Department of Broadcasting

Dr. (Mrs) Ogoke

Brief Profile

Dr. (Mrs) Ogoke earned B.Sc (Ed) (Mathematics) from the University of Nigeria Nsukka, M.Sc and Ph.D degrees in Statistics from the University of Port Harcourt. Presently she is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Port Harcourt. She has attended many local and International workshops and conferences where she presented her work and won a number of awards. She has published widely in both local and International journals. She is a member of relevant professional bodies such as Nigerian Statistical Association, Nigerian Mathematical Society and International Biometric Society, Washington DC, USA. She has her research interest in the area of Biostatistics.


NAME:   Ogoke Uchenna Petronilla

DEPARTMENT:  Mathematics and Statistics


RANK: Senior Lecturer


QUALIFICATION: PhD STATISTICS, MSc Statistics, PGD Statistics, Bsc(Ed) Mathematics

EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PHONE: 2348035400184


I              Personal Details

Name                                                          Ogoke, Uchenna  Petronilla    

Date/Place of Birth:                                    07/05/76: Ovim.

Local Government Area:                                      Ehime- Mbano

State of Origin:                                           Imo

Nationality:                                                Nigeria

Sex:                                                            Female

Marital Status:                                            Married

Permanent Address:                                   Umuokemadu-AgbagharaNsu

                                                                  Ehime- Mbano, Imo State.


Current Address:                                        Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics,

                                                                        Faculty of Science.

                                                                  University of   Port Harcourt, Choba,

                                                                  Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


E-mail:                                                           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                                                       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


Phone (GSM)                                                +2348035400184



 Present Position:                                 Senior Lecturer                   



        II           Educational Qualifications/Dates

(a)     Primary School:         Isi Orie Primary School,

                                     Umuezeala- Owerre  1981 - 1986.


   Results Obtained:               First School Leaving Certificate



              (b) Post Primary:                1. Our Lady of Mercy Juniorate Amapu Ntigha

                                                              Abia- State. (1987-1991).

                                      2. Community Secondary School, Onicha Uboma



                Results Obtained:              Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)


                (c)  Post Secondary:                                                                                                                                                         


  1. University of Nigeria, Nsukka,                                                

               Results Obtained                                B.Sc (Ed) (Mathematics)(2nd Class   

                                                                              Honors, (Upper Division)



  1. University of Port Harcourt, Choba,

                                                                            Rivers State, Nigeria. March, 2008.


             Results Obtained                                     PGD Statistics


  1. University of Port Harcourt, Choba, 

                                                                            Rivers State, Nigeria. July, 2010.


             Results Obtained                                  M.Sc Statistics                                                                                                          

                                                                      5. University of Port Harcourt, Choba,

                                                                          Rivers State, Nigeria. June, 2015.


            Results Obtained                                    Ph.d Statistics (Biostatistics)




III     Research/ Publications           

(A)  Theses:                         

1. Comparative Analysis of the Performance by Sex of

    The Secondary School Students in Ehime-Mbano  

     Local Government Area. (Unpublished. B. Sc.)

                                              2.  A Latin Square Design on Egg Production 

          (Unpublished PGD).

    3.    Methods of Analysing Missing Values in A

          Regression Model (Unpublished M.Sc).

    4.    A Generalized Logistic Ridge Regression Estimator

          Using Modified Response Function.(Unpublished




 (B)    Articles in Learned Journals:

  1. Ogoke, U.P., and Nduka E.C (2012). Methods of Analyzing Missing Values in a Regression Model. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. India. 5 (2):.1831-1833.
  2. Ogoke, U.P., Nduka, E.C., Biu, O.E., and Ibeachu C. (2013).A Comparative Study of Foot Measurements Using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Approach. International Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences (Scientia Africana) 12(1):.76-88.


  1. Ogoke, U.P., Nduka, E.C., and Nja, M.E. (2013).The Logistic Regression Model with a Modified Weight Function in Survival Analysis. Journal of Mathematical Theory and Modelling, USA. 3(8): 12-17.


