Department of Broadcasting

NZEAKO Sidney Obidimma

Name:                                      NZEAKO, Sidney Obidimma

Department:                             Animal and Environmental Biology

Designation:                            Doctor (Ph.D.)

Rank:                                       Senior Lecturer

Area of Specialization:            Nematology/ Environmental Parasitology

Qualifications:                         B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D.

Email:                                      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone:                                     +234 8038752713      





  1. Name:                                                           NZEAKO, SIDNEY OBIDIMMA
  2. Date of Birth:                                               13th of October, 1973. Owerri-Imo State
  3. Marital Status:                                             Married
  4. Name and Age (s) of Children:                  Maxwell Chkwudumebi Nzeako (11 years)
  5. Name and Relationship of Next of Kin:    Mrs. Julian Ugonnaya Nzeako (Wife)

              Telephone Number:                                    +234816654793

  1. Permanent Contact Address:                     Chief Hon. Maxwell Mma Nzeako’s                                                                                     Compound, Umuagwunafor, Ohohia,                                                                                   Mbeiri, Imo State Nigeria.
  2. State of Origin:                                            Imo State
  3. Local Government Area:                            Mbaitoli

  Email:                                                 ,             This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1. Phone Number:                                           +2348038752713
  2. College/Faculty/Unit:                                   Faculty of Sciences, University of Port                                                                                 Harcourt
  3. Department:                                                 Department of Animal and Environmental                                                                           Biology


  1. Educational Institutions Attended:

University of Port Harcourt2007-2012

University of Port Harcourt2004-2007

University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu1999-2003

Alvan Ikoku college of Education, Owerri1994-1999

Federal Government College, Okigwe1987-1992

Mann Street Primary School, Owerri1981-1986


  1. Educational Qualifications

Ph.D. Nematology (Environmental, Parasitology)2012

M.Sc. Environmental Parasitology2007   

B.Sc. (Hons.) Edu. Biology 2nd Class Upper Division2003

N.C.E Biology/Chemistry1999

General Certificate Examination (GCE)1993

Senior Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.E)1992

First School Leaving Certificate (F.S.L.C)1986


  1. Other Relevant Qualifications

Advanced Digital Appreciation Program for Tertiary

Institutions (ADAPTI) Training, 2014. Organizers:

University of Port Harcourt in Collaboration with

International Centre for Communication Studies 2014

Advanced Training on the use of End Note software package,

University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State2019


  1. Honours, Awards and Distinctions
  1. Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) Conference

Support Grant, 2015.

5.   Research Fellowship with Dates

1. Intra-ACP Share- Staff Mobility Scheme Scholarship 2016.




  1. Secretary, Local Organizing Committee, Zoological Society of

Nigeria, (ZSN) annual conference2021.

  1. Ad-hoc Staff Independent Electoral Commission (INEC)                       2009, 2013, 2019
  2. Reviewer: Nigeria Society for Parasitology and Public Journal               2017 till date
  3. Secretary, Local Organizing Committee, Parasitology and Public

Health Society of Nigeria, (PPSN) annual conference2019.

  1. Associate Editor: Scientia Africana, Faculty of Science                         2018 till date.
  2. Examination Officer: Joint Admission and Matriculation Board           2007-2010.
  3. Biology Teacher: Tessy International Secondary School, 

Port Harcourt2007

  1. Secretary General: Graduate Students Association,

University of Port Harcourt2006

  1. Examination Officer:      West African Examination Council.               2003





  1. Expert and Supervisor: Ph.D. Project on Agro-Nematology,               

University of Calabar2013-2017

  1. Visiting Lecturer: Department of Crop Production, College of                                    Agriculture Makarere University, Uganda                                           2016  
  2. Sabbatical Leave: Department of Zoology, Faculty of Basic and

Applied Sciences, Osun State University, Oshogbo, Osun State,





  1. Research and Development: Dr. M. A. Rufai- Department of Zoology,

Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences, Osun State University,

Oshogbo, Osun State, Nigeria2021

  1. Research and Development- Dr. Ernest Teye- Department of

Food Technology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana at

Trans-ACP Share Mobility Scheme, Makerere University, Uganda. 2016.

  1. Research and Development: Prof. H. Talwana - Department of

Crop Production, School of Agricultural Sciences, College of

Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University,

Kampala, Uganda, 2016.

