1991-     1994.


           Result Obtained                            Ph.D. (Statistics- Design &Analysis of



III     Research/ Publications           


   (1) Relative Effects of   Project on Degree Examinations Performance at U.N.N. (Unpublished. B. Sc.)

(2) Optimal Search Method in Multi- Source and   Sink Commodity Flow:  A Case  Study (Unpublished M.Sc.)

(3) Inverse Polynomials in the Exploration of Response Surfaces.   (Unpublished  Ph.D.)


(B)       Articles in Learned Journals:


  1. Nduka, E. C. (1991) Students Degree Project as an Efficient Test Discriminator: Int. J. Maths. Ed. Sci. Tech. 22, 3 395-401.
  2. Nduka E. C. (1992) A Note on the Inversion Theorem. Int. J. Math. Ed. Sci. Tech. 23, 2, 314-316.
  3. Etuk U.H. and Nduka E.C. (1993) A Stochastic Model for Manpower Development in an Organization: A Series Queue Approach. Int. J. Math Ed. Sci. Tech. 24, 2, 177-181.
  4.  Erondu E. S. and Nduka E. C. (1993).  Computation of Water Quality Index (WQI) for Beneficial Uses: Studies On Water Samples from the New Calabar River. Nig. J. Biotech. 11, 63-68
  5. Erondu E. S. and Nduka E. C. (1993).  A Model for Determining Water Quality Index for Classification of the New Calabar River at Aluu Port
    1. Harcourt, Nigeria. Int. J. Env. Stud 44, 131-134.
  6.  Chukwu W. I. E. and Nduka E. C (1993).  Optimal Search Method in Multi-Commodity Flow Problem.  Discovery and Innovation, African Academy of Science, Kenya. 5,3, 265-268.
  7.  Onuoha G. C. , Adoki A., Erondu E. S. and Nduka E. C. (1994) Microbial Profile of Organically Enriched Freshwater Ponds in South Eastern Nigeria. Int. J Env Stud. 48, 275-282.
  8.   Nduka E. C. (1995) Testing the Goodness of Approximation of the Mitscherlich Model Via its Variants. Int. J. Math. Ed. Sci. Tech. 26, 2,213-217.
  9. Nduka E. C (1997).  Methods for Discriminating Between Models. Int. J. Math Ed. Sci. Tech. 28,3, 317-320.
  10. Nduka E. C. and T. A. Bamiduro (1997) A New Generalized Inverse Polynomial for Response Surface Designs. J. Nig. Stat. Assoc. 11, 1, 41-48.
  11. Nduka, E. C, T. A. Bamiduro and J. T. Atobatele (1998).  Obtaining Proportion of Optimum Yield Under An Inverse Polynomial Yield-Density Relationship. J.Sci.Res. 4, 1, 1 –2.


  1. Nduka E.C (1999).  Model Comparisons in Plant-Yield Relationships. Global. J, Pure & Appl. Sci 5, 3, 417 – 419.
  2. Nduka E.C and Kalu I.E. (2001).  Strategies for Cost-Effective Disposal of Solid Wastes in Nigeria. Journ of Agric. Sci. Envit. Mgt 5, 3, 5 – 8


  1. Nduka E.C and Kalu I.E. (2002). Economic Analysis of Wastes Management in Nigeria. Journ of Agric. Sci. Envit. Mgt. 6,1, 64-68.
  2. Nduka E.C. and T.A. Bamiduro (2002). Obtaining Proportion of Optimum Yield When Full Yield is Unattainable. Global Journ. Math. Sci. 1, 1&2, 21-25.        
  3. Onuoha,G.C. and  Nduka,E.C.(2002) A Generalized Exponential Model for Determining Water Quality Index (WQI) for the Classification of the Bonny River,Nigeria. J. Agric. Biotech. Environ.,4,(1/2):1-7.
  4. Ogolime, O.J and Nduka, E.C. (2003);  An Alternative Method of Assessing  

Students’ Scores in Several Courses.The Physical ScientistVol. 2(1)1-5.