  1. Ogoke, U.P., Nduka, E.C., and Nja, M.E. (2013). A New Logistic Ridge Regression Estimator Using Exponentiated Response Function. Journal of Statistical and Econometric Method, UK. Vol.2 (4):.161-171.


  1. Nja, M.E.,Nduka, E.C., and Ogoke, U.P. (2014). A Modified Iterative   Weighted Least Squares Method. British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, UK. 4(6): 849-857.


  1. Biu, E.O., Ogoke, U.P., and Iwueze S.I. (2014). Application of Range-Test in Multiple Linear Regression Analysis in the Presence of Outliers. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. (Scientia Africana)Vol.13, (1): 138-150.


  1. Ogoke, U.P., Nduka, E.C., and Nja, M.E.(2015) . Bipolar Disorder Investigation Using Modified Logistic Ridge Estimator. International Organisation of Scientific Research (Journal of Mathematics) India.11 (1):.12-15.


  1. Nja, M.E.,Nduka, E.C., and Ogoke, U.P. (2015). Designing an Offset Poisson-Gamma Mixture Regression Model. FULAFIA Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 1(1):77-81.


  1. Ogoke, U.P., Nduka, E.C., and Ajibola, T.S. (2016). Cubic Spline Regression: An Application to Early Bipolar Disorder Dynamics. Open Journal of Statistics, USA. vol.6: 1003-1009.


  1. Ogoke, U.P., Nduka, E.C., and Soyinka, A.T (2016). A Chi-Squared Approach to Obtaining    Missing Values on Egg Production. International Journal of Statistics and Applications, USA. Vol.6 (6): 386-390.


  1. Ogoke, U.P., Nduka, E.C (2016). Comparative Analysis of Population Censuses in Africa. International Journal of African and Asian Studies. USA. Vol.27:. 44-49.


  1. Ogoke, U.P, Nduka, E.C and Taiwo S.A (2016). The Trend of Mood Disorder by Gender. Biometrics and Biostatistics International Journal. USA. Vol (5):. 1-4.


  1. Ogoke, U.P, Oghenejese, M.A and Mbachu H. I (2017). Comparison between Measures of Spatial Autocorrelation.  International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention. India. Vol (5):. 9. 01-12.


  1. Ogoke, U.P and Mbachu H. I (2018).Correlational Analysis of Some infectious Diseases. IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM). India. Vol. 14. (1): II. 54-57.


  1. Nduka, E.C and Ogoke, U.P and (2018). Data Analysis: Imperatives for optimal decision making" International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics. USA Vol 3 (3):. 107-110.


  1. Nwagwu C.C. Nduka, E.C and Ogoke, U.P (2019). Fitting the Ehrenberg’s Law-Like Equation Using Age, Weight and Height of Secondary School Students. International Journal of Statistical Distribution and Application .USA. Vol 5 (1): 10-14.


  1. Dagogo, Joseph; Nduka, Ethelbert .C and Ogoke, Uchenna . P (2020). Comparative Analysis of Richards, Gompertz and Weibull Models. IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM). India. Vol.16. (1):  IV. .15-25


  1. Marcel,Tochukwu.O; Ogoke,Uchenna .P; Nduka, Ethelbert .C (2020). Automation of Balanced Nested Design; NeDPy. International Journal of Statistics and Applications. USA. Vol 10 (1): 17-23.


  1. Ogoke, Uchenna P (2020). Modeling Body Mass Index (BMI), Blood Pressure (BP), Age and Sex to investigate cardiovascular problems. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics Invention (IJMSI) India. 8(2):.10-14.


  1. Chibuike C Nwagwu and Uchenna P Ogoke (2020). Comparative Study of Dynamics of Women of Child-Bearing Age in Nigeria. American journal of mathematics and statistics. USA. Vol 10(2): 38-43.


  1. Oyowei, Esueze Augustine, Nduka Ethelbert Chinaka and Ogoke Uchenna Petronilla (2021). Comparative Test For Model Best-Fit Using Information Criteria, Global Scientific Journals. Malaysia. 9(7): 1-35.