  1. Research and Development: Prof. P. Kibwika, Department of

Extension and Innovative Studies, School of Agricultural Sciences,

College of Agriculture and Envirnmental Sciences, Makerere

University, Kampala, Uganda, 2016.

  1. Expert and Supervision: Prof. J. Assor- Department of Zoology,

University of Calabar, Cross Rivers State, Nigeria

(Ph.D. Nematology)2013-2017.

  1. Research and Development- Prof. F. I. Onyemaobi, Department

of Crop Protection, Abia State University, Uturu, Abia State,

Nigeria, 2007-2012.

  1. Research and Development- Kowiyou Yessoufou. Department of

Botany and Plant Biotechnology, P. O. Box 524, APK Campus,

Auckland Park, 2006.

  1. Member: American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH)
  2. Member: International Congress of Parasitology
  3. Member: Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria (PPSN)
  4. Member; Nigerian Society of Nematology (NISON)
  5. Member; Nigerian Zoological Society (ZSN) 

To the University of Port Harcourt

  1. Senior Lecturer: Department of Animal and Environmental Biology,

Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, University of Nigeria,

Port Harcourt, 2007 till date.

  1. University Degree Result Verification Officer (DRVO)                            2017 till date.
  2. Departmental Result Officer- Department of Animal and Environmental

Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt2013 till date

  1. Hall Warden, Aminu Kano Hostel A, University of Port Harcourt, Choba,

Rivers State,2017-2019

  1. Secretary: Departmental Post Graduate and under graduate Curriculum

Review Committee, 2018.

  1. Table Officer: Animal and Environmental Biology Department                  2008-2010
  2. Member: University Convocation Accommodation Sub Committee

University of Port Harcourt.2009-2012

  1. Member: Faculty of Science Seminar Coordination Committee                   2012   
  2. Time Examination Officer: Department Animal and Environmental Biology 2010-2013

To the Community

  1. Monthly environmental Sanitation
  2. Public Speaking and Enlightenment speaking
  3. Husband, Parenting, motivator and sponsor of community development projects

To the National

  1. Adhoc Officer for INEC Voter registration and Elections
  2. Adhoc Examination for WAEC and UTME Council
  3. Lecturer and Counselor to students in Nigerian University (see sections D&E)  

To the International Community

  1. Visiting Lecturer: Department of Crop Production, College of                                   Agriculture Makarere University, Uganda,                                          2016,
  2. Research and Development- Dr. Ernest Teye, Department of Food      

Technology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana at Trans-ACP Share Mobility

Scheme, Makerere University, Uganda, 2016.

  1. Research and Development: Prof. H. Talwana - Department of

Crop Production, School of Agricultural Sciences, College of

Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University,



  1. General Biology -                                                                                      100 level
  2. Animal Behaviour-                                                                                    200 level
  3. Lower Invertebrates-                                                                                200 level
  4. Introductory Parasitology                                                                         300 level
  5. Introductory Parasitology                                                                         400 level
  6. Ecology, Taxonomy and Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases-                       400 level
  7. Nematology-                                                                                             400 level
  8. Immunology and Immunodiagnosis of Parasitic Infections-                    400 level
  9. Project Implementation                                                                             400 level
  10. Applied Parasitology and Biochemistry of Parasites-                              400 level
  11. Advanced Nematology                                                                             800 level
  12. Advanced Immunology and Immunodiagnosis of parasites-                   800 level
  13. Socioeconomic Parasitology                                                                     800 level









  1. Nzeako, S. O. (2019). Essentials of Nematology: A guide to understanding nematology. Oscom Prints, Rumalagu, Port Harcourt, Rives State, Nigeria.
  2. Vincent-Akpu, I. F., Nzeako, S. O. and Imafidor, H.O. (2019). Aspects of Animal Behavior, Tman Prints, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
  3. Nzeako, S. O. (2018). Schematics of taxonomy of parasites, Oscom Prints, Rumalagu, Rives State, Nigeria.
  4. Nzeako, S.O., Babatunde, B. B. and Numbere, A.O. (2017). Aspect of Scientific Research, Understanding the project report outline, Tman Prints, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
  5. Nzeako, S.O., Nduka, F.O., and Eze, C. N. (2017). Introduction to the Biology of Lower Invertebrates, Tman Prints, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