18)Onuoha,G.C .and Nduka,E.C.(2004); Application of Water Quality  Indices for the

          Classification of the Bonny River-Nigeria. Scientia     Africana, Vol.3,2,23-  3        

  1. Nduka, E.C. and Igabari, J.N.(2007). A Modified Generalized Generating


  1. Ijomah, M. A. and Nduka, E.C.(2008). Impact  of HIV/AIDS on Nigeria,s Economic          Growth. “The Granger Causality Approach” J. Ultra Scitst. of Phy. Sci. India.  20(2), 227-236.


  1.  Akpan, S. S. and Nduka, E. C.(2008). A Quadratic Programming Model For election  of Fertilizer Combination For Crop Optimal  Yield Using The Concept of Response Surface Methodology. J. Engr. And Appl. Sci. Pakistan ,3 (7): 569-573.


  1. Akpan,S.S. , Nduka, E.C.,and Udo, M.E. (2008): On Modified Lemke  Algorithm For Solving Quadratic Programming Problems. Ultra Science 20(3), 557-566.India.


  1. Blessing C. Didia, Ethelbert C. Nduka and Okechukwu  Adele,(2009); Stature

              Estimation Formulae For Ni gerians. J. Forensic Sci. 54 (1), 20-21, US.


(24)  John, O. O. and Nduka, E. C.(2009): Quantile Regression Analysis as a Robust Alternative to Ordinary Least Squares. Scientia Africana, 8(2), 61-65.


(25)  Williams, E. E., Akpan, S. S., Ugbe, T. A. and Nduka, E. C. (2010) : Construction of  Optimal Odd Fractional Designs in Mixed Series Experiment Using Semi Latin Square. J. Maths. Res., 2 (4), 19-22, Canada.


(26)   Akpan, S. S., Udoh, M. E. and Nduka, E. C. (2010) : A Combinatorial Search Technique for Constructing Optimal Designs for Biased Models. J. Maths. Res. 2 (4), 125-129, Canada.


(27)  Ijomah, M. A. and Nduka, E. C.(2010). Selection In a Multicollinear Data Using Information Criterion. J. Nig. Stats. Assn., 22, 64-75.


(28)   Igabari, J. N. and Nduka, E. C. (2011). On Some Sampling Formulas For The Two-Type Galton-Watson Processes With Application To Mitochondria DNA. Nig. J. Sci. & Env. Vol. 10 (1  & 2), 180-184.


(29)  Igabari, J. N. and Nduka, E. C. (2011). On The Left Tail-End Probabilities and the Probability Generating Function. J. Nig. Assoc. Math. Phy., Vol. 18, 345-348.


(30)  Ogoke, U. P. and Nduka, E. C. (2012). Methods of Analysing Missing Values in a Regression Model. Indian J. Sci. & Tech. 5,(1), 1831-1833.

(31)  Mbachu, H. I., Nduka, E. C. and  Njah, M. E. (2012). Designing a Pseudo               R-Squared Goodness -of- Fit Measure in Generalized Linear Models. J. Maths. Res., 4(2), 148-151, Canada.


(32)  Nduka, E. C. and  M. A. Ijomah (2012). The Effects of Perturbing Eigen Values  in the Presence of  Multicollinearity. Electr. J. Appl. Stats. Analy. Vol. 5, 2, 304-311, Italy. 


(33)  Elijah  T. Iyagba, Nduka, E. C., Enu  N. Ekaka-a,Bazuaye, F. E., Ugwu, C.,  Nwachukwu, E. N. Avwiri, G. O., Chukwuocha, E. O. and  Nafo, N. M.(2013). Testing  For a Sensitivity Analysis In The Biogas Production Policies. J. Nig. Ass. Math . Phy., 23,187-192.  

(34)  Ogoke, U. P., E. C. Nduka, E. O. Biu and C. Ibeachu (2013). A Comparative Study of Root Measurements Using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Approach. Scientia Africana, 12(1), 76-88.


(35) Ogoke, U. P., E. C. Nduka and  M. E. Nja (2013). The Logistic Regression Model With a Modified Weight Function in Survival Analysis. Mathematical  Theory and Modeling, 3(8),12-17, USA.


(36) Ogoke, U. P., Nduka,E. C. and Nja, M. E. (2013). A New Logistic Ridge Regression Estimator Using Exponentiated  Response Function.  J. Statistical and Econometric Method, 2(4), 161-171.


