Department of Broadcasting

Austin Edache Abah

  Name: Austin Edache Abah

  Department:  Animal and Environmental Biology.

  Designation: Dr.

  Rank: Senior Lecturer

  Area of Specialization: Parasitology

  Qualifications: Ph.D (Parasitology), M.Sc(Parasitology), M.Sc (Microbiology)  PGD (Microbiology)          AIMLS, FNIST

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +234(0)8033402311

DR. AUSTIN EDACHE ABAH is an active teacher, avid researcher and a compulsive advocate of community development. His research interest is centred within Medical Parasitology especially Neglected Tropical Diseases, Malaria, and their mapping using Geographical Information System. His goal is to intentionally impact his immediate environment, community, the larger society and humanity positively and to contribute significantly to the growth of any organization he finds himself. He is currently a senior lecturer /researcher in the Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, and a visiting scholar to the Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa State all in South- South zone of Nigeria. He worked as both Medical Laboratory Scientist and Science Laboratory Technologist where he rose to rank of Chief laboratory Scientist. He was Assistant Director of Institute of Science Laboratory Technology 2010-2011: Chairman, National Association of Academic Technologists (NAAT) 20062010; Chairman, Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists Nigeria, Uniport Chapter 2017- Date; Representative of congregations, University of Port Harcourt Governing Council Committee on Appointment and Promotions (SPATS) 2005-2013, University of Port Harcourt among other numerous positions of responsibilities in the University. He is the Zonal Coordinator, Nigerian Biological Safety Association, South-South Zone June 2020 till Date.
Dr. Abah has attended over 20 professional trainings both locally and internationally among which are: Advance Biorisk Management Workshop, Port Harcourt, Rivers State South- South Nigeria; Foundation Biorisk Management Workshop for the South-South Geopolitical; Leadership and Strategic Change Management for Actualizing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) for effective service delivery; Training the trainers workshop on infection, prevention and control and medical waste management. Making medical injections safer, John Snow incorporated in collaboration with Africare/TAP; Regional capacity Building in use of Nuclear Techniques for the assessment of contamination in the marine Environment (KIT Germany) organised by IAEA.
He has consulted in so many projects and several studies few among which are: World Bank Assisted Project of National Agricultural Research project (NARP) executed by University of Port Harcourt; Baseline studies for: TSKJ Bonny Island; Park Drilling Rig 75 Opukushi well 9ST, Tunu well II, Kanbo(Dory2)6, Benisede Well 02ST, Benisede well 16ST executed on behalf of SPDC west; EIA of Lagos Lagoon (Egbin to Atlas Cove ) executed by Laser Engineering on behalf of SPDC.
He has presented several papers at many conferences from studies centred on Trichomoniasis, Schistosomiasis, Fasciolasis, Toxoplasmosis, Intestinal parasitic infections and Malaria and has over 50 Journal articles in peer review journals both locally and internationally. He mapped intestinal parasitic infection in Rivers state using geographical information system.
Dr. Austin Abah is a member of many professional associations among which are: Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology (FNISLT), Associate member Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria; Member, Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria; Member, Nigeria Biological Safety Association. Member, Society for Conservation of GIS.