Contributions to Chapters in Text Books


  1. Nzeako, S. O. (2014). Classification of Organisms, In: Basic Biology, Peal Publishers ISBN-978-978-48309-2-9.
  2. Nzeako, S. O. and Uwakwe, A. A. (2011). Substances of life. In: Biology; The basis of life. (Eds). Davidstone Publishers Ltd, Port Harcourt. Pp.23-39. ISBN: 979-978-52149-5-8.
  3. Nzeako, S. O., Stanley, H.O. and Etukudo, M. M. (2011). Investigations in biology. In: Biology: The basis of life. (Eds). Davidstone Publishers Ltd, Port Harcourt. Pp.62-71.
  4. Nzeako, S. O., Mboso, E. and Agogbue, J. U. (2011). Investigation in Biology. In: Foundation of Life: A laboratory manual for general Biology Students (Eds) Lynno Nigeria Company Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port Harcourt. Pp.16-17.
  5. Nzeako, S. O. (2011). The Microscope In: Foundation of Life: A laboratory manual for general Biology Students (Eds) Lynno Nigeria Company Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port Harcourt. Pp.18-20.
  6. Nzeako, S.O., Stanley, H.O. and Imafidor, H.O.  (2011). Preparation of specimens for scientific studies; In: Foundation of Life; A laboratory manual for general Biology Students (Eds) Lynno Nigeria Company Catholic Institute of West Africa, Port Harcourt. Pp. 58-62.