(37)  Nja, M. E., E. C. Nduka and U. P. Ogoke (2014). A Modified Iterative Weighted Least Squares Method. British J. Maths. & Comp. Sci., 4(6), 849-857, UK.


  (38)  Ogoke, U. P., Nduka, E. C. and Nja, M. E.(2015). Bipolar Disorder Investigation Using Modified Logistic Ridge Estimator. IOSR J. Maths.,11(1), 12-15, India.


(39)  Nja, M. E., U. P. Ogoke and E. C. Nduka (2015). Designing An Offset Poisson-Gamma Mixture Regression Model. FULafia  J. Sci. & Tech., 1,(1) 77-81.


(40)  Ogoke, U. P., E. C. Nduka and T. A. Soyinka(2016). Cubic Spline Regression: An Application to Early Bipolar Disorder Dynamics. Open  J. Stats., 6, 1003-1009, USA. 


(41)  Ogoke, U. P., E. C. Nduka and T. A. Soyinka (2016). A Chi-Squared Approach to Obtaining  Missing Values on Egg Production. Int. J. Stats. & Applctns., 6(6),            386-390,USA


(42)  Ogoke, U. P. and E. C. Nduka (2016). Comparative  Analysis  of  Population  Censuses  in  Africa. Int. J. African & Asian Studies, 27, 44-49, USA.


(43)  Ogoke, U. P.,E. C. Nduka and T. A. Soyinka (2017). The Trend of  Mood Disorder by Gender. Biometrics & Biostatistics Int. J., 5(1), 1-5, USA.


(44)  Nduka, E. C. and Ogoke, U. P.(2018). Data Analysis: Imperatives For Optimal Decision Making. Int. J. Stats. & Appl. Maths.,3(3), 107-110, India.


(45)  Odom, C. C., E. C. Nduka and M. A. Ijomah (2019). A Modification of  Pranav Distribution Using Quadratic Rank Transmutation  Map Approach.. Int. J. Sci. Res. in Math. & Stats. Sci., 6 (2), 193-202, India.


(46)  Nwagwu, C. C., Nduka, E. C. and Ogoke, U. P.(2019). Fitting the Ehrenberg's Law-Like Equation Using the Age, Weight and Height of Secondary School Children. Int. J. Stats. Distn. & Appls. 5(1), 10-14, USA.


(47) Odom, C. C., Nduka, E. C. & Ijomah, M. A.(2019). The Marshall-Olkin Extended Weilbull –Exponential Distribution: Properties And Applications. J. Asian Sci. Res.,



(48)  Dagogo, J; Nduka, E.C and Ogoke, U.P (2020). Comparative Analysis of Richards, Gompertz and Weibull Models. IOSR Journ. Maths 16,1,15-25; India.


(49) Awodutire, P.O.,E. C. Nduka and M. A. Ijomah (2020). The Beta Type1 Generalized Half Logistic Distribution:Properties and Application. Asian J. Prob. and Stats.6,2,27-41, India.

(50)  Awodutire, P.O.,E. C. Nduka and M. A. Ijomah (2020). Lehmann Type II Generalized Half Logistic Distribution: Properties and Application. Mathematical Theory and Modeling,10(2), 103-115, USA.


(51) Ijomah, M. A. and Nduka, E. C. (2020). Choice Model Between Omission of Relevant Variable and Inclusion of Irrelevant Variable in a Multilinear Regression Model. Int. J. Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research, 8(1), 33-41, India.


(52) Ijomah, M. A. and Nduka, E. C. (2020).Another Cautionary Note About Multicollinearity Problem in a Linear Regression: A New Look at an Old Issue. European J. Maths. & Stats.6(4), 1-12, USA.


(53)  Oyowei, Esueze Augustine, Nduka Ethelbert Chinaka and Ogoke Uchenna Petronilla (2021). Comparative Test For Model Best-Fit Using Information Criteria, Global Scientific Journals. Malaysia. 9(7): 1-35.