  1. Ogoke, Uchenna Petronilla (2021). A New Statistical Trend in Medical Research- Nested Design, General Letters in Mathematics (GLM), Jordan. 10(1): 11-17.


  1. F.U Nte and U. Ogoke (2018) Sound Pollution Effect on Motor Drivers and Auto mechanics using the 7D Sensitivity Index Model, International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review. 9(3): 20184-20188.


  1. F.U Nte and Ogoke (2018) Determination of Sound Pollution Impact on concentration and performance level of JSS1 Students of University of Port Harcourt Demonstration Secondary School, Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR JAP). 10(2): 51-54.




                   (i)        NATIONAL

  1. 34thAnnual Conference Nigerian Statistical Association Pre-conference workshop Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, 2010(Presenter). Title: Methods of Analyzing Missing Values in a Regression Model.


  1. 35th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria, 2011 (presenter). Title: A Comparative Study of Foot Measurements Using Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) Approach.


  1. 36th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. 2012(Participant).


  1. 37th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria, 2013(Lead Paper Presented by Prof E.C. Nduka with Prof. M.E. Nja and U.P. Ogoke as Co-Presenters). Title: A Generalized Logistic Ridge Regression Estimator Using A Modified Response Function.


  1. 39th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Oshogbo, Osun State Nigeria, 2015 (presenter).Title: Models for comparing and forecasting Population censuses. A case study of Nigeria and Ghana.


  1. 14th Regional Scientific conference of the Sub-Saharan African Network (SUSAN) of the International   Biometric Society, University of Ibadan, 2015 (Presenter). Title: Cubic Spline   Regression: An Approach to Bipolar Disorder.


  1. 40th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Abuja, Nigeria, 2016 (presenter).Title: A Comparative Analysis of Population Censuses in Africa.


  1. International   Pre-Symposium On “Current Research Trends In Mathematical Sciences And Applications”. (3rd to 16th May, 2016), Abuja Nigeria.


  1. International   Symposium On “Current Research Trends In Mathematical Sciences And Applications”.  (17thto 20th May, 2016). Abuja Nigeria.


  1.  1st International Statistical conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Lagos, Nigeria, 2017 (presenter).Title: Corruption Perception Index and its correlates in Nigeria.


  1.  42nd Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association UNIZIK, Awka Nigeria, 2018 (presenter). Title: Fitting the Ehrenberg’s Law-Like Equation Using the Age, Weight and Height of Secondary School Students.


  1.  44th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association CALABAR,2021.



  1. 10th Bi-annual Sub-Saharan African network for the International Biometric Society (IBS) held in Kwame  Nkurume  University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Ghana, 2007(Participant).


  1. 24th International Biometric Conference (IBC) Dublin, Ireland, July 2008.  An Exponential Model For The Classification Of Aba River. (Presenter)


  1. Workshop in Applied Logistic regression and Survival Analysis, at Ohio State University USA, 2012 (Participant).


  1. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Biometrics and Biostatistics,  Hilton Chicago/Northbrook, USA, 2013 (Presenter).Title: The Logistic Regression Model With A Modified Response Probability In Survival Analysis


  1. 27th International Biometric Conference (IBC) Florence, Italy, 2014 (Presenter).
  2. : Bipolar Disorder Investigation Using Modified Logistic Ridge Estimator.


  1. 28th International Biometric Conference (IBC) Victoria, Canada 2016.



  • : (i)    The Trend of Mood Disorder By Gender.
  • ii)   A Chi-Squared Approach to Obtaining Missing Values on Egg     
  1. 29th International Biometric Conference (IBC) Barcelona, Spain, 2018 (Presenter).  Title: Analysis of Anthropometric Factors in a Nested Design


  1. International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2018. (Participant)


  1. Conference Proceedings

(1)   Ogoke, U. P. and Nduka, E. C. (2010) Methods of Analyzing Missing

          Values in a Regression Model. 34th Annual. Conf. Nig. Stat. Assoc.