  1. Foghi, B. O.; Nduka, F. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2021). Malaria Parasitaemia and Intervention Measures amongst Pregnant Women in Delta State, Nigeria, The International Journal of Science and Technoledge, 9 (10): 01-8.  DOI No.: 10.24940/theijst/2021/v9/i10/ST2110-003.
  2. Foghi, B. O.; Nduka, F. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2021). Effects of Malaria on some Haematological Parameters among Pregnant Women in Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Tropical Disease and Health 42 (16): 21-29,; Article no.IJTDH.75961 ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866.
  3. Ogidi, M., Egbom, S. E.; Arene, F.O.I.; Nduka, F. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2021). Impact of Climatic Variables on the Temporal Patterns of Malaria in Oyigbo L.G.A, Rivers State, Nigeria, The International Journal of Science and Technoledge,  Foghi, B. O.; Nduka, F.O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2021). Malaria Parasitaemia and Intervention Measures amongst Pregnant Women in Delta State, Nigeria. The International Journal of Science and Technoledge, 9 (10): 2110-003, DOI No.: 10.24940/theijst/2021/v9/i10/ST2110-003.
  4. Egbom, S. E.; Ogidi, M.; Nduka, F O. and Nzeako, S. O.  (2021). Malaria Prevalence and its Demographic Determinants in Oyigbo Local Government Area, Rivers State, South-South, Nigeria, Asian Journal of Biology, 12 (4): 26-33.  
  5. Nzeako, S. O.; Akai, U. C.; Okorie, A.; Chioma, J.; Wogu, M. N. and
    Imafidor, H.O. (2021). Plant Parasitic Nematodes Parasitism on The Nutritional Status of Yam (Dioscorea Species) Tubers in Nigeria, Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 14 (3): 16-26.
  6. Osarokaka A. J., Nzeako S. O., Imafidor H. O. and Living-Jamala U. (2021). Soil nematodes status of crude oil polluted sites in Bodo community, Gokana Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria, African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 15 (2): 85-97.
  7. Ugwumba, E. C., Imafidor, H. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2019). Pathogenicity of Different levels of Meloidogyne javanica on indigenous and exotic Solanum lycopersicum varieties; Derica and F1 Cobra 26, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science, 6 (11): 85-89.
  8. Nzeako, S. O., Talwana, H., Teye, E., Sekanjako, I., Nabweteme, J., and Businge, M. A. (2019). Characterization of the Soil Nematode Fauna of Makerere Hill, Kampala, Uganda. Journal of Entomology and Nematology, 11(6): 70-84.                                                              
  9. Imafidor, H. O., Nzeako, S. O., Amadi, M. C. (2019). Effect of Pleurotuso streatus on Root-knot Nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (Moench), International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science, 5(5): 85-89.
  10. Ezenwaka, C. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2019). Efficacy of Artesunate and praziquantel combination on the prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis among children in Abua/Odual Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 40 (1): 65-75.                                                           
  11. Nweke, D. O., Sikoki, F. D. and Nzeako, S. O. (2018). Comparative study of parasitic loads of Callinectes amnicola and Cardisoma armatum from two major river systems in Rivers State, Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 39 (1): 60-68.
  12. Nzeako, S. O., Ukala, E. N. and Ezenwaka, C. O. (2017). Coccidiosis in village-scavenging fowls in Eligbo, Rivers State, Nigeria. Nigeria. Scientia Africana, 16: (2): 10-17.
  13. Nzeako, S. O., Kalu, M. I. and Ezenwaka, C. O. (2017). Coccidiosis of village scavenging fowls in Abiriba, Abia State, Nigeria. Scientia Africana, 16 (2): 71-78.
  14. Ezenwaka, C. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2017). Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of Urinary Schistosomiasis among School-aged Children in Abua/Odual Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of Basic Science and Technology, 3 (1): 8-16.
  15. Elele, K., Nzeako, S. O. and Asor, J. E. (2017). Nematode Occurrence and Distribution in an Organically Managed Solanum Melongena L Field. Scientia Agriculturae, 20 (3): 71-80
  16. Teye, E. and Nzeako, S. O. (2017).  Drying, Re-hydraton and Sensory Properties of Pretreated Jackfruit, BAOJ Food Sci. and Technique. 1: (2): 1: 007.
  17. Noutcha, A. E. M., Nzeako, S. O. and Okiwelu, Samuel N. (2017). Offtake Numbers at 5-Yearly Intervals over a 10 Year Period in the Catchment Area of a Rural Bush meat Market, Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports. 13(3): 1-5.
  18. Egbom, S. and Nzeako, S. O. (2017). Malaria Parasitaemia amongst Military Personnel Households in a Military Formation in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 5(1): 0010-0016.
  19. Imafidor, H. O., Angaye, G. P., Nzeako, S. O. (2016). The Effects of Some Bio-Nematicides on the Productivity of Capsicum annum. J. Environ. Treat. Tech., 4 (4): 111-117.
  20. Wogu, M. N., Nduka, F. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2016). ABO Blood Groups and Malaria Parasitaemia in Outpatients of BMSH Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 11 (3): 1-4.
  21. Nzeako, S.O., Uche, A.O., Umoren, P., Ezeanwaka, C. and Nzeako, M.M. (2016) Inventory of harvested wildlife sold at The Omagwa bush meat market, Rivers, State, Nigeria. Annals of Biological Research, 7(6): 12-19.
  22. Nzeako, S, O., Imafidor, H. O., Ogwumba, E. and Ezenwaka, C. O. (2016). Vertical Distribution of the Lesion nematode: Pratylenchus species in Selected Turf Fields in Rivers State, Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. 9, (7): I. 53-58.
  23. Nzeako, S. O., Imafidor, H.O., Ghenesoo, B. A., Torle, M. E. and Eze, C. N. (2015). Plant Parasitic Status of Seed Yams in Khana L.G.A, Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 3 (7): 0266-0273. http:www//  
  24. Nzeako, S. O., Nduka, F. O. Wogu, M. N. and Monye, J. I.  (2015). Isolation of Parasites from Black Tiger Prawn: Peaeaus monodon from Isaka River, Okirika Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria. Annual Research and Review in Biology, 8 (1): 1-11.