 (C) .Conference Papers

  1. Nduka E.C. (1986).  The Interaction Between Politics And Population Census in Nigeria; A Statistical Problem. 10th Annual Conf. Nigeria Stat. Assoc.
  2. Nduka E.C. and Etuk U. H. (1993).  Manpower Development Problem A Restricted Regression Approach 14th Ann.  Conf.  Nig. Math Soc.
  3. Nduka E.C. and Ogolime O. J. (1993).  Simple Model for Planning Mass Transit Service. 14th Ann. Conf. Nig. Math Soc.
  4. Nduka E. C. (1997) Statistics in Agricultural Research; The Nigerian Environment. 12th Ann. Conf. Farm Mgt. Assoc.  Nig. pp 129 – 133.

(5)    Nduka, E.C. and Nwobi, F. N.(2004) A Simple Alternative Method of          Testing  for the  Equality of Regression Models. 40th Ann. Conf.       Sci.Assoc.  Nig.

(6)     Nduka, E.C. and Ijomah, M. A.(2004)  The Effects of Some Economic         Indicators on Nigeria’s Balance of Payment Regime. 28th  Ann . Conf.      Nig. Stats. Assoc. pp. 168-176.

(7)     Nduka,E.C. and  Onuoha,G.C.(2005) Simple Models For Determining Water Quality: studies on water samples from Aba River –Nigeria .9th Bi-         Annual Conf. Sub-Saharan African Network of International Biometrics         Society held in Addis Ababa –Ethiopia.

(8)      Nduka, E. C. and Igabari, J. N.(2006) On the Existence, Uniqueness and     Uniform Continuity of the Generalized Generating Function (ggf). 25th  Annual Conf. Nigerian  Math. Soc.

(9)     Nduka, E. C. (2006) Biometry In The University of Port Harcourt. Paper      Presented at a Workshop; University of Cape Town South Africa .

(10)   Nduka, E. C. and Erondu, E. S (2006) Comparative Studies of Models for   the Assessment of Environmental Pollution: A Case Study of the Bonny          Estuary in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, 23rd International Biometric Conf.             Montreal Canada.

(11)   Nduka, E. C.(2007) 2006 Nigerian Population Census: Preliminary Analysis of Facts and Figures. Paper Presented at The School of Graduate Studies Forum, University of Port Harcourt. 

(12)   Ijomah, M. A. and Nduka, E. C.(2007)  Impact of HIV/AIDS On Nigerian Economic Growth: “The Granger Causality Approach” 10th Bi-Annual   Conf. Sub-Saharan African Network of International Biometrics Society        held in Kumasi-Ghana.

(13)  Nduka, E.C. and Consul, J. I,(2007)  The Effects of Outliers In a Regression             Model, 31st Ann. Conf. Nig. Stat. Assoc.

(14)  John, O,O, and Nduka,E.C.(2007) Quantile Regression Analysis As a            Robust Alternative  to Ordinary Least Squares, 31st Ann. Conf. Nig. Stat.           Assoc.

(15)   Igabari, J. N. and Nduka, E. C.(2008)  An Extension of the Tail-End             Probability Generating Function for a Discrete Random Variable. 25th   Annual  Conf.  Nigerian  Math. Soc.

(16)     Mbachu, H. I. and Nduka, E. C.(2008). Graphical Methods On Health Economics. International Biometric Conf., Ireland.

(17)  Ogoke, U. P. and Nduka, E. C. (2010) Methods of Analyzing Missing     Values in a Regression Model. 34th  Ann. Conf. Nig. Stat. Assoc.

(18)   Igabari, J. N. and Nduka, E. C. (2009) An Exploration of the Relationship Between Tail-end Probability Functions and the pgf. Proc. MAN Annual Conf. Ibadan, Nigeria, 292-296.

(19)   Nduka, E. C. and Ijomah, M. A. (2011). Population Growth and Challenges of Sustainable Development in Nigeria. 5th Ann. Conf. and Workshop of WARIMA, Sierra Leone.

(20)  Ogoke, U. P.,Nduka, E. C. and Mbe, E. N. (2013). The Logistic Regression Model With A Modified Response Probability In Survival Analysis. 2nd  Int. Conf. & Exhibition on Biometrics & Biostatistics, Chicago, USA, p65.