  1. Ogoke, U. P.,Nduka, E. C. and Mbe, E. N. (2013). The Logistic Regression Model with A Modified Response Probability In Survival Analysis. 2nd Int. Conf. & Exhibition on Biometrics & Biostatistics, Chicago, USA, p65.


  1. Ogoke, U.P.,Nduka, E. C. and Nja, M. E. (2014). Bipolar Disorder Investigation Using Modified Logistic Ridge Estimator. 27th International Biometric Conference, Florence-Italy.
  2. .Ogoke, U.P.,Nduka, E. C (2015). Models for comparing and forecasting Population censuses. A case study of Nigeria and Ghana. 39th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Oshogbo, Osun State Nigeria,


  1. Ogoke, U.P., Nduka, E.C., and Ajibola, T.S (2015) Cubic Spline   Regression: An Approach to Bipolar Disorder. 14th Regional Scientific conference of the Sub-Saharan African Network (SUSAN) of the International   Biometric Society, University of Ibadan,


  1. Ogoke, U.P.,Nduka, E. C. and Soyinka, A. T. (2016). The Trend Of Bipolar Disorder By Gender. 28th International Biometric Conference, Victoria, Canada.


  1. Ogoke, U.P.,Nduka, E. C. and Soyinka, A. T. (2016). A Chi-Square Approach to Obtaining Missing Values on Egg Production. 28th International Biometric Conference, Victoria, Canada.


  1.  Ogoke, U.P and ,Nduka, E. C.  (2016). A Comparative Analysis of

            Censuses in Africa. 40th Annual Conference of Nigerian Statistical Association,

             Abuja, Nigeria.


  1. Ogoke, U.P and,Nduka, E. C.  (2017). Corruption Perception Index and its

                         correlates in Nigeria. 1st International Statistical conference of the Nigerian

                         Statistical Association Lagos, Nigeria.



  1. Ogoke, U.P (2018). Analysis of Anthropometric Factors in a Nested

                         Design 29th International Biometric Conference (IBC) Barcelona, Spain.



VI                Career Objectives

To maximize the available scarce resources and opportunities in the course of my career, to produce viable alternatives to challenging societal problems in my field, to the benefit of humanity through team work and visionary approach.


VII       Research Work in Progress

Presently working on Modelling in Biomedical research




  1. State Honors Award, National Youths Service Corps Rivers State (June, 2001).                   
  2. International Travel Grant Award from the International Biometric Society for the27th International Conference held in Florence, Italy (July, 2014).
  3. Award of the Best Young Statistician  Poster Presentation (African Region) at the 27th International Biometric Society Conference held in Florence, Italy(July, 2014).
  4. TETFUND Grant: 29th International Biometric Conference Barcelona, Spain (July, 2018).
  5. Open Arms Grant: International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2018) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (August, 2018).


IX                      Professional Membership

  1. Nigerian Statistical Association (NSA)
  2. Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS)
  3. International Biometric Society (IBS) Washington DC USA
  4. International Statistical Institute (ISI)
  5. Organization of women in science for developing world (OWSD)


X                 Work Experience.

  1. NYSC (2001-2002) Sacred Heart Seminary Rumuibekwe Port Harcourt

                     (b)   Mathematics Teacher(2003-2008) Sacred Heart Seminary Rumuibekwe Port


                     (c) University of Port Harcourt, 2011– Date


(XI)          Undergraduate Supervision

                   Over sixty (60).


(XII).          Courses Taught

(a)  Undergraduate

                       (i)            STA 160.1   Descriptive Statistics.

                       (ii)   STA 260.1   Introduction to Statistics and Probability.

  (iii)   STA 261.1   Statistical Inference 1.

                      (iv) STA 264.2   Statistics for Agricultural and Biological Sciences.

                       (v)           STA 372.1    Statistical Quality Control.

                      (vi) STA 360.1    Mathematical Statistics II.

                      (vii) STA 363.2    Distribution Theory.