  25. Nzeako, S, O., Imafidor, H. O., Uche, A. and Udofia, I. (2015). Nematodes of New Calabar River: A tropical freshwater body. Scholars Research Library Annals of Biological Research, 6 (9): 36-42
  26. Godwin, P. A., Imafidor, H. O., Nzeako, S. O. and Angaye, T. C. N. (2015). Bionematicidal Potentials of Azadirachta indica (A. juss), Vernonia amygdalina (DEL), Manihot esculenta, Carica papaya. L. and Citrus sinensison Meloidogyne incognita of Capsicum annuum, Var. Bell, Journal of Advances in Biological and Basic Research, 01(05): 99-104.
  27. Angaye, G. P., Imafidor, H. O., Nzeako, S.O. and Angaye, T. C. N. (2015). Performance Evaluation of Some Potential Bionematicides on Leaf and Fruit Production of Capsicum annuum, Bulletin of Advanced Scientific Research, 01 (07): 151-156.
  28. Nzeako, S. O., Imafidor, HArinze Uche and Iberedem Udofia (2015). An assessment of the nematode population in the benthic zone of a tidal, freshwater body using the lower results of the New Calabar River as a Case study. Journal of Biology Agriculture and Healthcare, 5 (17)
  29. Nzeako, S. O., Uche, A.O., Imafidor, H. O. and Bilabou, T.B.  (2015). Flooding Induced Occurrence of Terrestrial Nematodes species in the Benthos of River Nun in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 2(1): 1-9.
  30. Uche, A., Sikoki, F., and Nzeako, S. O. (2014). Endoparasiteamia of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus in a Tidal Freshwater Body in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 2 (7): 250-260.
  31. Nzeako, S. O., Imafidor, H. O., Uche, A. O. and Ogufere, M. O.  (2014). Agro-Related Anthropogenic Activity on Soil Nematodes in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Scientific Research and Review, 1(3):  032-040.
  32. Nzeako, S. O., Uche, A. O., Imafidor, H. O., Abraham, N. (2014). Endoparasitemia fauna of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacepede, 1802) in New Calabar River, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 1 (6): 208-212.
  33. Okoroafor, U. P. and Nzeako, S. O.  (2014). Prevalence of Haemoparasites of Cattle from Three Abattoirs in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria, International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences, 2(7): 244-249.
  34. Foghi, B. O., Eze, N. C. and Nzeako, S. O. (2014). Helminthiasis in School Aged Children in a Select Population in the Niger Delta. International Journal of tropical disease and Health, 4 (7): 793-801,
  35. Eze N. C., Nzeako, S. O. and Nduka, F. O. (2014). Patterns of Plasmodium falciparum among Settled Fulani Pastoralists in Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of tropical disease and Health, 4(3): 295-305,
  36. Nzeako, S. O., Nwaimo, N. C., Kafaru, O. J., Onoja, H. (2013). Nematode Parasitemia in School aged Children in Sapele, Delta State, Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Parasitology, 32 (2): 129-133.
  37. Nzeako, S. O., Nduka, F. O., Obilete, A. O. (2013). Prevalence of Malaria in Pregnant Women Attending Ante Natal Care at University of Port Harcourt Primary Health Care Centre Aluu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences (IJSRES), 1(10): 268-272, Available online at
  38. Sikoki, F. D., Nzeako, S. O., and Nchege, B. (2013). Evaluation of Nematode Parasitemia in Oreochromis niloticus from Lower New Calabar River, Port Harcourt, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Inter J. of Sci. Research in Environmental. Science. 1 (10): 263-267.
  39. Nzeako, S. O., Imafidor, H. O. and Onyenobi, F. I. (2013). Assessment of the biocontrol effect of Psuedomonas flourescens on Meloidogyne javanica infected tomato cultivars; Roma VF and UC83B. International Journal of Agricultural Science Research., 2 (4): 090-094.
  40. Nzeako, S. O., Yessoufou, K., van der Bank, M. and Imafidor, H. O.  (2013). Testing impacts of endoparasitic nematode Meloidogyne javanicaon crop productivity, using tomato cultivar “Gboko” as a case study in Nigeria International Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science Research., 1, (1): 01 – 09.
  41. Oriakpono, O. E., Hart, A. I., Awi-Waadu, G. D. B. and Nzeako, S. O. (2012). Anti-Parasitic Effects of Methanolic Extracts of Artemisia annua L. against Parasites of Sarotherodon melanotheron. International Journal of Modern Biology and Medicine, 1(2): 108-116.
  42. Nzeako, S. O., Imafidor, H. O. and Ihenacho, P.C. (2011). Effects of crude oil on soil nematode community in a polluted site in Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Bioscience Research, (83): 30-35.
  43. Eze, N.C. and Nzeako, S.O. (2011). Intestinal Helminthes amongst the Hausa and Fulani Settlers at Obinze, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Nig. Journal of Parasitology. 32 (2): 225-230.
  44. Owhoeli, O.; Agi, P. I.; Nzeako, S. O. and Eze, N. C. (2011). Prevalence of gastro-intestinal Helminthes in exotic and indigenous animals slaughtered in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nig. Journal of Parasitology, 32 (1): 45-48.
  45. Agi, P. I., Nzeako, S.O., Imafidor, H.O. and Saikpere, O. M. (2010). Prevalence of Coccidiosis in Free-range fowls in Obio-Akpor, Local Government Area, Rivers State.  Nigerian Journal of Parasitology. 31(2): 55-59. 
  46. Eze, N. C. E., Nzeako, S. O. and Amadi, E. C. (2010). Current status of malaria and urban schistosomiasis infections in the Mammy Market Free Zone of the 34th Field Artillery Brigade in Obinze, Owerri. Nig. J. of Parasitology, 31(2): 60-68.
  47. Nzeako, S.O. and Imafidor, H.O. (2010). Effects of different rhizosphere Meliodogyne javanicaon the growth of the tomato cultivar Gboko. African Journal of Zoology and Environmental Biology, 12: (1), 34-36.
  48. Imafidor, H. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2008). Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne javanica on growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv. Derica; Effects on fruit yield. Nig. J. of Parasitology, 29 (2): 121-124.
  49. Imafidor, H.O. and Nzeako, S.O. (2007). A study of the effects of Meliodogyne javanica on the growth of the tomato cultivar UC83B. African J of Applied Zoological and Environmental Biology, (9):1-4.