(21) Nduka, E. C. (2013). Generalized Logistic Regression Estimator Using Modified Response Function. Invited Paper at The 37th  Annual Conference of Nigerian Statistical Association, Uyo, Nigeria.

(22) Ogoke, U.P.,Nduka, E. C. and Nja, M. E. (2014). Bipolar Disorder Investigation Using Modified Logistic Ridge Estimator. 27th International Biometric Conference, Florence-Italy.  

(23)  Odom C.C, Nduka E.C  and Ijomah M.A. (2019). The Marshall-Oilkins Extended Weibul-Exponential Distribution: Properties and Applications. 43rd  Ann. Conf. Nigerian Statistical Association.


(D).      University Texts:

  1. Nduka, E. C. (1999); Principles of Applied Statistics Regression And Correlation Analyses. 2nd (Ed) Timsmek Global Publishers, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-978-991-707-5.
  2.  Owate, I. O. and Nduka, E. C (2001).  Essentials of Research Methods and Technical Writing Minson Publishers, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


  1.  Nwobi F. N. and Nduka E. C. (2003) 2nd Ed. Statistical Notes and Tables for Research.  Alphabet Nigeria Publishers, Owerri, Nigeria. ISBN.978-046-108-6
  2.  Nduka E. C., Owolabi, O. and Olisa,J.D.(2004).2ndEd Basic Mathematics, Abe Publishers, Port Harcourt, Nigeria ISBN.978-33361-4-2
  3. Nduka E. C. (2008).3nd Ed Statistics: Concepts and Methods.  Crystal Publishers, Okigwe Nigeria. ISBN.978-3410-7-4
  4. Ebong, D. W. and Nduka, E. C (2005).2nd Ed. Calculus With Applications: An Introduction.  Footsteps Publications, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-2071-31-5
  5. Monograph 

Ogoke U.P and Nduka E.C :Statistical Theory and Analysis in Bioassay.

IPS Intelligentsia publishing Services, ISBN978-9789912735

  1.   (c) Chapters in Books

Ogoke U.P and Nduka E.C :Chapter 15 of Analytical Techniques in Biosciences. 1st Ed. techniques in biosciences

                       Paper back ISBN: 9780128226544;  eBook ISBN:  9780128227992


(E).      On Going Research

Statistical Modeling in Biometric Studies; Outliers in Regression Analysis.


  1. Work Experience.
  1. Statistical Research Officer (NYSC) 1980 – 1981: Data Processing And Field Experiments Unit, Institute of Agricultural Research, Samaru-Zaria.
  2. University of Port Harcourt, 1981 – Date
  1. Graduate Assistant, August 1981 – September, 1983.
  2. Assistant Lecturer, 1983 – September, 1987.
  3. Lecturer II, 1987 – September, 1991.
  4. Lecturer 1, 1991 – September, 1994.
  5. Senior Lecturer, 1994 – September 2000
  6. Associate Professor, 2000 – June 8, 2005
  7. Professor, 2005---Date.
  1. Head, Department of Maths/Statistics/Computer Science, University of Port Harcourt. 1997 – 1999 and 2003-2005 respectively.                           (4) Dean, Faculty of Science; University of Port Harcourt, July 2008-July 2010.
  1. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration), University of Port Harcourt, April 2011-April 2015.
  2. University Statistician, University of Port Harcourt, May 2011-2015.
  3. Chairman, Central Hostel Maintenance Committee, University of Port Harcourt, August 2010---2013.
  4. Chairman, Committee to Analyze The Results of JAMB and PUME/PUTME From 2007-2010. University of Port Harcourt, October 2010---January, 2011.



  1. External Examiner: Statistics Programmes.









University of Calabar, Calabar



2006/07, 2018/19


Abia State University, Uturu.





University of Uyo,Uyo


2005/06; 2010-2012



Michael Okpara Uni. of Agric. Umudike.





Imo State University, Owerri.





Delta State University, Abraka.





Rivers State University,  Port Harcourt.


2005/06; 2012-2019



Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka





University of Nigeria, Nsukka

2006/07;  2012-2015




University of Ibadan, Ibadan





Federal University of  Technology, Yola






Federal University of Technology, Owerri









Cross River State University, Calabar








  Ebonyi State University,Abakaliki





University of Benin,Benin City

2018/19 & 2019/20



2018/19, & 2019/20





Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni Port Har Court




2018/2019 & 2019/20




  (6).        Visiting Lectureship               

                       (i)   Visiting Senior Lecturer (Sabbatical) Imo State University Owerri         

                             September 1996-August 1997.