                         (viii)    STA 368.2        Non- Parametric Methods

                      (ix) STA 464.1    Regression Analysis and Model Building.

                      (x) STA 465.1   Sampling Technique.

                      (xi)           STA 463.1   Multivariate Analysis.


    (b)     Post Graduate (PGD)

 (i)   STA 764.2   Multivariate Analysis.

 (ii)   STA 746.1   Inference.

 (iii)  STA 703.1   Regression Analysis/Model Building


(c)   Post Graduate (Masters/PhD)

                          (i)     STA 804.1    Linear Statistical Models

                          (ii)    STA 805.1    Sampling Theory

                          (iii)   STA 815.2    Biostatistics

                          (iv)    EPS 801.1   Statistics and Modeling 

                          (v)     PUT 902      Advanced Biostatistics and Data Science


 (XIII)          Post Graduate Studies Supervision (MSc)

    .                   Four (6).


     (XIV)      (a) University Text

      Nduka, E. C and Ogoke, U.P (2016); Principles of Applied Statistics.  Regression And

     Correlation Analyses,2ndEd.  Timsmek Global Publishers, Choba, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

        ISBN: 978-978-991-707-5.

 (b)  Monograph 

Ogoke U.P and Nduka E.C :Statistical Theory and Analysis in Bioassay

IPS Intelligentsia publishing Services, ISBN978-9789912735

 (c) Chapters in Books

(i) Ogoke U.P and Nduka E.C : Chapter 15: Analytical Techniques in Biosciences. 1st Ed. techniques in biosciences

 Paper back ISBN: 9780128226544;  eBook ISBN:  9780128227992.


(ii) Ogoke U.P  Chapter 9: Regression and Correlation analysis

     Published by Katapuno-Prints, ISBN: 078-978-57793-7-1.


  (XV)    Skills and Proficiency

  1. Possesses excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  2. Team-working ability developed through education, employment and leisure activities.
  3. Good team-player coupled with accurate analytical skills.
  4. Ability to work with minimum supervision.


    XVI      Computational Skills

  1. Presentation and design software use:-Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint.
  2. Statistical software Use: SPSS, SAS4.1, Winmice, Solas, Stata.
  3. Programming language: MATLAB,  R


     XVII               Positions Held

  1. Secretary, International Biometric Society (IBS), Group Nigeria (GNi) till date.
  2. International Biometric Society (IBS), Group Nigeria (GNi), South-South Cordinator.
  3. Welfare officer, Mathematics and Statistics Department from 2014 -2018.
  4. Result upload officer of Mathematics and Statistics Department from 2014 - 2016.
  5. Welfare Vice Chairman, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt 2021 –


  XVIII     Community Service /Committees with the Univerity of Port Harcourt

  1. Member Departmental Board                                                          2011 till date
  2. Member Faculty Board                                                                    2011 till date
  3. Member of the Committee to look into the irregularities in the Sale /Hire of Convocation Gowns in the School of Graduate Studies                    2017
  4. Member of the Faculty of Science Academic Facilities Committee              2018-2020
  5. Faculty of Science Board Representative in Faculty of Agriculture         2021-2023



XIX        Other Activities Outside The University:

  1. Rapporteur, 39th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Oshogbo, Osun State, 2015.
  2. Communique drafting Committee Member, 39th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Oshogbo, Osun State, 2015.
  3. Rapporteur, 40th Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Abuja, Nigeria, 2016.
  4. Scientific Chair, 1st International Statistical conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association Lagos, Nigeria, 2017.
  5. Scientific Chair, 42nd Annual conference of the Nigerian Statistical Association UNIZIK, Awka Nigeria, 2018.


  XX     Hobbies

Reading, Research, Travelling, Listening to Music.



Prof. J.I. Mbegbu

Department of Statistics

University of Benin, Nigeria.

Tel: +234-8020740989

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Prof. E.C. Nduka

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

University of Port Harcourt

Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

Tel: +234-803-7253-778

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Prof. G.O. Avwiri

Department of Physics,

University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.

Tel: +234-803-3137-674

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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