  1. Evaluation of the role of Earthworm in the transmission Geohelminths and plant parasitic nematodes.
  2. Determination of Entomopathogenic nematodes in the common insect species in Rivers State.




  1. Iwuamadi, M. O. and Nzeako, S. O. (2021). Determination of Piroplasma sporozoites in ticks recovered from cattle and goats in Obio Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. 14th Annual Conference of the Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN). Garden City 2021, at the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, ZSN2021 Abstract 023.
  2. Nwosu, I. I.; Nzeako, S. O. and Oswoabo, A. (2021). The evaluation of the parasitological significance of Earthworm. 14th Annual Conference of the Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN). Garden City 2021, at the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, ZSN2021 Abstract047
  3. Egbom, S.E., Ogidi, M., Arene, F.O.I., Nduka, F.O., Nzeako, S.O., Sunday, V.N., and Nzewi, C. (2019). Geospatial Mapping of Primary Health Care Facilities for Malaria Elimination in Rivers State. 43rd Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
  4. Egbom, S. E., Nduka, F.O., Nzeako, S. O., Sunday, V.N., and Owujie, N.S. (2019). Impact of Environmental Changes on Malaria Prevalence in Oyigbo L.G.A. Rivers State, Nigeria. 43rd Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting of Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
  5. Nzeako, S.O., Nduka, F.O. and Okunuga, O. H., Awareness Studies on Malaria and Lymphatic Filariasis in three Local Government Areas of Rivers State, Nigeria, 64TH Annual Meeting of American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 25th-29th October, 2015, Philadephia, USA.
  6. Nzeako, S.O., Nduka, F.O. and Okunuga, O. H. (2015). Awareness Studies on Malaria and Lymphatic Filariasis in three Local Government Areas of Rivers State, Nigeria, 36th Annual Conference of the Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria, Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
  7. Nzeako, S.O., Nduka, F.O. Wogu, M.N. and Monye, J. I. (2015). Isolation of Parasites from Black Tiger Prawn: Peaeaus monodon from Isaka River, Okirika Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria.36th Annual Conference of the Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria, Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. 2nd- 5th September, 2015.
  8. Nzeako, S.O., Nduka, F.O. and Okunuga, O. H., Awareness Studies on Malaria and Lymphatic Filariasis in three Local Government Areas of Rivers State, Nigeria,
  9. Nzeako, S.O., Nwaimo, N.C.; Kafaru, O. J.; Nduka, F.O. and Onoja, H. Nematodiasis in school aged children in the flood regions of Sapele, Delta State, Nigeria. International Conference of Parasitology, Mexico 2013, ICOPA XIII.
  10. Nzeako, S. O., Uche, A.; and Abraham, Ngozi. Endoparasitic Fauna of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus of a Tidal Freshwater in the Niger Delta. International Conference of Parasitology, Mexico 2013, ICOPA XIII.
  11. Ezenwaka, C.O.; Nsofor, C. I.; and Nzeako, S.O. Prevalence of Intestinal Helminthes among Primary School children in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. Nig. J. of Parasitology, ISSN 11174145 (2011). 
  12. Nzeako, S.O.; Imafidor, H.O.; and Onyenobi, F.I. Biocontrol of Meliodogyne javanica infection in four tomato varieties with the bacterium; Psuedomonas flourescens. 36TH annual conference of the Society for plant protection (2011). Book of Abstract, Pp. 35.
  13. Sikoki, F. D., Nchege, N. B. and Nzeako, S. O. (2011). The prevalence of parasitic infections in Oreochromis niloticus from lower New Calabar River State Nigeria. Nig. J. of Parasitology, ISSN 11174145.
  14. Daniel, U. I., Nzeako, S. O. and Otamiri, E. V. (2011). The prevalence of Gastro-intestinal nematodes parasites in Clarias gariepininus and Oreochromis niloticus juveniles from the African Regional Aquacultural Centre in Aluu; Rivers State Nigeria. Nig. J. of Parasitology, ISSN 11174145.
  15. Imafidor, H. O. and Nzeako, S.O. (2008). Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne javanica on growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv. Derica; Effects on fruit yield. Nig. J. of Parasitology, ISSN 11174145.
  16. Imafidor, H.O. and Nzeako, S.O. (2007). A study of the effects of Meliodogyne javanica on the growth of the tomato cultivar UC83B. Nig. J. of Parasitology, ISSN 11174145.