                       (ii)  Visiting Professor (Sabbatical) Niger Delta State University ,Bayelsa                 State Jan.2007 –Jan.2008.   

                      (iii) Visiting Professor (Sabbatical), Michael Okpara University of

                            Agriculture,Umudike, Abia State, May 2015-May 2016.

(7)          Undergraduate Supervision

                    One Hundred and Eighty Two (186).


(8).          Courses Taught

                    (a)  Undergraduate

                      ( i)      STA  260.1   Introduction to Statistics and Probability.

                      (ii)     STA 264.2    Statistics for Agricultural and Biological Sciences.

                      (iii)    STA 360.1   Mathematical Statistics II.

                      (iv)    STA 363.2   Distribution Theory.

                       (v)   STA 462.1    Design and Analysis of Experiments.

                      (vi)     STA 464.1   Regression Analysis and Model Building.

                      (vii)   STA 463.1    Multivariate Analysis.


                     (b)   Post Graduate  (Masters)

                           (i)   STA 802.1    Probability Theory

                           (ii)  STA 804.1    Linear Models

                          (iii) STA 812.2    Multivariate Analysis

                          (iv)  STA 814.2   Advanced Theory of Experimental Design.

                           (v)   STA  827: Biometry

 (c)     PhD 

                          (i)   STA 901.1   Analytical and Computational Statistics

                          (ii)   STA 902.1   Research Seminar 1

                          (iii)  STA  903.2   Research Seminar II

                          (iv)   STA 925:Theory of Optimum Design of Experiments

                           (v)    STA  927: Advanced Biometry


 (9).  Post Graduate Studies Supervision

         (a) M.Sc.

           (i)   Ijomah, M.A. ( 2004): Econometric Study on the Effects of Some

                   Economic Indicators on Balance of Payments. (A Case Study of

                   Nigerian Economy).

           (ii)   Igabari, J.N. ( 2005):  Generating Functions: Their Properties And


(iii)  Nelson, J.I  ( 2005): Analysis of Outliers in a Regression Model.

(iv)  John, O. O. (2005):  Quantile Regression as a Robust Alternative to

        Ordinary Least  Squares.

(v)  Okenwe, I.(Miss) (2008):Statistical Analysis of Panel Data Under

       Different Parameter Assumptions.

(vi)  Uveruveh, O. F. (2008): Cost Effective Routes for Distribution of

        Petroleum Products in Nigeria

(vii) Ogoke, U. P.(Mrs) (2010): Methods of Analysing Missing Values in

       a Regression Model.

(viii)  Anate, S. G. (2011):  Discriminant Analysis of Stature and Tibia

          Length Relationship.

  1. Ogundele, M. S.(Miss) (2012): Comparative Studies of Data Envelopment Analysis and Regression Models.

                       (xi)      Toobor, L. (2014): A Comparative Study of Some Methods of

                                  Detection of Outliers in Non Linear Regression Models. 

                      (xii)    Eruemu, A. U. (Mrs) (2015): Statistical Methods of Estimating

                                  Missing Values. 

                      (xiii)   Onyeukwu, C. M. (2015):  Comparative Analysis of Detecting


                      (xiv)  Dagogo, J. (2018): Comparative Analysis of Richards, Gompertz and     Weilbull Models.


      (b)     Ph.D

  1. Akpan, S.S.(2009): Search For Optimum Cost For Second Order Response Surface Designs.
  2. Ijomah, M. A.(2010): Perturbation of Eigen Values in the Presence of  Multicollinearity in a Linear Regression.
  3. Igabari, J.N.(2010): The Theory of Generating Functions and their Biometric Applications.
  4. Mbachu, H.I.(Mrs.) (2013):Residual Analysis in the Presence of Collinearity in Generalized Linear Models.
  5. Ogoke,U. P.(Mrs) (2015):A Generalized Logistic Ridge Regression Estimator Using Modified Response Function.
  6. Francis, J. (2020): Modelling The Effect of Flowrate And Fluid Properties on Hydrate Formation (co-supervisor).