Public Speaking, Reading, Writing, Soccer, Scrabble, Meeting people, Movies, Driving and Cooking.




  1. Characterization of soil nematodes in the Makerere Hills, Kampala, Uganda,                   March- July, 2016.
  2. Determination of the parasitic fauna of wildlife sold in Omagwa Bush Market in Rivers State, Nigeria, 2013-2016.
  3. Inventory of the wildlife landed at various Bushmeat markets and Determination of factors that promote the exploitation of wildlife in Rivers State, 2013-2016.
  4. Determination of the nutritional status of plant parasitic nematode infected yam; Diocorea spp.
  5. Isolation of Parasites from Black Tiger Prawn: Peaeanus monodon from brackish Water Systems in Rivers State, Nigeria, 2015.
  6. Determination of the plant Parasitic Fauna of Oil Palms Plantations ADAPALM and RIVPALM Plantations in Imo and Rivers States of Nigeria, 2010-2013.
  7. Determination of soil nematode fauna of Crude oil Polluted farms in Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State.
  8. Biocontrol of Meloidogyne javanica in four varieties of Solanum esculemtum; Roma VF., UC83B, Derica and Gboko using the bacterium; Pseudomonas fluorescence and the fungus; Arthrobotrys oligospora, 2007-2011.
  9. Determination of the Pathogenicity of M. javanica in four varieties of Solanum esculemtum; Roma VF, UC83B, Derica and Gboko, 2004-2006.



My research endeavor had contributed immensely to the study of malaria in pregnancy in relation to attendance to Primary Health Care in the Niger Delta. We have elucidated the risk factors and interventions options available to Households towards the control of soil transmitted helminthes in the Niger Delta. The influence role of earthworm as vector of parasites of economic importance had been orchestrated through our research. It is now evident that Entomophilous nematodes are endemic in common insects in the Niger Delta and could be assessed as Biocontrol Agents for insect pests. Through the researches we have conducted in the field of nematology, the parasitism of plant parasitic nematodes in tomato (Solanium esculentum) and yam; (Diocorea spp.) are documented in the Niger Delta. The study of the effect of crude oil on the soil and aquatic nematode fauna had shown that nematodes are great bioindicators of environmental alterations in the ecosystem. The characterization of soil nematode fauna of the Makerere Hills in Uganda, had documented the soil nematode fauna of Equatorial Africa and serves as a reference to researchers in the field of nematology 


  1. Professor F. O. Nduka; Department of Animal and Environmental Biology University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
  2. Prof. H.O. Imafidor: Department of Animal and Environmental Biology University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
  3. Prof. P. Kibwika, Department of Extension and Innovative Studies, School of Agricultural Sciences, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.



Dr. S.O. Nzeako