  1. Membership of Professional Body:
  1. Science Association of Nigeria.
  2. Nigerian Statistical Association.
  3. Nigerian Mathematical Society.
  4. International Biometric Society, Washington DC USA
  5. Statistical Modeling Society, Netherlands.
  6. West African Research & Innovation Management Association.


VI.Courses/Workshops/Conferences Attended

  1. Postgraduate Workshop on Design and Analysis of Experiments at National Mathematical Centre Abuja, July 25th – 11th August 1995.
  2. Short Course on Spatial Statistics with Applications in Agriculture at IITA Ibadan 27th – 29th August, 1999.
  3. Short Course on Longitudinal and Incomplete Data Analysis at        Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research –Ehtiopia;12th -14th  December,2005.
  4. Workshop On Biometrics & Research Methods Teaching Resource at University of  Cape Town, South Africa-25th June-2nd July, 2006. 
  5. Workshop on Institutionalizing Research Management at University of Ibadan, Nigeria: 10th-12th November, 2008.
  6. Workshop on Research as a Management Tool for Economic, Political and Institutional Development at United Methodist University, Monrovia- Liberia: 30th November- 4th December, 2010.
  7. Workshop on Financial Management and Procurement for Tertiary Education Managers at Cancun, Mexico:27th-30th November, 2012.
  8. 8th Conference of Pan African Congress of Mathematicians (PACOM-2013), Abuja.
  9. 8th International Conference of WARIMA-2014 at Elizade University, Nigeria.
  10. Workshop on ‘Quality and Accountability in Higher Education: Improving Quality, Enhancing Performance’ held in Dubai,2014.
  11.   World Congress of Mathematicians; Rio de  Jenario, Brazil, 2018.
  12. Annual Conference of The Nigerian Academy of Science, 2020.


(VII)      Co- Curricula Activities:

  1. Reading (Biography, Auto-Biography and Current Affairs).
  2. Listening to Country and Classical Music.
  3. Watching Musical Concert.


(VIII)     Honors Received

  1. NIBC Who’s Who In Nigeria, 1999, p.478.
  2. Awards Fund Committee Recipient- International  Biometric  Society (IBC -2000)
  3. Member Research Board of Advisors –The American Biographical Institute (2004-Date).
  4. Awards Fund Committee Recipient- International  Biometric  Society (IBC -2006)
  5. Merit Award for Educational Contributions-National Association of Mbano Students; University of Port Harcourt Chapter,1998/99 Session.
  6. Merit Award of Excellence- National Association of Science Students; University of Port Harcourt Chapter,2006/07 Session.
  7. Member, National Universities Commission Accreditation Panel of Academic Programmes in Nigerian Universities, November 2007,          May 2008, December 2009, June  2010, and December 2010  respectively.
  8. 57th Inaugural Lecturer, University of Port Harcourt, November 2007.
  9. Guest Lecturer, Annual Lecture Series 3, School Of Sciences, Federal University Of Technology ,Akure, March 2008.
  10. Chairman, National Universities Commission Accreditation Panel of Academic Programmes in Nigerian Universities, Northern Zone  November, 2008.
  11. Member, Academic Board National Mathematical Centre; Abuja. October 2009-2013.
  12. Fellow, Nigerian Statistical Association, September 2012 – Date.
  13. Member, Representative Council, International Biometric Society, USA, 2010-2014
  14. Member, Communications Committee, International Biometric Society, USA, 2013-Date.
  15. Award of Excellence by Students Union Executive, University of Port Harcourt, 2014/2015 Session.
  16. Member, Statistics Without Borders,USA (NGO)


(IX) Referees

  1.      Prof. T. A. Bamiduro,

Dean, College of Natural Sciences,

                        Redeemers University, Ede

                       Osun State, Nigeria.

                       Email: adebayobamiduro@yahoo.



        (ii)          Prof. J. A. Ajienka,

Dept. of Petroleum Engineering,

                        University of  Port Harcourt,

                        Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

                         Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Dept. of Political and Administrative Studies,

                        University of  Port Harcourt,

                        Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

                         Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
